Huge and potentially dangerous bug in ??!

  • Hey,
    I've been playing around with the latest firmware for a far the capturing of the direct amp profiles didn't really work well for me, the full studio profile sounded much closer to the real deal.
    but that's not really my problem, my problem is actually of a much more severe nature, since I fear it could potentially harm your cab (I haven't checked my Mesa 4x12 yet but really hope it survived)....
    I'm using the speaker out on my powerrack to drive the 4x12 (like I always did) and "regular" playing sounds great (like it always did)....but when I played a low palm mute and let it ring for a second there was a HUGE volume buildup, totally overdriving and heavily distorting the speaker and everything else later in the chain (mic, preamp etc).
    and I don't mean a slight "oh, that's overdriven, let's lower the volume" kinda distortion, but a full on "everything is farting and sounding like a square wave synth, I hope the speakers in the cab didn't die" - kinda distortion.
    it doens't occur on chords or single note lines but only on very bass heavy material (palm mute on down tuned guitar).

    Has anyone else experienced that problem yet?

    EDIT: here's a sound clip so you know what I'm talking about (this is not a direct recording (which sounds fine), but the miked cab)

  • Wow that sounds ghastly! I have a feeling it could be the same bug as the one in the post about the tuner. His clip is from main outs into his DAW I think, and I can imagine it sounding like your clip if it was put through a guitar cab. His is like a subby square wave that follows the palm mute.
    Something's definitely not right. I'd open a ticket (or call HQ!).


  • I'm using montor out, ISP Stelth power amp and a guitar cab. When playing trough the new factory merged rigs, one TAF kind of bass heavy clean rigs, the speakers farted out, Just as you describe Lasse. I also have increased switching time and crackling noise when switching rigs. Same problems both with old rigs and the new factory merged rigs. Must say I'm extremely pleased with the sound and feel from merged rigs and FW 3.0.

  • I had that noise with a hight gain "direct amp profile" i made from my Peavey Classic 60/60 with Digitech GSP in Front (FW 2.3.3). The sound didn't build up like in Lasses sample, it came suddenly with hard strokes. But it sounded the same and was very loud, like if someone pushed the master to 10 within a second.
    It was one of two profiles i made with a Behringer Ultra-G. One was with -20db, one with -40db on the DI input. The -20 db profile started the behaviour when i added a noisegate in the stomp section. I deleted the profile. Since the noise can build up fast AND slow, i would suspect a noisegate or a compressor to be faulty somewhere. I wouldn't consider this a 3.0 problem. I read of someone else having it, too, before 3.0.
    Could be a rare case of built-in-noisegate and stompbox-noisegate conflict. As a programmer i would say: somewhere in the gate or compressor functions there's a loop running into infinity (aka max volume) instead of stoping at it's target point of compression/gating. Maybe a value from the stomp-noisegate overwrites a value from the other one, thus producing a false return value that misses the stop/exit criteria for the loop. Glad i won't have too search for it :P

  • I did expierience very similar effects in the last months ( 4 - 5 times) with fw 2.74 and predecessors.. I thought it could be a delay running wild (getting really loud) on muted sounds,. Since I often use a compressor upfront for clean and lowgain sounds the explanation Syre gave seems just about right. I won't rule out the delay though. I'm quite sure this is not a problem with merged rigs because I did not use them till now.


  • I had that noise with a hight gain "direct amp profile" i made from my Peavey Classic 60/60 with Digitech GSP in Front (FW 2.3.3). The sound didn't build up like in Lasses sample, it came suddenly with hard strokes. But it sounded the same and was very loud, like if someone pushed the master to 10 within a second.
    It was one of two profiles i made with a Behringer Ultra-G. One was with -20db, one with -40db on the DI input. The -20 db profile started the behaviour when i added a noisegate in the stomp section. I deleted the profile. Since the noise can build up fast AND slow, i would suspect a noisegate or a compressor to be faulty somewhere. I wouldn't consider this a 3.0 problem. I read of someone else having it, too, before 3.0.
    Could be a rare case of built-in-noisegate and stompbox-noisegate conflict. As a programmer i would say: somewhere in the gate or compressor functions there's a loop running into infinity (aka max volume) instead of stoping at it's target point of compression/gating. Maybe a value from the stomp-noisegate overwrites a value from the other one, thus producing a false return value that misses the stop/exit criteria for the loop. Glad i won't have too search for it :P

    maybe that's the cause since I never had this thing and I NEVER use noise gates both the main one and/or the stomp one

    "...why being satisfied with an amp, as great as it can be, while you can have them all?" michael mellner

    "Rock in Ecclesia" - new album on iTunes or Google music

  • Makes me wonder, if I should cancel my update intentions for a few more days. I'd love to plug-in my remote, but FW 3.0.0 and RM 1.3.1 is mandatory and downgrading software (RM) in case I have to go back to 2.7.4, is something I usually try to avoid.

    Early bird also always means early adopter. I knew that all along, but I coudn't resist. ;)

    90% of the game is half-mental.

  • I too was browsing through rigs. Not sure which one did it.

    Maybe one of the Fractal guys planted it in there. Kind of like a speaker killing virus or something. :(

    Didnt kill my speakers but they were thrashed within inches of their lives.