Bug in 3.1.1 regarding performance mode - am I the only one?

  • I got some weird loss of rig names which went away when I switched off and then back into performance mode.

    Been too busy to flesh it out. Didn't lose anything though. Sounded all normal as well. And of course I did a backup, brushed my teeth, took my medicine and most certainly did not drink too much water before going to bed.

  • rehearsed for 3 hours tonight with 3.1.1 and kemper remote in performance mode with no problems whatsoever, I also set up a new perf last night and nothing wrong with that one either...btw, pure cab on 5.0 sounded awesome through our PA...much better than without. :thumbup:

  • I'm a bit pressed and stressed for time, so I'm going to wait to upgrade the firmware til after this weekend's gigs... (a bit chicken really so close to the events!) But I'm looking forward to the changes, especially faster Remote starts and less noisy rig changes.

    I'm surprised they got my FX presets onto this upgrade - I was told it was too jam-packed with other goodies to fit. Nice to see though, and I hope lots of people make good use of them!

    db - long time, hope you're well... (and please, take your meds!!! LOL)

    Gary ô¿ô

  • I installed 3.1.1 again and here is what happened: After starting Rigmanager KPA loads all performances which were stored there from the day before. Showed the same error. 2 Slots corrupted (2 and 4).
    Then I closed Rigmanager and restarted KPA. Suddenly 1 Slot (4) came back to life but the other remained corrupted.
    Then restart again (while FCB connected- RM off) - no changes.
    Then restart again (while FCB off- RM off) - no changes - dialing in another performance and then back to the corrupted one using buttons of KPA - again both slots corrupted.

    Here is a soundfile:
    Slot 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
    at the end I switched off the cabinet of the rig so you can hear what happens then. So I have to go back to the old firmware until it is solved.

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  • I installed the update 3.1.1 this week and did a full rehearsal with it.
    no problems what so ever.

    the direct cab is a great improvement. I use a power amp with FRFR speakers. It sounded great before the update, now it sounds even better.
    Me happy.

    We do 2 live gigs this weekend. Can't wait to hear how it will sound through the PA.

    I play the KPA and the other guitarplayer uses the AXE fx. Both systems sound great live.
    Since we switched from tube amps to digital, we get a lot of good remarks about our live sound.
    Our soundguy is also very happy. We use a Digico table which is preprogrammed.
    As we play mostly outdoor gigs and festivals, we can setup in 15 minutes and start the show.

    I play in a coverband who has been performing for 33 years now. As we get older, our backs start to go more and more.
    Going digital has improved our live sound, soundchecks are faster and we have much better control about the soundlevels on stage.

  • What a useless comment! I know it's beta. But should I keep it to myself and let others run into problems. I want to see your face, when shit like this happens to you at a gig. You would wish that somebody discovered this error before and Kemper has fixed it.
    It works good for you? Fine! But there could be others who could run into it. And yes - you are free to decide what to do and what not to do, because I don't give a sh. . .

  • There is a whole post on OS 3.1 and another of 3.1.1 also to talk about problems.
    Certainly not going to play gig with a beta, whithout tested heavily for a week.
    Your Headline
    "Do not use new update 3.1.1 if using performance mode!"
    it's not a truth because the problem is not everyone has.


  • bluesman -

    why don't you just change the title of your thread to something more appropriate? we don't register the issues you face in support and it is certainly not a general thing. so, sharing your thoughts is totally fine but maybe you can make it sound less like a problem everybody will run into.
    to ask you the same question again: are you in touch with support by email?

    ps. if you can't change the title yourself (i don't know if users can do this), let me know what you decide for and i'll change it for you

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • What a useless comment! .. But should I keep it to myself and let others run into problems. You would wish that somebody discovered this error before and Kemper has fixed it.
    It works good for you? Fine! But there could be others who could run into it. And yes - you are free to decide what to do and what not to do, because I don't give a sh. . .

    It's also a lot about details and attitude! Putting the judgement (and a generalisation) first and working on the details later ain't very helpful for me.

    90% of the game is half-mental.

  • <p>GS - leave the guys post alone. The last thing we need is some moderator to start going in and deciding for the rest of us what we are to read and write. You and the other predictable lot have made it clear that it does not affect everyone we don't need you to change anything about his post to make that clearer. Stop being so thin skinned that some guy was frustrated and ranted on the forum about it.&nbsp;</p>

  • Just try and be constructive boys.... I've had issues with nearly every piece of gear of some sort (and yes during the show) embarrassing...yes, but most of it wasn't in a beta testing mode and none of those support staff were as helpful as this Kemper staff has been. Before you throw grenades at me...this is purely my experience and attempting to ease the tone. I'm not trying to be a smart azz, just saying: Constructive conversations working towards issues are best, Freedom of speech on this form is imperative though responsibility comes with Freedoms. Beta's are to evaluate....again IMHO

  • Since this post has been hijacked already I'll give my 2 cents on software releases: I love the way Kemper handles the new updates and this is coming from a guy who still hates microsoft (see I don't even use a capital M) for the devious practices they used for product launches back in the 80's & 90's. I swore I'd never beta test another product again, then Kemper came along and I'm at it again. Beta testing is not for all, in fact a lot of folks probably think it's an insult that a company would launch a product to the public before it's ready. It goes against common sense to any normal person. So be warned, if you download a beta you should be looking for problems to report, if you don't want to report issues or you expect everything to work, wait for the release or you'll go bald like me :)