Performance Mode Rig Sync

  • Please add an option so that when I make changes to a Rig in Performance mode, the changes get saved back to the original rig in the Pool (and any other Performance mode slots that are using the same rig.



  • Just some rationale for why I'm asking for this:

    I develop my rigs in Browse mode, then I use Performance mode to organize songs for a show. Each performance helps me organize a set of rigs for a given situation (usually a song).

    I might have a standard "Clean", "Crunch" or "Lead" rigs that I share between many songs. One song might need a "Clean" rig and a "Lead" rig, and also some other special effect rig that is unique to that song.

    Often times I want to make a small change to a rig (volume perhaps) and I when I save the performance I want that change to apply to every slot that I'm using that particular rig.

    I don't want to have to export it back to the pool and and then have to go update all of the other slots that are using that rig to get the new settings.

    If I actually want a particular rig to have different settings, then I'd just save it under a new rig name.

    Does this make sense? Is there a better way of using Performance mode that I'm missing?

  • Copy/Paste would save you a bit of time, but a global option would be the most efficient in your case, of course. Me personally, I can't imagine working that way. I can't keep track of what Rigs I've used where! :)

  • I think that would be a great feature! (as an option)
    Like that you would not have to go through each performance slot and change that one parameter.
    I think it could work like a "link"-feature. So when you load an amp into a slot that is already part of another slot, you can choose to link it. Then all changes will be made in both slots.
    If you don't check the "link"-checkbox it won't change there.
    The same would be great for stompboxes and effects.
    I usually use the same boost in the x slot for solos. When i want to change the boost-level i have to go through each rig.
    I know, that i could lock the x-slot, but for clean rigs i want to have slightly less boost for example.


  • Are you guys aware that you can copy an amp and just paste it in other performances/slots, ad Sam was suggesting? No need to copy it back into the pool. You can copy/paste almost anything in a profile.
    Not exactly what you're asking for, but an option for today's layout.

    HTH :)

  • Yes, I'm aware of the copy/paste function and i use it for exactly this purpose (to keep my amps and some stomps in all performances identical).
    You can call me lazy, but for me it would be cool to just know, that when i change one parameter, it changes in the other performances, that use this amp (or stomp), too. :D
    When i'm playing live and i notice that i need to increase the gain on one amp, i can adjust this in the profile i'm currently in and hit the save button. But i have no time to copy/paste this amp in every other performance that uses this amp.
    I know that i could be prepared better when going to a gig, so that i don't have to make changes anymore. But sometimes i just need to adjust something on the fly (which is one reason, why i bought a kemper and not an axe-fx by the way).

    Don't get me wrong. I don't want to say, that this is a flaw. It would just make this nice piece of gear even better (for me)!


  • Hi LH,

    your post is exactly what I would have expected, the KPA works by default, when I first used the Performance Mode. But I had to learn that Performance-Mode and Browsing-Mode work completely independent.
    I'm working exactly like you and comprehensibly miss this feature. I think for live-use it would be a great feature.

    I once played in a church and had to change frequencies and delay- and reverb-sounds for my rhythm sound in about 30 Performances within soundcheck. I ended in using one Performance for all songs we played with all the compromises. This made me to change to this principle in general. I now use 5 Performances for all of my songs (in 3 bands) by making those compromises.
    Kemper recommends to use different Performances for each song, so it should be plausible for them to implement this feature.

    Knowing that many guys work differently your Proposal as an OPTION is a very good idea.

    +1 from my side ! :thumbup:

  • I've been thinking about this for some time, but in reverse. Perhaps an option to autoupdate all rigs in performance from the one altered in browse, or a submenu or checkboxes for update stomps, update effects, update EQ, update all etc...

    That way, if you tweek in browse, and want to update all the performance slots with the rewrite, you have the option?

    I'd use it for sure!

  • That way, if you tweek in browse, and want to update all the performance slots with the rewrite, you have the option?

    Actually, i would think that this would not be ideal, as you would loose your "original"-profile for that sound.
    When you find a profile you like, you load it in your performance and start editing it there, but the "original"-profile in the Browse pool will stay the same.
    That way you can always go back to the original one and just tweak your sounds in the performance mode.
    Or did i get you wrong here?


  • The AxeFx implements this in a great way. They use the term "Global" to describe it. So if you make changes to whatever element in your rig (Phaser, Compressor, Cab, Amp, Delay, Reverb, Etc, Etc). And that element is saved to the "Global" section. It will effect rig that has those elements set to Global, and you can instantly recall and load Global setting in new rigs as well. This is pretty great when you have a lot of redundant rigs that would need quick editing.

  • The axe fx manual explains it a lot more thoroughly. I would seriously love this feature in my KPA's

    With this feature, “links” keep designated blocks in your presets synchronized to their global “masters,” which are
    stored in a separate and independent memory area of the Axe-Fx II. Changes saved to a Global Block cause linked
    blocks to update when the presets that contain them are recalled. Links to Global Blocks remain in place until you
    manually remove them—even if you make and save other changes to the block or the preset!

    This enables you to create a favorite sound setting and use it to create one or more global blocks. When you load
    these into multiple presets, each with other different effects, mix levels, routing—whatever suits your needs—they
    are automatically “linked” back to the original global entries. Now, as favorite (global) sound settings evolve (as we
    all know these things tend to do...) you no longer need to update all of the individual presets that rely on them.
    You just save your tweaks into the Global Blocks, and the latest and greatest settings are automatically applied to
    linked blocks as normal presets are recalled.

    Any block instance (except Tone Match, but including the Input/Noise Gate) can link to a global block, with 10
    global memories for each of them. Should you choose to REMOVE a link between a block and its global
    counterpart, this leaves both the normal and the global blocks fully intact and able to be edited independently of
    one another again.

  • Exactly this!!!

  • I was about to suggest a parameter called "Link to Browser Rig" that could be turned on or off in each Performance slot... and then I saw that Fractal had already used my terminology.


    A further parameter defining whether or not slot rigs are retained when their linked Browser rigs are deleted would surely be helpful too. For one thing, it'd save any nasty surprises when one calls up one's fave killer lead patch for a solo at a gig...