Weird that no-one mentioned it yet...

  • Seeing the above Golub video was the reason I bought the KPA back in 2012.

    :) Imagine if Sam Vilo would make profile from each video he posts on YT. That would be awesome! I wonder why he does not do that? If anyone here know him, please tell him to do so. :)
    I remember, when I first saw that video of Golub Marshall, I listened to it for hours during work, when I was unable to play that profile.

  • From my readings and scouring the net, I'd have to say, the AXE FX fan boys are, sadly, supported by and encouraged by Fractal. I'm new to Kemper , Just bought it a few days ago so I've been researching extensively for the last couple of months.

    Every time I went to the gear page to research The AXE FX and Kemper and found any discussions where someone is stating some negative impression of the AXE FX, somehow when I come back to find the thread, the thread has disappeared. Even the member has disappeared also.

    I don't know who owns that forum but deleting content that has no profanity or offensive language merely because someone says that AXE FX sound harsh is indicitive of deeply troubled individuals and this should be discouraged by Fractal if Fractal truly didn't approve of this absurd marketing agenda that they use in their website themselves also!

    Regardless, the reason why I'm keeping the Kemper is because I profiled one of my amps and I couldn't tell the difference so I know for amp tone, you can't get more accurate, period. The AXE does sound good, but compared to Kemper it's definitely not as natural or musical.

    You are definately not alone in your discoveries about censorship and what's happening on The Gear Page and FAS. It's been talked about for many years on forums. Here is a link to a very funny satire article that shows what is going on on the Fractal forum and The Gear Page. Lots of humor but it describes what's going on very well and it's sad that the biggest digital amp forum is not managed by other people without any company agenda or affiliations.
    Fractal Axe Fx Cliff Chase & Scott Peterson announce new NSA censorship software…p-software.html

    Back on topic, some more A-B clips and thoughts about quantum fw:
    News from the Axe FX world

  • You are definately not alone in your discoveries about censorship and what's happening on The Gear Page and FAS. It's been talked about for many years on forums.

    Wow, that's not a very smart business plan to say the least. I personally think that business owners should never get involved in public relations. It's not a good idea due to their emotional attachments and it's easy for some to lose rationale to the point of stupidity, unless they're more than 100% in control of their emotions and treat it as separate job and handle it the same as a professional public relation manger would handle it. I'm sure there's someone at Ftactal that can handle PR much better than CLiff. Then you add the gearpage Scott Peterson's and they have just created a recipe for Public relation nightmare. Knowing that I'm not the only one that got this impression, clearly means that it's hurting their business.

    I know it might sound crazy, but I wouldn't even consider buying anything fractal makes because of its public relation as on the gearpage and on their own web site. I scoured those website to find some issues relating to support, nothing except for 100% gushing. That's impossible. To give an example of my experience with the Kemper website to compare. I read where some customer was traveling in Asia and claimed that support told him to solder an internal part and he broke his Kemper. Every message he posted was there for me to read and not deleted and when I read the whole thing, it turned out that he requested the information even when he was told to send it back to his dealer as part of the warranty and he chose not to. That gave me more confidence in the company because everything is in the open, no secrecy.

    Kemper's commitment to updates is also a good thing even though I'm happy with the profiler as is today.Updates are nice but even if there's no single update that is yet to come, I would have no problem whatsoever. So getting back to topic, the updates at Fractal should really mean little to a rational person unless it's fixing major bugs that impedes the operation of the unit.

    Frankly, it's a pain in the ass having all these updates and I doubt that working professionals would be thrilled to update risking changing the sound of their presets. Then again, Kemper profilers update don't change the sounds of your presets. We can talk about this foreever but in the end of the day things can be compared simply by bein better or worse. if something is better, it shouldn't be offensive to anyone to accept even the owner of the company.

    Maybe AXE II owners should demand that the next update is guaranteed not to change the sound of their presets because Kemper is better in that regard ! But it has to make it sound better so it's not a reach to conclude that it's not a finished products in regards to amp modeling.

