First gig with Kemper on Saturday

  • So as the title says, I'm going to be using my Kemper this Saturday live for the first time. Does anyone have any tips for me?

    I've tried it through two different PA's, which were in a rehearsal room so they were only the sort that you use in small venues/ only tops.

    One PA it sounded great, the other sounded harsh and brittle using the exact same settings.

    The venue I'll be playing as a massive PA System, which I'm guessing is fullrange as it has subs too.

    So yeah, any tips?

  • Make sure you have your monitoring setup sorted and only adjust that during the the soundman to eq it if needed out front but start flat I'd suggest.

    Also , used the balanced outputs (xlr's). If possible run stereo and pan each channel hard left and right

  • Most folks here turn their main outs down to somewhere around -15dB to avoid overloading the mixing desk inputs.
    Also, if you haven't already, tune your presets at gig/rehearsal levels through your PA

    Personally I'd avoid stereo unless you really need some fancy effect's (but as Robman says, use xlr, which is what the soundguy will most likely give you anyway)

    ...and DON"T let him mic up your cab haha

    Best tip.....have fun with your first KPA're gonna love it.

  • Be careful with balanced connections, they often activate the strip's mic pres by default ;)

    Also, remember you have EQ on the outputs to tweak the PA\room. Try to not touch your rigs!

    Last, place your Profiler where you feel confident that you can operate it for any need. You probably won't, but the feeling is relaxing for me. Also, be sure you can always see the LEDs and the display from your position.

    Have fun! :)

  • I felt the same way on my first KPA gig a couple of years ago and took a small combo as a backup that I could change to between sets if I wasn't happy with my sound.....didn't need it!

    Oh, and don't forget to turn down your main out to avoid clipping the board....those mic pre's can't handle the full line output of the KPA.

    Have fun!

    Thanks everyone! So mainly only tweak the Main Out EQ? Hopefully the engineer is decent :P

    I'm still really aprehensive about it all haha

  • Hi

    I've an additional question on that topic. I've already had a few gigs with my Kemper, but I miced the cab (because I wanted to avoid too different cab sounds when switching from a 4*12 to a 1*10 and then to a 1*12 and so on ).
    Nevertheless, I started to adjust the different sounds and now I'm really happy with them on my studio monitors (XLR main out stereo) as well as on my 4 12 cab (mono).
    How do you adjust your main output for live and/or studio conditions, or in other words, which main output setting do you prefer.
    I think of a level that is only affected by the rig volume and not by my volume pedal...but what would be the correct setting for the volume pedal in this case (I still like to adjust my 4 12 cab volume on stage)...I had some trouble last week with this, so thanks in advance for sharing your experiences!


  • Question:
    How do you adjust your main output for live and/or studio conditions, or in other words, which main output setting do you prefer.

    Set Main Outputs to Master Mono or Stereo (per as your preference). Make sure ou set output level to approx. -18- -15 dB and unlink Main Outputs from the Master volume.

    I think of a level that is only affected by the rig volume and not by my volume pedal...but what would be the correct setting for the volume pedal in this case (I still like to adjust my 4 12 cab volume on stage)...I had some trouble last week with this, so thanks in advance for sharing your experiences!

    Configure your volume pedal to only affect monitor volume and nor master volume.

  • You control the volume but at various points in the signal path. Mine came with a default pedal position in front of the preamp which means that when you lower the pedal you lose gain as well. You can change it in the rig menu and your choice can be locked so that it applies in all rigs. Mine is now pre effects which lets me change the volume of the rig without affecting it's gain

    A brace of Suhrs, a Charvel, a toaster, an Apollo twin, a Mac, and a DXR10

  • The volume pedal can be in any of these places

    Off; The Volume Pedal has no effect.

    Pre-Stomps: Directly before STOMP A

    Post-Stomps: Right after STOMP D. At this position you control the gain of the amplifier.

    Pre-Effects: Right before STOMP X. At this position you control the overall volume of the sound, but delay and reverb tails will still decay naturally, when you swell down the pedal.

    Post-Effects: Right after the reverb. At this position you control the overall volume of the sound, including reverb and delay tails that can instantly be attenuated.

    These are are choices you can make on the volume pedal page of the rig menu. Mine is the last but one.

    A brace of Suhrs, a Charvel, a toaster, an Apollo twin, a Mac, and a DXR10