Remote details and price announced!

  • Laimon: i'm not burkhard but i might be able to sheet some additional light on that: the looper is highly interactive and Remote is required for the feedback you need to operate it. buttons with multiple meanings and states (depending on the actual situation) require the multi LEDs and the display of Remote. without all the visual aid, you don't even know if you're in record or playback. we want to focus on making our looper great fun and that's why it turned out that Remote is requirement. other boards are not supported.
    best, gs

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • Laimon: i'm not burkhard but i might be able to sheet some additional light on that: the looper is highly interactive and Remote is required for the feedback you need to operate it. buttons with multiple meanings and states (depending on the actual situation) require the multi color LEDs and the display of Remote. without all the visual aid, you don't even know if you're in record or playback. we want to focus on making our looper great fun and that's why it turned out that Remote is requirement. other boards are not supported.
    best, gs

    Is ist possible to somehow prelong looping time? In "Mono-Mode" or with "half speed" (whatever that means)?

  • Is ist possible to somehow prelong looping time? In "Mono-Mode" or with "half speed" (whatever that means)?

    "half speed" is a toggle which either speeds the recording up to 200% or reduces speed to 50% (aka half speed). if you record in half speed mode, the loop has a duration of 60 seconds. what you give in this case is the option to half the speed after recording (for sonic or artistic reasons). you can double it though - and then the duration is 30 seconds again.
    now i did my best to totally confuse everybody :)

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • Hi All of you Kemper team, that's a great news from the company to finally have the Remote Controller.

    I have some questions too on which I'm very very curious and hoping to use (I used it a lot in the past with Boss/Line6 pedalboards) ...
    Will the Pedals in the next firmware versions handle many different continous parameters like Delay Mix, Delay Feedback, Chorus Depth etc... ? If yes, will it be possible to assign, on a Rig basis, more than one continous parameters to the same phisical pedal?
    Last ... will be possible, on a Rig basis, associate to the continous parameters a specific pedal range also?

    Thanks a lot for your answer ... if the questions are clear!

  • It will be possible to use the physical MIDI out on Profiler to send out messages when switching. Some details are not final yet, so you have to wait. In any case, we'll make sure that Remote will act and look like the mighty mother octopus on stage :)
    talking about stages and especially huge stages: one can use more than one Remote at the same time. So for instance one can be next to the artists (who uses it to plug-in pedals and engage boosters if needed) and the other one can be back in the guitar den with the guitar tech who's switching and overlooking the rest.

    This is awesome !!! I just have to find myself a guitar tech now to change my pedals for me :P

  • The Mission "kp" pedal is not Kemper design. It is a Mission pedal, with green paint on it. ;)

    This. The painting is to resemble Kemper similarities.
    Check the pedal thread. Already lots of recommendations there.
    Pedal is an individual thing after all.

  • Second question: If I am understanding things correctly, I could put a stereo cable in one of the expression jacks and use a two-button foot switch to turn on and off things? Like the typical two button pedals that come with an amplifier? Thus I could use two expression jacks to turn on and off 4 additional things, such as four stomp or effect slots? This would leave me with two other expression jacks that I could use expression pedals with? (not counting the two on the back of the kemper)

    For pedals, mono switches and dual switches the same technical rules apply regardless if you connect these to Remote or Profiler directly. Details can be found in chapter "Direct connection of pedals and switches" in the Reference Manual.
    So if you want you can even attach more switches than there are functions to switch currently available. But let's not forget what we call "Action & Freeze" functions like for example Rotary Speed.

  • "half speed" is a toggle which either speeds the recording up to 200% or reduces speed to 50% (aka half speed). if you record in half speed mode, the loop has a duration of 60 seconds. what you give in this case is the option to half the speed after recording (for sonic or artistic reasons). you can double it though - and then the duration is 30 seconds again.
    now i did my best to totally confuse everybody :)

    Thanks for the clarification !
    The loop phrase can be played in different chain point?
    Because before the Kemper Amp could be very useful for building sounds and for profiling for example while post Kemper Amp is perfect to enjoy with a great loop station ...

  • I ordered the Liquid Foot +12+ also, as it features 2 way communication, and works great with KPA, ($900.00). I like the 13 displays on the +12+, the extensive midi functionality, and the OSX editor included. When I finally receive the Kemper Remote, I'll decide which works better for my needs.

    Consider that all Remote settings and configurations are completely integrated in the Profiler. If you for example reshuffle Performances or Slots in line with your next gig the Remote is immediately in sync. No separate editing is required. While you are editing for example the name of a Slot you can even monitor the changes character by character in the Remote display. The detailed display is highly adapted to the Profiler modes of operation. Complete setup is included in Profiler backup archives. Updates are included in Profiler firmware updates....

    Before I get carried away ... I just try to highlight the level of integration between Profiler and Remote and the convenience that comes with it. ^^

  • On my Eventide Timefactor half-speed means less resolution, i.e. a loss in quality of the sound. I would expect the same for the KPA looper. But this feature could also be used to play a slow riff and then double the speed to achieve an effect that's otherwise impossible to get (for Synths sounds see e.g. Pink Floyd's On the Run). But let's wait and see ...