Hey guys,
big problems yesterday at a gig with my weddings band.
Before soundcheck the Kemper startet well, but then huge problems appeared:
the remote went black, started again, next there was no input signal and no output signal... all cables changed,
shut down the Kemper, startet new a few times...
after a few minutes Kemper worked again, but when I pressed any switch you could see, that the Kemper needed a lot of time to react.
Panic, cause, this way, it woulkd be not possible to get through the gig properly.
And then: a few minutes later, no Input and output, like in the beginning...
So: I went back to the last stored backup to see, if this would work better.
And yes, it worked!
But I didn´t make enough backups in the past!
I didn´t even make a backup with the remote, so I had to make two "emergency banks" with in a few minutes,
one for electric guitar and one for acoustic guitar just to get through the gig (10 hours wedding!).
Has anyone had the same issue?
My plan: buy another Kemper, get the old one to the guys at Kemper to check it;
I think, perhaps its some damage inside, lot´s of touring over the last 3 years with this Kemper... (all housed in a massive flight case, but perhaps something´s broken inside?).
But the awful thing is: all my rigs are gone, the perfect rigs, that I made on the road over the years. My own fault! Why didn´t I made enough backups on the stick?
I made some "backups" in the rig manager, but it is not the same, is it?
Can I get the backups in the rig manager into my kemper again?
Most of the time, the Kemper is in the tour bus, but I will get it today to try this out...
any help from you guys? Any ideas, where the problem is?
Best regards, Mario
(Backup rig with a Tech21 RK 5 and some pedals always with me now...)