Posts by HamerJo

    It was a general discussion and in that case I wouldn't want to find 20 liquid profiles for each channel or switch.

    The same goes for varying cabs

    Well I would not say useless because that is an individual decision. But yes, there are profiles which seem to be done at minimal gain stages which is not following procedure. Then again there will be at least one or two profiles taken at high gain stages. The rest is nice but strictly speaking in my opinion not exactly liquid as far as I understand the profiling process. You may produce one liquid profile or more per amp. But it would not unfair to ask the price of a pack. Since users might not like it you offer a pack. That is not unfair. Some as e.g. Soundside offer exactly what you have in mind for a fair price.

    Those two Liquid Marshalls are killer! Can't wait for a full pack. Michael, you were releasing those Six Pack packages, and I assume Liquid Profiling has changed your plans... But we'll wait!


    I agree, though waiting has never been my strong point. The liquified marshals are really astonishing. First thing I do with heavy gained stuff is to turn down the gain and check how the cleanish sound comes along. Stunning! It wasn't cleanish, it was a big round clean sound. Then all the way up with just the gain step by step: delivers to no end.

    Only thing I did change was to lower the definition parameter.

    Well, it's good to be home.

    Thank you Mr. Britt


    I needed a bit expierence with the high gain settings and the sheer number of profiles. In the end I found more than enough profiles which gave a smooth cleanish sound after turning down the gain. Brilliant pack!

    Thank you for you hard work.


    PS My two cents:

    In my limited expierence it is rather safe to liquify an older high gain profile. I did not miss much much. They are perfectly useable. My collection of aged profiles (Andy, MBritt, TopJimi, Bossert, Franzkowiak, Soundside...) is a good starting point. TJ profiles are entirely different animals because some of them have distortion sense turned down massively to get a thick cleanish sound, maybe. I am not sure how to handle this. Roll back distortion sense?

    To that I can merrily subscribe.

    I have been following this thread now for some weeks.

    My personal opinion on the "I feel I can play faster now"-kind of discussion is the same now for the last 40 years:

    Grab a classical guitar (nylons) and practice patterns with a thick,fat pick. In my experience there is no better way to train the fingers..

    That certainly is a good advice. Have to reanimate my trusted Taki nylon!

    I could not resist the wonderful offer of BM concerning umpteenth lps taken of a soldano 100. I stand corrected, there‘s quite many profiles in the lot that give a really good cleanish sound when taking down the gain.

    Since I‘m not in the shredding league this is quite essential for me. Mijnheer Meulendijk gives you different cabs that really make a difference. I am quite happy with this pack. It encouraged me to take a second look at the free profiles that come with the update. I hope MBritt, Rigbusters and G. Bungenstock will get us more lps. I really appreciate their generosity.

    It is all feeling very good.

    To whom it concerns,

    when I was much younger than today we enjoyed jokes about playing the guitar. One was the good advice to add a little "fast fret" lotion before trying again the tricky part. Or buy these special musical batteries for the stomps. Absolutely good for the sound, man.

    I don't know about that but I know that my playing gets rapidly worse when there's bad vibes in the band; like the feeling when you think you are going to be cut out.

    On the other hand: when the audience seems to like it, your fingers feel like flying on the fretboard. Mind: This kind of magic happens only when you exercise a lot.

    After some hours with LP tweaking I get the feeling that try as I may I am not in the ballpark of M. Britt, Andy, Topjimi and the likes.

    Obviously it is not so easy for me to dial in that kind of sound!

    If I turn down a gain 11 sound to cleanish, well it is quite good. But it is not the kind of sound you get from a vox, an old fender or a /13 amp playíng clean (gain max 2.5)

    Then again you may change your sounds on the stage by simply turning the gain knob. That's quite handy.

    For me it was never the question wether it sounded like the real amp, if it sounded good. So I hope the good things keep coming. And a heartfelt thank you to the Kemper guys. They helped me to get more music when I play.



    Proprietary? They're amp settings.

    For 13 years, keeping a record of profile amp settings served absolutely no purpose. Suddenly liquid profiles exist and after a few weeks the makers are now becoming suspect? With Michael Britt, one of, if not the the most respected profile makers the one called out first?


    IMO, we are owed absolutely nothing. If they have the settings and choose not to share that, big deal. I've long since received the value I expected and paid for.

    I don't see this happening, but I don't think its appropriate to add Liquid Profiling to existing profiles and charge people full-price a second time. Either release a file of the settings for profile owners to update, or perhaps update the profiles and charging a small fee for doing so. The time required to do this is not insignificant.

    Antwort an Johnny Bee

    Ich glaube, dass sich solange nichts ändert, bis ein Knopf auf einen neuen Wert verstellt wird. Ich habe das für einige Profile probiert und nach meinen Ohren bestätigt. Da man die Parameter der Klangregelung bei der Aufnahme des Profils im Allgemeinen nicht kennt, verhalten sich betreffenden Regler mitunter ungewohnt.

    Gruß HamerJo

    Hi there,

    it’s. been a while since I visited. The strange things that happen with performance sounds is something I get quite often. After starting up the Kemper I find myself at a performance with the right names but obviously then wrong rigs. I then browse some performances and hope for the best.
    Support told me to try a factory reset.
    Kind regards


    Good idea actually...

    A few years ago I played as an insecure amateur in a band of rather professional musicians. At that time I used to play a squier classic vibe tele which was harder to play than the real thing but came close to the sound of a real 50s tele.

    "All right now" was on the performing agenda and I knew that I better come over wih a real hammer of gain but by no means sounding like metal. And of course hope for the best...

    As far as I knew the original sound was done on a lp and a marshall with not too much gain. The guys knew that I bought a kemper recently (2012 as it were) but were rather careful what to expect from a digital thingy. The lead singer was expierienced with the sound of axe driven guitars in one of his other bands though.

    I chose one of the bluesbreaker profiles from the factory content with a well defined, sound gain , cranked up the volume, dialled in the bridge pickup, and played the wonderful riff as best I could. Guitar in Kemper, Kemper in foh devices and...

    All the guys myself included couldn't take the smile from their faces and were quite clear: Best overdriven sound ever heard.

    I was quite pleased with my kemper.

    Today I'd never use that amount of gain for this or any other song but rather stick to my trusted Hamer Sunburst which comes quite close to the sound of an old lp and carefully limited gain.



    Schau mal hier. Es ist zwar nicht eine 100% tige Antwort zu deiner Frage, aber es machen sich schon AMP Hersteller Gedanken, wie sie ein Profiling verhindern können.



    Danke für den Hinweis.

    Ob die Vermutung des anonymen Schreibers im Link zutrifft, ist noch offen. ich verstehe aber nicht, was das mit der Ausgangsfrage zu tun hat.

    Zum Link:

    M. Britt hat von Joe Morgan den Auftrag bekommen alle Morgan Amps zu profilen. Das exzellente Ergebnis kann man sich auf seiner Webseite anhören. Auch erinnere ich mich, dass ein gewisser Rabea (kenne ich nicht) dasselbe für die Victory Amp Reihe gemacht hat. Ist noch nicht lange her.

    Zur ursprünglichen Frage, hat Ingolf die bekannten Ausnahmen und Schwierigkeiten genannt.
    Im übrigen braucht man, soweit ich weiss, nur ein Noisegate oder einen Kompressor oder ein anderes Bauteil mit in der Zeit veränderlichen Parametern im Amp zu verdrahten, wenn man das Profilen verhindern bzw. stören will.

    Zum Link:

    Es scheint also durchaus unterschiedliche Strategien der Hersteller zu geben. Was allerdings seltsam ist: Wenn die Unterschiede zwischen Amp und Profil so offensichtlich wären wie der Autor/ die Autorin des Artikels meint, dann könnten die Hersteller getrost die Hände in den Schoss legen.



    Sehr schöner Thread.. Bei den ganzen „Influencer“ gehypten Alternativen zum KPA kann ich auch nur eins sagen. Noch niemand kommt bislang an den Kemper heran und ich hatte schon alles da. Bislang ist der KPA ungeschlagen einzigartig.


    so isses. Mir ist ein gutes Kemper Profil lieber als vier Mal gehyptes Zeug. Ich glaube nicht, dass das gleichzeitige Abspielen von vier Profilen mehr bringt als die Ausgangsqualität. Allerdings würden sich die Artefakte dabei, vermute ich, in ihrer Wirkung potenzieren. Das hat keinen Sitz im Leben, auch weil der Bandsound sich nicht nur um die Gitarre(n) dreht. Bei dem Versuch mir das für Live vorzustellen graust es mich.

    Ich lasse mich aber gerne durch saubere Blindversuche vom Gegenteil überzeugen.

    Erstaunlich: Die Möglichkeit vier Quellen (Bass, Gitarre, Gesang, Keyboard) über ein Gerät zu regeln, wird selbst von den Werbern nicht ernsthaft erwähnt. Dabei wäre das doch eine preiswerte Lösung. Auf der Bühne kann es dann aber mal eng werden, wenn alle an ihre Regler wollen....




    Bei mir war‘s umgekehrt. Ich bin von Cakewalk auf Cubase und das separate Masterprogramm gewechselt. Dabei bin ich geblieben. Ich habe allerdings Cubase4 ersetzt durch Cubase Elements ( derzeit 8). Das reicht für meine eher zahlreichen Produktionsanfälle völlig aus, wenn man die solide Ausstattung mit Plugins von Waves benutzt, die mir nach und nach für nicht viel Geld dazu gekauft habe.

