Remote Looper - Ability to Change Rigs

  • I often want to record a backing track of sorts in the looper - for example a chord progression over which to solo. Typically, I want the rhythm part in the loop to be a different rig than that which I use for the solo. Currently, the looper takes up all the remote buttons for changing rigs. I'd like a way to keep a loop running, but switch the remote back to its normal setting. Here's one way I can see this done: while the looper is playing, make the tuner button a way to switch the remote back to rig selection mode, then another push of tuner to put it back into the current looper mode.

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • Are you saying you can't use two different rigs with the looper?
    That was one of my first questions and I was under the impression you could.

    Kind of no reason to have a looper if you have to use the same sound over the original.

    A looper should allow you to lay guitar "tracks".

  • Unless I'm missing something, you have to change rigs directly on the KPA while looping. So, it can be done, but not using the remote exclusively. If someone knows otherwise, please advise, as I'd love to be able to do this!

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • I often want to record a backing track of sorts in the looper - for example a chord progression over which to solo. Typically, I want the rhythm part in the loop to be a different rig than that which I use for the solo. Currently, the looper takes up all the remote buttons for changing rigs. I'd like a way to keep a loop running, but switch the remote back to its normal setting. Here's one way I can see this done: while the looper is playing, make the tuner button a way to switch the remote back to rig selection mode, then another push of tuner to put it back into the current looper mode.

    Hi Zappledan,

    Maybe I get you wrong (might be my poor english), but when you play a loop you can hit the looper button, be back in perform mode change rigs, fx, etc and the loop will continue to play. What is it that you´re asking for?

  • Hi Zappledan,

    Maybe I get you wrong (might be my poor english), but when you play a loop you can hit the looper button, be back in perform mode change rigs, fx, etc and the loop will continue to play. What is it that you´re asking for?

    The current capability is that during looper mode, remote buttons 1 - 5 are used for looper functions, so they cannot be used for selecting a different rig. At least that's how it works for me.

    record a loop

    Press the Looper button

    Pick another rig

    play over the loop, or switch back to Looper mode, and record with sound #2


    Paul, I'm assuming that you're agreeing with me, and not flitzefinger?

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • I've been able to change sounds by switching in and out of Looper mode, while a loop is playing:

    While a Loop is playing, press the Looper Mode switch.

    The KPA will return to Performance or Browse mode, and the loop will continue to play. You can pick another rig.

    To Stop the Loop, or record over it, You have to enter Looper Mode again by pressing the Looper button.

  • Yeah, I always run it as "post," but it just didn't occur to me to try pressing the Looper button while the looper was running. I thought that would terminate the looping ...

    Live and learn, huh?

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • Hi, Mykels3,

    how do you set looper to "post"?

    The terminology for this is Looper Location Output

    1. Press the Settings button.
    2. For Profilers that use the Remote, navigate to page [12/18] (Remote)
      For the Kemper Stage navigate to page [4/11] (User Interface 2)
    3. Notice the last soft button (right-most near the top of the display).
    4. Set the Looper Location to Output

    On the same page in the settings, you can also set the Looper Volume.


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    Kemper Profiling Amplifier (unpowered) [2014], Remote [2016], Stage [2020], PowerRack, Remote & Kab[2021]
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    Edited once, last by ST (December 28, 2020 at 2:02 AM).

  • What a nice response ST.

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  • Yoda Guitar

    I think I tried once via MIDI controller because I wanted a way to fade out/in loops. but looper volume is in the system setting and its range is -12 to 0 dB so you will be always hear the loop. I didn't find other way. As far as I remember you access to this controller via NRPN message or sysex I do not remember exactly. On the Kemper website you can download the "profiler MIDI parameter Documentation" where you can find all about profiler and MIDI.

    good luck

  • Thank you Burkhard for the information.
    But I was looking for some thing like Monitor Volume (CC73).

    The Looper Volume System Page 12 has no effect if looper location is input.
    Also you can only reduce to volume to -12 db.

    Midi command

    B0 63 7F B0 62 34 B0 77 00

    It doesn't help to solve my problem.
    For me, the looper is a nice toy for exercises but not for live gigs.

    Be the force with you ;)