input on KPA not working?

  • I have had the KPA for a while but it had been sitting idle for over a year. I have just been too busy with other stuff. I pulled it out about a month ago when a buddy was coming over to jam. I couldn't get any sound out of the KPA, or so I thought. Once he left I put the KPA in tuner mode and my guitar signal did not show up in the tuner.

    Like I said it had been over a year, so I figured something got whacked. I finally had some time today. I downloaded 2.6. I downloaded rig manager, very nice BTW! Wiped all the profiles from the KPA and then copied over about 150 rigs. Plugged guitar in. No sound. Went to tuner. No input. Plugged guitar directly into my UAD apollo and sure enough sound so not a bad cable.

    I reset global settings, nada. I switched to alt input on back and changed the input menu accordingly. Nada. Even tried FX loop return and changed input menu accoriding and still can not get a signal into this thing. I have not tried SPDIF but never use that and the KPA is useless to me until I get analol in working.

    Any ideas? Being as none of the inputs register, I am hoping it is a software setting and not hardware.

    Thanks in advance for any help. I hope to start using this thing way more in the near future for some recording stuff.

  • I have had the KPA for a while but it had been sitting idle for over a year. I have just been too busy with other stuff. I pulled it out about a month ago when a buddy was coming over to jam. I couldn't get any sound out of the KPA, or so I thought. Once he left I put the KPA in tuner mode and my guitar signal did not show up in the tuner.

    Like I said it had been over a year, so I figured something got whacked. I finally had some time today. I downloaded 2.6. I downloaded rig manager, very nice BTW! Wiped all the profiles from the KPA and then copied over about 150 rigs. Plugged guitar in. No sound. Went to tuner. No input. Plugged guitar directly into my UAD apollo and sure enough sound so not a bad cable.

    I reset global settings, nada. I switched to alt input on back and changed the input menu accordingly. Nada. Even tried FX loop return and changed input menu accoriding and still can not get a signal into this thing. I have not tried SPDIF but never use that and the KPA is useless to me until I get analol in working.

    Any ideas? Being as none of the inputs register, I am hoping it is a software setting and not hardware.

    Thanks in advance for any help. I hope to start using this thing way more in the near future for some recording stuff.

    I have done that before. . .lol. Not the case now though. No input on any rigs.

  • Is there no activity on the input LED? It should at least flicker in some shade of green when there's something coming from the guitar.

    You need to have the KPA checked if the guitar and cable works with a different amp, the KPA input settings are at default (clean-sens=0dB, distortion sens=0dB, source = "front input") and there still isn't a flicker of the input LED when you play.

    Another reset isn't likely to change anything if you've already tried that.

  • Totally crazy. I had tried all of the above, different cables, changed guitars way back when etc. After reading the suggestions above I unplugeed the guitar I was using and grabbed another. Plugged in, and viola. . .sound! I knew the jack on the first guitar was fine as I had just come back from a meeting where some other guitar players tried out that guitar. Unplugged the second guitar and went back to the first one and it also now worked? Makes zero sense. Used the LPA all day yesterday with the original guitar and cable and couldn't get it to not work. Whacky.

    Had a buddy that is a pro down here in santo domingo over for dinner with the wives. Let him plug into the KPA on a Two Rock profile. He couldn't stop playing it.He is bringing back another pro this week to show him the KPA. I am sure glad it works now.

    Thanks to all who tried to help, and I hope this whacky issue does not pop up again!

  • Really weird experience!
    Great that it's working now.
    And I hope you can put the profiler to good use on a more regular basis now.:)

    Yep. Had it plugged in all day half waiting for the input to go dead. Wiggled cable to see if it was extremely intermittent etc. So far all good. Been digging through some amp factory profiles I bought way back when. Going to buy some more this week.

    I have been building a big rack based around multiple POD HD and Multiple Axe FX plus strymon, EHX, Pigtronix etc pedals. That has had me busy in building, wiring and a bit of programming. Much more programming to go. I will leave the KPA in my studio when I just want to practice or need a more "generic" but killer tone for recording. Most of the guitarists I have over are all analog pedal dudes. With the KPA I can call up a cool clean amp and let them use what they are used to.

    I had a guitarist over for dinner last night and he couldn't stop playing a Two Rock Rig. I think he will be coming here to record a lot more now.

    I am glad to finally get around to actually using the KPA as the lil toaster rocks!

    Really weird experience!
    Great that it's working now.
    And I hope you can put the profiler to good use on a more regular basis now.:)

  • Uh oh. The KPA was working fine all week. Today I had a player over that wanted to check it out. Same problem. No matter what I do no input. 6 cables, 4 guitars, reboot, unplug, reboot. . . nada. . . .zip. . . .zero. Damn. If it is that intermittent and whacky, I will never have full confidence in this thing. Is there a US based repair center? Intermittent stuff is hardest to trouble shoot ;(

  • Yes. There is a very good repair center in Plano, TX. Okstrat (Pete) could tell you how well they worked for him.

    Good to know. I am actually heading to san antonio in a few weeks so shipping will be easy.

    Now things got REALLY weird. I gave up on messing with the KPA and was back to programming my rack, with the PODS and Axe FXs. Power went out. Everything rebooted. Kemper then worked! Going to plug in this morning and see if it all still works. Very, strange.

  • If your profiler continues to give you problems please open a support ticket at the website and a member of our US team will take care of you.

    Thanks! I will. I remember years ago having computer issues and the only thing that finally got the box to boot was to actually unplug the power cord from the power strip, rather than from the back of the computer itself. Made zero sense as either way you kill power to the computer. It worked however.

    The fact that the KPA was not working and a power outage resulted in it then working is whacky to say the least. If the problem crops up again I will unplug power cord from power strip just for giggles. If that doesn't cure it. I will open a ticket.

    The good news is, I live a country where I have the only KPA, the only Axe FXs, and until very recently the only JTV Variaxes. I have been able to show the kemper to a few people the last few days. Jaws dropping is the reaction in every case. I may book studio time just to profile a few amps. The guys down here are even more "purist" and less open minded about digital than some on TGP. I am sure to open a few eyes.

  • The fact that the KPA was not working and a power outage resulted in it then working is whacky to say the least.

    The profiler has a protection circuit against power surges and similar related outside problem. I think you have triggered it. It won't switch on until the energy in the power unit has gone. I am sure that it would have booted fine after 15 minutes or so. Check the condition of your house's power circuitry.

  • The profiler has a protection circuit against power surges and similar related outside problem. I think you have triggered it. It won't switch on until the energy in the power unit has gone. I am sure that it would have booted fine after 15 minutes or so. Check the condition of your house's power circuitry.

    I live in the dominican republic where power is notably bad. The KPA was connected to an output on my furman power conditioner which usually helps a bit. I am pretty sure that once it fails it lasts way more than 15 minutes. I am going to keep an eye on it for sure.