Kemper KPA vs. Axe-FX II (Yes, another one...please read!)

  • Oh those were the days :) I was a spectrum boy all the way. But you couldn't beat an amstrad with the green screen ;)

    I had Spectrum+, the one with the plastic keyboard. Made me unbeatable at Daley Thompson Decathlon best scores! :thumbup:

    I'm just trying to be as truthful to my experience and personal opinion that I'm clearly presenting only as a personal opinion no more no less in an honest and truthful discussion about equipment.

  • Why was it necessary to post a theory about me being a marketing shill for FAS (when the FAS folks already claimed the same; that I was a marketing shill for Kemper). It's a whole bunch of nonsense that serves to distract from the legitimate questions and legitimate answers from the adults that don't need to seek/see conspiracies behind every post.

    Food for thought.

    Cliff made a whole bunch of claims that were relating to the same thing, on the Fractal thread you started. He offered no evidence and insulted me directly, and you barely made a pip.

    Food for thought.

    Look... you need to give BOTH units a good amount of time. I'm talking a month of constant playing and testing them out. That's the only way you'll know for sure. I said as much to you on page 1 of this thread, and very early on in the Fractal thread.

    I think it's a bit devious to go over there and start slinging shit about people over here, most of whom have been trying to help you and have been doing a very good job of being unbiased.

    FWIW; I was listening to some tone tests I did of the Axe FXII when I had it, firmware 16. I used it for bass and guitar in this clip:

    Code FX II/AFII_RectoOrange.mp3

    And this one:

    Code FX II/AFII_Cleans.mp3

    They sound great to me. Nothing I can't also achieve with custom profiles and the Kemper though.

    I think it's time you get off the forums, and go and play guitar.

    Edited 4 times, last by drew_fx (February 28, 2015 at 11:05 AM).

  • FYI: The Axe connects to a computer through USB as do most external pieces of hardware unless it's wireless. Not really classified as old school for either product. You could be thinking of a serial connection which would be old school.

  • He's talking about the actual USB cable that the Kemper requires. It's one of the first types that were used for printers and the like. Most devices these days use a female USB port (like your laptop), a female mini USB port (like your PS3 joypad) or a female micro USB port (like your mobile phone/camera), but the KPA has one of those old printer ports, requiring the appropriate cable. No biggie. I once found myself in a pickle though when I'd left my "old school" USB cable at a studio and couldn't find a place that stocked them!


  • He's talking about the actual USB cable that the Kemper requires. It's one of the first types that were used for printers and the like. Most devices these days use a female USB port (like your laptop), a female mini USB port (like your PS3 joypad) or a female micro USB port (like your mobile phone/camera), but the KPA has one of those old printer ports, requiring the appropriate cable. No biggie. I once found myself in a pickle though when I'd left my "old school" USB cable at a studio and couldn't find a place that stocked them!


    Copy that :thumbup: , I was just pointing out that the Axe has the same connection and most larger pieces of hardware still use this so called "old school" connection due to the fact that it is more sturdy than the mini USB ports. To me it implied that the KPA was then "old school" which it is not by a long shot. As always IMHO..

  • I think it is fair to say that most of us got our Kemper on day one and went through pretty much every preset. I think it is equally fair to say that we all found things we liked, and didn't like.

    To the OP, I too had a great guitar rig with my VHT and wasn't really looking for better tone, but rather less size and weight along with faster setup time.

    I have actually found that I like the sound of my Kemper through my VHT cab better than I like my VHT through my VHT cab ;) .... but that took some tweaking to get there.

    As for the EFX, I don't use that much, so for me, they really seemed great. When using headphones, I found I needed much more for it to sound good than when using a cab. With a cab, I end up with very little efx on it (with the exception of some cleans that are intentionally verbed out for some songs).

    My current set of rigs that I use for gigging include only a couple of the original rigs that ship with the KPA. About 2/3's are from TAF, and the other 3rd are from the rig manager. Of those rigs, all of them were tweaked for my guitar and ears.

    For me, the real win with the Kemper was that it not only made my rig much (much much) lighter and easier to haul, it was very easy for me to get great sound out of it without tons of tweaking.

    FYI, the number one change I find myself making to nearly all rigs is to increase the clarity parameter in the amp section. This seems to make my ears happy most of the time ;)

  • Cliff made a whole bunch of claims that were relating to the same thing, on the Fractal thread you started. He offered no evidence and insulted me directly, and you barely made a pip.

    Food for thought.

    I can't speak to that, though. I don't know what you did/said, what's true or not. I know that I'm not some marketing shill for either company. I'm looking for honest answers/opinions to products I'm considering. I'm not sure why that's such a controversial (or uncommon) thing.

