• I'm going to buy a Powertrain, this is probably a dumb question but will it work with a Kemper Kone?

    I'm not sure. I believe Kemper Kone is made specifically to work with a proprietary Celestion speaker that they have been working on with Kemper. I'm not sure if it's identical to the FX12-X200 or just similar. The PowerTrain 50 uses a regular guitar 12" speaker (Eminence Red, White, and Blues) but the voicing of the power amp somehow makes it work. I briefly tried the X200 in one of my 3P cabinets and I couldn't pull it out quick enough. I see people using them with positive results but I have pretty much given up on 2-way speaker systems. I can always hear something fishy around the crossover point or in the high end of the horn.

    M Britt Profiles - mbritt.com
    Guitarist for Lonestar

  • There aren't any on the Exchange. IIRC peeps have uploaded some of Michael's Profiles twice in the past, and of course they've been removed 'cause the Rig Exchange is for freebies only. Commercial Profilers are welcome to post their own Profiles as freebies, but that's up to them, not "3rd parties".

    That said, I take it you've checked out Michael's freebies in the Rig Pack that's included in Rig Manager? If not, have a look in the left window pane for Kemper's Rig Packs. You'll see a bunch of offerings from various vendors, of which Michael's one. The Rigs in those packs aren't just randomly plucked from vendors' offerings; they're chosen by Kemper, so rest assured that they're not bottom-of-the-barrel, "el-cheapo" hand-me-downs.

  • There aren't any on the Exchange. IIRC peeps have uploaded some of Michael's Profiles twice in the past, and of course they've been removed 'cause the Rig Exchange is for freebies only. Commercial Profilers are welcome to post their own Profiles as freebies, but that's up to them, not "3rd parties".

    That said, I take it you've checked out Michael's freebies in the Rig Pack that's included in Rig Manager? If not, have a look in the left window pane for Kemper's Rig Packs. You'll see a bunch of offerings from various vendors, of which Michael's one. The Rigs in those packs aren't just randomly plucked from vendors' offerings; they're chosen by Kemper, so rest assured that they're not bottom-of-the-barrel, "el-cheapo" hand-me-downs.

    When I search for M Britt it brings up quite a few different M Britt profiles. I’ve seen the Rig Pack one but I’m not sure if they’re essentially the same ones.

  • Hi guys! Anyone fancy recommending me some of the better Clean, Edge of breakup and pushed Britt profiles on the Rig Exchange? Am using a cab. :)

    Check out his /13 profiles in the freebie pack in Rig Manager. Those are GREAT for clean/over driven tones. Some of my favorites. Think Tom Petty tones.

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • When I search for M Britt it brings up quite a few different M Britt profiles. I’ve seen the Rig Pack one but I’m not sure if they’re essentially the same ones.


    You can also get them here without having to use Rig Manager. The /13 amps, Carr, Vibro Queen, Head Strung are all pretty usable cleanish tones.

    M Britt Profiles - mbritt.com
    Guitarist for Lonestar

  • I'm not sure. I believe Kemper Kone is made specifically to work with a proprietary Celestion speaker that they have been working on with Kemper. I'm not sure if it's identical to the FX12-X200 or just similar. The PowerTrain 50 uses a regular guitar 12" speaker (Eminence Red, White, and Blues) but the voicing of the power amp somehow makes it work. I briefly tried the X200 in one of my 3P cabinets and I couldn't pull it out quick enough. I see people using them with positive results but I have pretty much given up on 2-way speaker systems. I can always hear something fishy around the crossover point or in the high end of the horn.

    Ordered an f12 x200 and it sounded ok at low volumes but once I got it to rehearsal volumes it sounded dreadful. It’s going back tomorrow. Agreed I picked up some weird kind of phasing sound , especially on clean profiles.

    I have gone back to a 2x12 loaded creamback cab and my alto ts210.

  • Ordered an f12 x200 and it sounded ok at low volumes but once I got it to rehearsal volumes it sounded dreadful. It’s going back tomorrow. Agreed I picked up some weird kind of phasing sound , especially on clean profiles.

    I have gone back to a 2x12 loaded creamback cab and my alto ts210.

    I had the same experience. Loaded my long-awaited F12 X200 into a Mesa Boogie Thiele 1x12 ported cabinet with great anticipation, but it was really disappointing. To my ears there's a high-frequency component to the attack which gets progressively more unpleasant at higher volumes.

    Just to check myself, I did an A-B-C comparison of a real 56 Fender Pro and the Michael Britt 56 Pro 1 profile (one of my all-time favourite clean profiles) played through (1) the Celestion F12 X200 and (2) a Celestion Gold 50W, which I have been using for a while. I mic'd the Fender Pro and both Celestion speakers with the identical Kemper profile, then A-B-C'd them in Logic.

    The mic'd F12 X200 was not in the same league as either the real amp or the Gold (with Cab emulation OFF). Particularly with clean single-coil sounds the high end has a brittle and digital-sounding component. Maybe the lower wattage Gold speaker adds just a bit of speaker breakup at higher volumes which smooths things out and is easier on the ears. I fiddled with cab EQ and Pure Cabinet to try and improve the F12 X200 but was not successful.

    I sure hope that the new Kemper Kabinet technology is an improvement on my experience.

    For stage monitors I'll stick with the Celestion Gold in the Thiele 1x12 - highly recommended setup if you don't want to go the FRFR route. I expect this will depend a lot on the kind of music you are playing and in what sorts of venues - we are playing pubs and other smallish venues with or without FOH sound, and I just want a stage monitor that acts like a guitar amp. This does.

    Edited once, last by flwehr: Celestion Gold wattage corrected - thanks Antipodes. (September 2, 2019 at 12:55 AM).

  • I had a day of down time a few days ago when GoDaddy was migrating to a new server and took a while for them to change the DNS. It's up and running now but you may have to refresh to get rid of the old holding page from when it was down. Sorry for the inconvenience


    M Britt Profiles - mbritt.com
    Guitarist for Lonestar

  • On his website, there are pdf files with info for every pack. Geek that I am, I combined them into one pdf, so that I can keyword seach the pdf and quickly find the amp or profile and see which pack they are in.

    I am not aware of any other comprehensive listing.

    Be Thankful.

  • It is blocked again on my end.....security certificate not good?
    I've cleared the cache and everything else that can be cleared.

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • That message looks like a client side error (meaning your computer/network is blocking it) Turn off any blocking plugins you might have on your browser.

    This happened before a few months ago and it was because of a bad certificate. Mike had a look into it and everything was fine.

    He just mentioned GoDaddy moving to a new server so they probably haven't done everything they need to do. I'm going through work Internet. I've also tried it on different browsers with no blocking software.

    Normally, I have no problem here. I can still access it on my phone with Wi-Fi turned off, but that error means something is still not right on the website side.

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me