    Edited 3 times, last by Dean_R (September 5, 2015 at 3:44 AM).

  • I dont believe anything Cliff says, although i do believe he is a very smart and technically accurate when writing about things he actually knows. Its just that when it comes to him and the Kemper, its all FUD. ridiculous. He argues everything the Kemper does is simple and not accurate. Then why doesnt he do it? The KPA HAS to be accurate. You are a/b'ing profiles to real rigs. Meanwhile hes on fw 21, rebranding his tube algorithms with ridiculous buzzword names, and if you look through the release thread there are plenty of ppl out there who feel it needs some work for high gain and think it made it worse. Personally, i thought clark kents clip sounded better in the new algorithm than the old and i heard a clear difference. I do think hes onto something. Hopefully we'll get some good axe fx profiles from it!

  • News from the Axe FX world...AND sound clips not available in OTHER post :P:D…ublic-beta.html…tml#post1241850

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    threads merged.

  • ... Hopefully we'll get some good axe fx profiles from it!

    Based on my experience, the amp and speaker Profile is the most accurate; it's more accurate than a merged profile if a different cab or impulse response is used and will always be more accurate than the AXE FX until Cliff or someone figures out, among other things, how to change the speaker interaction with every cab or impulse response without expecting the guitar player to input parameter for speaker impedance and who knows what else that they they would need to research if not provided by the impulse response maker . Again I'm not an expert on this, but I believe the speaker interaction has much more impact on the accuracy of the sound than Cliff or CK have provided as solutions (with the merged Cab). Maybe line 6 figured it out with the Helix, we'll have to wait and see. I decided that I will stick to full amp profiles because everything is already figured out, but will use the merged for experimentation.

    I'm sure the AXE FXhas all kinds of parameters for impedance/ratio etc, but how do you know how to set these parameters once you loaded a different impulse response presuming the that the formulas and algorithms are accurate. If you don't set these things correctly, you're just playing through an unrealistic amp that will never exist (not a bad thing if that's what you want)

    According to "Cliff: "There are certain aspects that simply can't be modeled and require user intervention. For example, a speaker has a low-frequency resonance. A tube amp will create a higher output at that resonant frequency. The Axe-Fx has no way of knowing what that resonant frequency is and defaults to a value that is common for the speakers that are typically used with that amp. However, if you drive that speaker through a solid-state amp you won't excite the resonance unless you adjust the Speaker Resonant Frequency to match it."

    If I owned an AXE II , I would really appreciate a list of all these crucial things that can't be modeled that I know exist

    Here's the link to what I quoted.…eters#SPKR_page

    Edited once, last by Dean_R (September 5, 2015 at 1:51 PM).

  • Here is a link to a very funny satire article that shows what is going on on the Fractal forum and The Gear Page. Lots of humor but it describes what's going on very well and it's sad that the biggest digital amp forum is not managed by other people without any company agenda or affiliations.
    Fractal Axe Fx Cliff Chase & Scott Peterson announce new NSA censorship software…p-software.html

    OMG. That is SPOT ON! :D:thumbup:

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • What is the point of this clip ,someone highlight me please ????

    When the guys will start creating songs and actually playing a music using guitar ,instead to produce awful noise?

    Disaster ! :D8o=O:thumbdown:

    This sounds pretty good, though.

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  • Cripes!

    I've lived at the unofficial MOTU forum (UnicorNation, not MOTUNation) for at least 10 years, and the consensus there is that it's rude not to include your plug-in, I/O interfacing and computer hardware specs in your sig. It expedites troubleshooting for obvious reasons.

    I've included a rough "contextual" summary of my "rig" in my sig since day one here, thinking it was the proper thing to do. I appreciate this "European" take on the matter 'though; the aforementioned forum is a US one after all.

    Sorry if my sig gave the impression I'm an arse. I mean, I am an arse, but I'd prefer not to give that impression. You know the one - two dents in the sofa imparted by a pair of butt cheeks.

    Consider it removed (the sig, not either of my cheeks) until someone convinces me to reinstate it.