Applications for MIDI transmission – user feedback requested

  • So far each Slot in Performance Mode is capable sending up to two MIDI program changes regardless of how the Slot got loaded.

    We are now in the process considering enhancements of MIDI transmission capabilities and are requesting user inputs. But instead of sending your "need MIDI control change x value y on channel z by Slot", could you please outline your application. In other words: What is your "business case"? We would first like to understand the external device you try to control for which purpose, and then what is required MIDI wise.

    I need the ability to send notes via midi to trigger a dmx-controller.
    I plan to save different scenes in a dmx-controller. Some controllers can be triggered by midi-notes to switch to a programmed scene. So as I change the
    performance in a live setup, the light would change automatically too.

  • My Business Case:

    I control Ableton Live Start, Stop, Next, Previous Scene with my Voodoo Lab Ground Control Pro, Buttons 1-4, with dedicated PCs learned by Ableton.
    The same would be awesome for KPA via FX Buttons I-IIII instead of Stomp Mode (maybe configured per Performance? And with lock function, but I didn't think this through).

  • I sometime use 2 KPAs simultanously at bigger shows (dual amp setup), and i'm using a FCB with Uno4Kemper chip to control both.
    Midi cables from the FCB to KPA Nr 1 and back, as well as a patch cable from KPA1 Midi Through to KPA2 Midi in. This works flawlessly, including switching on stomps, volume pedal and tap tempo.
    I was reading up on the Remote because i wanted to upgrade, and have been told, that i could only use it with KPA1 and use a Midi patch to switch rigs on KPA2.
    Maybe there's a way to implement a function to put KPA2 in a slave mode via Midi, sending tap tempo (midi clock?), pedal use etc. over too. That would be great and very appreciated (by me at least)

    Since I only use one kemper for most of the gigs anyway, i still ordered a remote, and will just keep the FCB for the dual KPA Setup, but obviously it would be preferrable to use the remote in this case too.

  • I see there is a new Beta floating around, and didn't see any changes to the handling of MIDI PC changes so I wanted to circle back to this thread and push this idea again. For those of us with multiple MIDI devices, the ability to send PC messages on more than 2 MIDI channels (the current limit) would be a huge functional improvement.

  • I recently purchased a Midi Grande to do some midi control on the Kemper and to send CC messages to Ableton Live for Various different control commands, one of them being a looper start and stop switch. I had some issues right away due to that switch needing to be a Momentary type switch rather than a on/off, or program change type. In Midi language the momentary type switch sends the same CC message twice. A 127 value when pressing the switch and a 0 value when releasing. The midi Grande has the ability to send out 8 messages with one press of a switch. The messages are sent in the order they are programed from 1 to 8. So to imitate a Momentary switch I had to program the #1(127 value) command and the next command(#2 with a 0 value) to the same CC command and I was able to make a momentary type switch with a midi toggle button/switch. This seemed to be a "work around", to accomplish what I was trying to do rather than a planned way to make a momentary switch. I purchased the Midi Grande because I didn't know when the Profiler remote would get the update to gain the ability to send out midi messages or be able to control the KPA's parameters that it could not control. I was unaware that 4.0 would be coming. I thought when reading this thread that maybe this information might be something worth considering. Maybe other midi controllers have this momentary type option but the one I decided to buy only had the ability due to the switches having the ability to send multiple messages with one press. I think it would be nice to select what type of midi command is being sent(momentary,program Change, CC min/max...) and be able to send multiple messages with one press. Each command should have the option of what type of midi Command, then the midi channel, then what CC #, and then Min/max if an on off type or CC setting 1 to 128 if a trigger type. I hope this post could be useful rather than redundant. Thanks! :)

    Edited once, last by grateful (March 7, 2016 at 9:53 PM).

  • Assigning CC output to expression pedals would be helpful, too. Kemper supports so many pedal and switch inputs it could do a lot.

    I'd say 'essential' and 'why on earth didn't it do this out of the box' rather than 'helpful'. Certainly what I expected, I was really quite surprised when I realised that it wasn't sending anything remotely useful on MIDI out.

  • I recently purchased a Midi Grande to do some midi control on the Kemper and to send CC messages to Ableton Live for Various different control commands, one of them being a looper start and stop switch. I had some issues right away due to that switch…

    @grateful : I'm using Voodoo Lab GCP for exactly the same (Ableton Live) and it works great (Start, Stop, Up, Down Scene) -> THIS via FX Buttons I-IIII with the KPA Remote would be awesome and should fix your problem as well (or what I'm trying today, sending the Start Scene via Performance Mode "Rig sends MIDI Message" but does not look promising...)

  • Now (as of the v4 beta) we can re-map the looper and other buttons on the remote, the option of assigning those to send MIDI messages would be even more valuable. Any news from Kemper on this kind of feature? If there's going to be something implemented that'd be good to know, if not I'm probably going to be selling my remote (sadly) and working out some kind of alternative.

  • I asked some pages back (or was it in another thread?) as to whether we could record, say, a wah / pitch-or-whatever MIDI stream from the Kemper alongside our DI signals so that we could use or edit / refine our footwork for reamping.

    One monitors from the amp Profiles, and makes pitch and wah moves accordingly. This data must be able to be captured via a MIDI CC stream for reamping, in my emphatic opinion. This is incredibly important to me.

    Of course, it needn't be pitch or wah; any use of a variable-range pedal should be able to be reproduced via a recorded MIDI stream through the Kemper, IMHO.

    So, please Kemper Team™, I beg of you, could you possibly translate analogue pedals to MIDI CCs and pass them through the MIDI outs (just as my 30-year-old master keyboard does, for instance), and in the case of MIDI pedals' being used for wah or whatever, simply pass the data through unscathed so we can record it sans any additional equipment?

    Thank you.

  • With 4.0 it would be awesome if we could send MIDI PCs and/or CCs within a Morph. Instead of having to switch slots in a performance.
    Would make live performance with other MIDI gear way more usable

    I would create a thread under feature requests for this.

    Guitars: Parker Fly Mojo Flame, Ibanez RG7620 7-string, Legator Ninja 8-string, Fender Strat & Tele, Breedlove Pro C25
    Pedalboard: Templeboards Trio 43, Mission VM-1, Morley Bad Horsie, RJM Mini Effect Gizmo, 6 Degrees FX Sally Drive, Foxpedals The City, Addrock Ol' Yeller, RJM MMGT/22, Mission RJM EP-1, Strymon Timeline + BigSky
    Stack: Furman PL-Plus C, Kemper Rack

  • This has already been addressed now in the upcoming version. If the tempo is disabled in a performance/rig, the MIDI clock does stop. Does the Strymon needs Start/Stop as well?

    Hey Timo, I would very much like the Kemper to have the ability to send a start/stop message, please. It would be very useful for integration with other gear clocked to a midi source.