Trouble booting up Kemper Remote

  • Hi, I just received my Remote today. When I connect it using the supplied ethernet cable and power my Kemper on, the screen on the Remote says "performing power test". The lights on the Remote brighten briefly, then it says "waiting for connection". After 20 seconds or so, the Remote's screen shuts off and the Remote's tap button light glows in and out. Meanwhile, my Kemper boots up as normal.

    Once the Kemper is booted up, if I press the Tap button on the Remote, it again wakes the Remote's screen with "waiting for connection" for 20 seconds before it shuts off again.

    I am on version and the green light in the back of the Kemper (on the Network slot) is illuminated.

    I tried another ethernet cable I had at home and had the same results.

    Has anyone else had this problem? Thanks for any insight.

    edited to add: I sent in a message to Support right before I posted this; however, I wanted to post it up here, too, in case anyone else has experienced issues and had helpful tips.

    Edited 2 times, last by patvalley (March 3, 2015 at 12:37 AM).

  • Posting an update in case anyone encounters a similar issue. It ended up being a problem that the Kemper team hadn't seen before, so hopefully, this was an isolated incident. :thumbup:

    Matt Skaggs at Kemper Americas was incredibly helpful and quick to offer possible solutions. I was shipped 3 Remotes to try with my Profiler and they all exhibited the same behavior, so it was decided that it must have been an issue with the ethernet port on my Profiler. He sent me a new Profiler, which I was able to get up and running in just minutes using a backup I created, and then the Remote connected properly. I shipped 2 of the Remotes and my old Profiler to him, and everything's all good here now. Great service!

  • Hmm, there has been something similar with my Profiler + Remote. The symptoms have been such that it seems the the remote does not get enough / any power at times (screen dims and once the Remove even complained about power issues on the screen). If I try to adjust the plug on Profiler end it seems to help... I really hope it's the cable, and not the ethernet port on the Profiler (my Profiler is two years old and I don't know how guarantee would work in this case as this port haven't been used before Remove came).

    I have been now using another, basic Cat5 cable and I haven't run into similar issue... so keeping fingers crossed that it's just faulty cable.

  • Hey everybody. This is my first post. I just got the remote and had the EXACT same problems that some of the people have mentioned on here. When I first plugged in the remote, it indicated that it was waiting to connect to the network...etc.

    Believe it or not, I solved this by just pressing the BANK up and down buttons and some of the other buttons. The remote had been momentarily lighting up, then all the lights went off and it indicated it was trying to connect to the network. I pressed a bunch of buttons - and suddenly there was a horizontal bar that went across the bottom of the remote screen that said something like "Updating Firmware" - it came on really quick - so I did not get long to read whatever it said.....AND THEN EVERYTHING WORKED. I have unplugged it several times and it comes back. I have turned the unit off and back on - and everything works - but the remote is still finicky. It still says "Waiting for Connection" and sometimes I need to unplug it a couple times. Also - holding down the TAP button seems to trigger it to power up.

    My immediate thought was that merely plugging in the remote was not enough to let the amp know it was actually plugged in. As soon as I started rattling the bars of the cage and letting the amp know the remote was there by pressing those buttons, it SAW the remote - updated the firmware and was good to go. This really is behaving like a firmware issue - and - at least for me - it seems like the rig can be tricked into working and is stable once everything finds everything else. Seems like a simple firmware update would fix everything. I'm using the latest 3.1 or whatever is on their site.

    Hope this helps some folks. I was SERIOUSLY bummed when I came across this.....

    Followup - For me at least - if I hold down the TAP button on the Remote - and then press BOTH the UP and DOWN BANK buttons while holding down the TAP button - It makes the unit go into the Initial Screen that says "Performing Power Test." If I hold down the tuner button it zooms to connect more readily - but it's not a foolproof situation. You have to mess around with it to get it to work....

    Edited once, last by Daylight (October 7, 2015 at 2:14 AM).

  • I just ran into this exact problem. The remote suddenly shut down for what appeared to be no reason. When I unplugged and reinserted the cable I got the "waiting for connection" screen and then it would power back down. On the fourth attempt when I got that screen I pressed some buttons and the remote powered back up. Weird.

    Husband, Father, Pajama Enthusiast

  • I'm Having the same issues with my new remote. It first lights up then goes dim and says "trying to connect"
    I hold the up down or Tap button for a few seconds then it syncs up and powers up.
    Has there been any further information on this issue?



  • I have had this issue for sometime. I found that the ethernet port on the back of the Kemper is the culprit. You need to make sure that the CAT5 cable is pushed in all the way. Evidence of this is that you will see an amber light flickering. I believe this means that data is passing to and from the remote. Unfortunately, any slight bump that causes the CAT5 to move from a fully "pushed in connection" makes the connection drop (no amber light flickering). I wish Kemper would have used a Neutrik connector on the Kemper head as they did with the remote. I have to tape the damn thing in too get a reliable a connection.

    Regardless, I love this thing. I use it in the studio and in every live situation coupled with a Friedman ASM-12.

  • Im having the exact same issue.

    Just got me a remote....hooked it up to the toaster I used for years. (But never with a remote)

    Here’s hoping kemper will sort this one out for me...passed the warranty.

    Gig agenda is filling fast (#postcovid) I’m keeping fingers crossed.

  • things to check:

    - what kind of cable are you using? is it the original Kemper cable ? -> be sure NOT to use a too long cable, and NOT use a cable with thin wires inside

    - is the cable broken? -> can you exchange it with a spare short network cable?

    - is the network connector on your PROFILER somehow broken? -> visual inspection: post a hi-res close-up picture of your PROFILER's network port?

  • things to check:

    - what kind of cable are you using? is it the original Kemper cable ? -> be sure NOT to use a too long cable, and NOT use a cable with thin wires inside

    - is the cable broken? -> can you exchange it with a spare short network cable?

    - is the network connector on your PROFILER somehow broken? -> visual inspection: post a hi-res close-up picture of your PROFILER's network port?

    I used the cable that came with the remote....and I tried another one...same behaviour.

    The network connector in my profiler has never been used before....nor does it look broken.

    Im off as we speak to make a picture!

  • things to check:

    - what kind of cable are you using? is it the original Kemper cable ? -> be sure NOT to use a too long cable, and NOT use a cable with thin wires inside

    - is the cable broken? -> can you exchange it with a spare short network cable?

    - is the network connector on your PROFILER somehow broken? -> visual inspection: post a hi-res close-up picture of your PROFILER's network port?

    on close inspection of the Ethernet port...the connections in the Ethernet port are not alligned. one is clearly is not flush with the rest...may be even shorted to the one next to it.

    My picture is to big to upload, heres a link to it:…ew?usp=drivesdk

    fyi, the Ethernet port was never used since purchased new.

    Edited once, last by Job Posthuma (June 19, 2021 at 12:40 PM).

  • can't open the picture.. but as you describe that there seems some contacts are bent, this could very well be the culprit.

    maybe you can try to bent them back (*very carefully* of course).. with a needle or a small pincet?

    of course don't do this if you're not sure that you won't break something (!)

  • can't open the picture.. but as you describe that there seems some contacts are bent, this could very well be the culprit.

    maybe you can try to bent them back (*very carefully* of course).. with a needle or a small pincet?

    of course don't do this if you're not sure that you won't break something (!)

    ok...will try carefully.