    Look... you need to give BOTH units a good amount of time. I'm talking a month of constant playing and testing them out. That's the only way you'll know for sure. I said as much to you on page 1 of this thread, and very early on in the Fractal thread.

    I think it's a bit devious to go over there and start slinging shit about people over here, most of whom have been trying to help you and have been doing a very good job of being unbiased.

    I agree. That's why I won't do that.

  • FYI: The Axe connects to a computer through USB as do most external pieces of hardware unless it's wireless. Not really classified as old school for either product. You could be thinking of a serial connection which would be old school.

    I'm not talking about the USB protocol, I'm talking about the particular USB cables that have the big end (not sure if it's A or B or whatever). They are pretty uncommon these days.

  • He's talking about the actual USB cable that the Kemper requires. It's one of the first types that were used for printers and the like. Most devices these days use a female USB port (like your laptop), a female mini USB port (like your PS3 joypad) or a female micro USB port (like your mobile phone/camera), but the KPA has one of those old printer ports, requiring the appropriate cable. No biggie. I once found myself in a pickle though when I'd left my "old school" USB cable at a studio and couldn't find a place that stocked them!


    Yes. Not a big deal at all...I have a few, just have to find them. I'm away until tomorrow evening, so I'll check when I get back.

  • Copy that :thumbup: , I was just pointing out that the Axe has the same connection and most larger pieces of hardware still use this so called "old school" connection due to the fact that it is more sturdy than the mini USB ports. To me it implied that the KPA was then "old school" which it is not by a long shot. As always IMHO..

    No...that wasn't a complaint; my recording gear also uses the same cables. I just don't have a ton of extra ones lying around (like I do with micro-USB, etc).

  • USB cables that have the big end ... They are pretty uncommon these days.

    I can't tell that these cables are "uncommon" by any means. If you connect a USB printer, a USB scanner, a USB audio interface, a USB MIDI keyboard, many other manageable USB audio gear (Korg Kronos, TC Helicon VoiceLive Rack, Roland SPD-SX, ... on my side) you'll need these USB A -> USB B cables. And they should be cheap and easy to get. :)

  • True dat. The only reason I don't have any spares lying around is because I've used them all up all around the house. ^^

    Thinking of hitting ebay and getting 10 from China just to have a few handy...

    I'm just trying to be as truthful to my experience and personal opinion that I'm clearly presenting only as a personal opinion no more no less in an honest and truthful discussion about equipment.

  • No...that wasn't a complaint; my recording gear also uses the same cables. I just don't have a ton of extra ones lying around (like I do with micro-USB, etc).

    Now you might understand that a lot of your posts seem to be misconstrued as the title of the thread is Kemper vs. Axe, which you started and requested feedback. Therefore I thought you were refering to the type of connection being old school on the Kemper and presumably not on the Axe. Therefore I did my homework and saw that it was the same type connection and that connection is still predominant in a lot of hardware these days. I didn't know you don't have any lying around as I have plenty of them being in IT. As a matter of fact, more of those than the mini or micro usb cables. It's a comparison thread that's what I base my interpretation of a person's comments on. That's all there was to my comment. Hope you are enjoying your new KPA!

  • I'm totally not understanding the question or issue on the USB cable. The port used on the Kemper, the Type B Female USB port is industry standard for computer accessories. Most all modelers I've used or seen use them: The Line6 Pod's, Line6 HD500, Avid's 11R, Fractal's FXII, etc.

    It is not only typically, but standard for devices to have Female ports, Type A for computers and Type B for external devices.
    The things that plug into these ports are Male, like USB sticks and cables.

    The Kemper has both, because when a USB stick is put into it, the stick is the accessory and the KPA is the computer.

    What am I missing?

  • Any decent computer store will have the USB A to B type cables. I have the same jack on my Alesis DM10. And it's the same jack on my Presonus Faderport. And it's the same jack on my external hard disk.

    If someone is surprised by seeing one of these, it's another sign that the :facepalm: emoticon needs to be created for these forums.

  • I'm totally not understanding the question or issue on the USB cable. The port used on the Kemper, the Type B Female USB port is industry standard for computer accessories. Most all modelers I've used or seen use them: The Line6 Pod's, Line6 HD500, Avid's 11R, Fractal's FXII, etc.

    It is not only typically, but standard for devices to have Female ports, Type A for computers and Type B for external devices.
    The things that plug into these ports are Male, like USB sticks and cables.

    The Kemper has both, because when a USB stick is put into it, the stick is the accessory and the KPA is the computer.

    What am I missing?

    You're not missing anything. I think we should all leave this thread to die on the vine now. Everything has been said.