FW 3.0 - opinions?

  • I'm finding it a bit "funky" to get used to. If I'm in a rig, and I press on the System button I get a greyed out screen. I can't figure out how to access the System features. Can't get to LCD contrast etc. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong? Also, I think before, if you pressed on Reverb, it went to the Green Reverb screen immediately. Now it shuts it off. You have to press and hold to get to the Green screen. Are these bugs?

    I answered my own question, the Systems menu is greyed out because I don't have the remote yet. You can page over to not greyed out screens and load the factory content that way.

    Edited once, last by djazz (February 26, 2015 at 12:33 AM).

  • installed it, no problems even my gcp is working fine (i read a post from a guy with major problems conserning the gcp). true my ears no sound diffrence , set up 1x dxr10 on the monitor out. next gonna try the new profiles, i dont own a powerd toster so i am curius if the new format will ad somthing to the sound (probely by switching the cabs.,)

    lol dude the monitor out is not going to sound any different with an frfr rig like the DXR's....

  • My opinion on 3.0....it has made my Kemper a completely new tool.

    No longer is profiling a major endeavor....having to precisely mic your cabinet, often profiling, moving the mic, reprofiling. Also, needing to do it during the day when I can make noise.

    I can silently profile my amps through an attenuator, take a tap from the speaker, and add a well profiled cab IR. I can even send the direct sound to my DAW and process using WOSIII.

    I also think the Rig Exchange is going to get a lot cooler, because we can now swap direct profiles without being bound by initial choice of speaker and mic placement.

    Edited once, last by bigtoe (February 26, 2015 at 6:01 AM).

  • They recommend not using an attenuator for the most accurate results. But, if you get something that sounds great using one, that's what matters :)

    Yes, but I believe they are talking about using a SS amp and cab, or using with cab IR/profiles, so that the amp/speaker relationship (resonance) is profiled. I will be using it with my live rig, into the FX return of my tube amp, which will have it's own speaker resonance, or with Two Notes WOS III, which simulates the amp/speaker relationship.

    Maybe not ideal, but I'm hoping for good, if not excellent results.

  • why would the monitor out sound different when you run a full profile out to an FRFR rig like the Yamaha dsr12's? Makes no sense.

    Because Monitor out and Mains out to a FRFR both carry the new FW 3.0 Studio Profile with the NEW Cab separation, there's no more Kemper steroids baked into the Cab.
    The new Cab separation works for both FRFR and Poweramp/Cab.

  • I understand, but im still not sure how that matters if you are running an frfr rig to the mains or monitor out. I guess how i read it, was that he was implying the main and monitor outs sound different ( or would sound different for whatever reason) from eachother when running an FRFR rig. If you're saying that 3.0 works better for frfr in regards to cabinet authenticity and thus scrolling between cabs is more precise and accurate then yes I understand that as well.

  • Because Monitor out and Mains out to a FRFR both carry the new FW 3.0 Studio Profile with the NEW Cab separation, there's no more Kemper steroids baked into the Cab.

    So when you then press "cab" button to turn the cab off, it's my understanding now that:
    - monitor out gets the cab removed
    - main outs get the full profile (for frfr/foh)

    I still don't know what direct out gets...? ?(

    I'm just trying to be as truthful to my experience and personal opinion that I'm clearly presenting only as a personal opinion no more no less in an honest and truthful discussion about equipment.

  • So when you then press "cab" button to turn the cab off, it's my understanding now that:
    - monitor out gets the cab removed.
    The direct out will supply the signal that you assigned to it in the output source page of the output menu.
    - main outs get the full profile (for frfr/foh)

    I still don't know what direct out gets...? ?(

    Turning off the cab button on the front panel still deactivates the cab for all outputs. You have to use the monitor cab off function to switch it off just for the monitor output.

  • Alright then. So to recap, if I'm following this correctly, on the new FW3, regardless of the profile type, if I have the cab button on (and cabs not specifically switched off for monitor out), then both monitor out and main outs should give me the whole [preamp/poweramp/cab/mic] information suitable for frfr/foh?

    I'm just trying to be as truthful to my experience and personal opinion that I'm clearly presenting only as a personal opinion no more no less in an honest and truthful discussion about equipment.

  • I installed the last firmware ( release) and i try to import 5 merged rigs (4 mesa mk3 and 1 engl powerball from Thumas) i downloaded from RE but i press import, it seems that rigs are being imported but at the end i get the message "No import necessary. All Rigs are already available" but they aren't. Any ideas? I use a usb stick that used to work perfect with fw 2.7.4 and below, and i formated it with the last firmware.

    Edited 3 times, last by metalmike (February 26, 2015 at 11:59 PM).

  • I installed the last firmware ( release) and i try to import 5 merged profiles (4 mesa mk3 and 1 engl powerball from Thumas) i downloaded from RE but i press import, it seems that profiles are being imported but at the end i get the message "No import necessary. All Rigs are already available" but they aren't. Any ideas? I use a usb stick that used to work perfect with fw 2.7.4 and below, and i formated it with the last firmware.

    I opened a threat on this here: