New FactalAudio floorboard

  • I'd be interested in seeing the price.

    As for me, I need a Spring Reverb and I'm good.

    It looks like a good combo for one who gigs regularly. For a studio, if it's $1200, I'd just get the ULTRA and have much more extensive options.
    But we know nothing at this point, so take my speculation with a toss of salt.

    In any case, smart product for sure!

  • A lot of tube amp users want it as easy and straight forward as possible so: Lot of pro level high quality FXs + channel switching = bingo!

    I predict a big success for this thing if the price is just well targeted!

    Midi would be usefull for people who are not in the targeted customers for this specific product IMHO.

  • We'll see as soon as the manual will be out ....

    Since it's all software it should be easy to implement some basic Midi features - if the device has any Midi out's.

    Yes, you are right . it's a great effect unit anyway - but would be a killer for the KPA (with Midi out).

    :thumbup: +1000

  • The weird thing with guitarists is they spend their lives discussing guitar FX, but they never use 90% of the FX in any unit they ever buy. ?(
    We don't use 80% of the FX in our KPAs and we won't use them in this FX8 either.

    We nagged CK for nearly two years demanding Pitch, Whammy & Harmoniser FX...since CK delivered these incredible high quality FX into the Kemper there hasn't been a single soundclip demo using these FX in the demo section...why?

  • Even if this thing costs $1500 US it's super cool for gigging guys. When you look at the money people invest in pedal boards you could flip em and buy the this with change. Would have killed for it a few years ago.

    New talent management advice to Laura Cox -

    “Laura want to break the internet? let’s shoot another video of you covering the Nightrain solo in the blue singlet, but this time we’ll crank up the air conditioning”.

  • Well, I think it is great for Kemper users - and... acoustic guitar player´s like me.
    I am using the Kemper live since 2 years now, with electric guitars and acoustic guitars.

    But when I travel around only with the acoustic setup I don´t take the Kemper with me... and I need lot´s of effects.

    So I use the LR Baggs Preamp, Chorus, Delay, Reverb (and a Tuner of course) now and wanted to buy new effects (Strymon Timeline, Ola and BlueSky) -
    but now I´ll wait... to see this nice little Fractal Audio thing.

    I owned the Ultra and the II years ago, but the Kemper beat them all... for electric!
    But for acoustic guitars: the effects were great!!!! So I wait to see the best of both worlds thing!

    Best regards! Mario

  • Looks very cool but like mentioned already if it's over a grand I'd buy an Ultra which I can use as a back up amp as well. Not crazy about pedal effects anyways very inconvenient while on stage to do any tweaking.

  • Wow. Kemper dragging their feet with the foot controller seems like a mistake, now the competition beat them to it. Irrespective of price, it will now be hard to justify waiting (potentially forever) on a KPA-branded foot controller, when you can now get a foot controller that has Axe effects and routing capabilities.

    First quarter, second quarter,...will there ever be a KPA foot controller? It's becoming a comedy now.

  • Cliff just wrote this:

    "This product is aimed at the person who doesn't want to use modeling. It is specifically designed for use with an amp. The I/O architecture was designed to integrate with tube amps.

    The one thing people seem to be assuming is that we have no other products under development. In fact we have no less than six new products in active development."

    so there is a lot more to come! :thumbup:

    (All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with

    Great Profiles -->

  • Blackbird -

    "Wow. Kemper dragging their feet with the foot controller seems like a mistake, now the competition beat them to it. Irrespective of price, it will now be hard to justify waiting (potentially forever) on a KPA-branded foot controller, when you can now get a foot controller that has Axe effects and routing capabilities.

    First quarter, second quarter,...will there ever be a KPA foot controller? It's becoming a comedy now."

    Has it been established that it will send out midi messages? I havent seen that info. Please provide link to it.

    BTW, the Pod HD 500 was capable of controlling the Kemper with midi. But it was such a PITA the get it to do so, I ended up getting the FCB 1010. Which did a great job in several different ways.

    Me thinks you assume way to much at this point in time.

    Edited 3 times, last by lasvideo (June 9, 2014 at 11:13 PM).

  • The one thing people seem to be assuming is that we have no other products under development. In fact we have no less than six new products in active development."

    Well, that creates another 20 threads and 400 pages of discussion at TGP....that should keep the members busy for a year or three.

  • Hi lasvideo,
    Welcome to the forum. It has been said that the unit will support CC/PC messages. Midi-out has not been specifically mentioned, but is a relatively standard feature within this paradigm, so it's a logical assumption, but we'll see. I am not going to provide links for you, you can use google yourself.

    I have been using the HD500 as my live midi controller for 2 years now. The rugged construction and mechanical feedback of the buttons are far easier to operate in a live situation than the odd spacing and silent plastic switches of the FCB(especially critical when singing/playing). I've also auditioned a midi-mate and liquidfoot mini+, so I'm quite familiar with the current offerings, as I've had my KPA for a long while now. Not sure why you think the HD500 is a "PITA" to program. The GUI is pretty simple to operate.

    You seem relatively new, so it may be hard for you to fully appreciate the KPA foot controller saga, but it's been continuously delayed for some time now. For long time users it can certainly be frustrating when Axe comes out with several new products, one of them being something that could fill that need.

    Perhaps you assume too much as well.

  • Perhaps you assume too much as well.

    LOL! I suggest you look up the definition of the word assume . And this is why.

    Close inspection of my statement...

    Has it been established that it will send out midi messages? I havent seen that info. Please provide link to it.

    BTW, the Pod HD 500 was capable of controlling the Kemper with midi. But it was such a PITA the get it to do so, I ended up getting the FCB 1010. Which did a great job in several different ways.

    ...reveals no assumptions on my part. There is a question posed to you and a statement of my experience with the HD 500.

    Whereas your statement regarding unknown midi abilities of the Axe...

    Midi-out has not been specifically mentioned, but is a relatively standard feature within this paradigm, so it's a logical assumption,

    ...Does contain an assumption, as you have so clearly stated at the end of your sentence.

    So your final jab at me..

    Perhaps you assume too much as well.

    is nonsequitor and somewhat silly

    Theres really no need to get so defensive here. :thumbup:

    Edited once, last by lasvideo (June 10, 2014 at 5:30 AM).

  • We need to get some more info on the Kemper Foot Controller.
    Im using the FCB with uno4kemper, but i want a fully functional proper controller that i dont have to continually piss around with to make it work. This should be a high priority to get on the market IMO...getting a bit ridiculous.

    /rant off

    Back to thread topic

  • Wow. Kemper dragging their feet with the foot controller seems like a mistake, now the competition beat them to it. Irrespective of price, it will now be hard to justify waiting (potentially forever) on a KPA-branded foot controller, when you can now get a foot controller that has Axe effects and routing capabilities.

    First quarter, second quarter,...will there ever be a KPA foot controller? It's becoming a comedy now.

    What if the KPA foot controller can load Profiles? :D