Boss FS-6 for Rig scrolling

  • Shared this on another forum for someone asking about smaller rig change options. Thought I'd share here in case anyone is interested. The biggest advantage I've found is with the ability to scroll through all of the rigs while still playing.

    I've used the FS-6 in place of a MIDI controller a couple of times. I have mine setup in Rig Up/Rig Down mode. My thoughts:

    With Rig Up/Rig Down, I use the FS-6 to go through all of the Profiles on the KPA in Browser Mode. I'm happy with this at home because it gives me a way to audition Profiles without using Rig Manager or having to scroll with the Browse knob or other buttons. In this setup, the way you have Profiles sorted is the way you scroll through them...i.e. by Name, by Amp Type, by Gain, etc.

    A cool way to use this I've found is in combo with a MIDI pedal, which may work well with a MIDI Mouse. (Amp names as examples)

    Assuming you are in Browser mode, sort the Profiles by Amp type. Set MIDI PrgChg #1 as say a Clean Swart Profile. Hit MIDI "patch" #1. Now use the FS-6 to scroll through all of the Swart Profiles.

    Set MIDI PrgChg #2 for a Marshall Plexi Profile. Hit MIDI "patch" #2. Now scroll through all of the Marshall Profiles on the FS-6.

    Maybe not as practical live, but I've found the FS-6 worth it just for the quick change way of running through all of the rigs without having to stop playing to do so.


    With a more full featured MIDI controller, you have a lot more flexibility. I'm using the Rocktron MIDI Mate for now in the Controller Mode. Bottom five buttons (0-4) are my rig change buttons. Buttons 5-7 are effects slots off and on, Button 8 is Tuner, Button 9 is Tempo, setup to track my playing rather than tap for Tempo.

    No way to do this with the FS-6 by itself. For instance, with just the FS-6, you cannot have both the option to turn Delay off/on AND switch to a different Rig. You would have to duplicate the Rig, one with Delay and one without and switch between them.

  • You can use 2 fs6 with the kemper. I actually use 1 fs6 and 1 fs5 to extend control options along with an U4K fcb1010. If you use 2 you can assign 1 set to up/down and the other to turn delay on/off along with 1 more parameter.

  • Also, a guy at a local store told me the FS-6 can be used as an A\B pedal?! 8o

    He said he has done it successfully. 8|

    Can anyone confirm this? ?(
    AFAIK, the FS-6' socket are meant to transmit control signals, but who knows... a flaw in the design? :whistling:

  • Also, a guy at a local store told me the FS-6 can be used as an A\B pedal?! 8o

    He said he has done it successfully. 8|

    Can anyone confirm this? ?(
    AFAIK, the FS-6' socket are meant to transmit control signals, but who knows... a flaw in the design? :whistling:

    He surely means rig up/down.
    There's no A/B I can think of.

  • I'm new to this, I just got my Kemper today. So, I could favorite the rigs I want to use for a show, then use the Boss FS-6 to scroll up/down through them? Sounds cool. What kind of cable would I use, where on the Kemper would I plug it in, and how would I set the Kemper to use the FS-6 to scroll up/down through rigs?


  • I have owned several boss FS-6 pedals since they were released but never heard about it having an A/B function. But my idea of an A/B switch may be different.

    I think of an A/B switch as having 3 audio connections, and switching one audio signal between two others, either 2 guitars to one amp, or one guitar to two Amps.

    Behringer just released an A/B pedal, (A/B 200 Dual), that can function as a momentary or on/off switch, like the FS-6 to change amp channels, activate reverb, scroll throu patches, or, it can A/B audio signals.
    At $30, that might be a great piece of gear.

  • Thanks merman, yes, that's its definition. Don't take me wrong, I've been surprised at hearing that as you and Ingolf have. Next time I visit the store I'll ask the guy to demonstrate the function :huh:

    So basically the A/B 200 Dual would do what the guy said the FS-6 can, that is act like an A/B (two-way) switch and like a double switch for changing rigs and the like? That would what I'm after! But the manual just reports the use as an A/B box, the dual switch function is not reported...
    ... Even tho the webpage reads "Usable for all products with external control functions such as guitar amps, keyboards, rhythm machines, lighting products, etc."
    Am I missing something here? :|

  • The Kemper uses Momentary switches.

    The FS-6 can be used as Momentary switches OR latching switches, and can use a TRS cable to connect to the Kemper.

    The Behringer is also Momentary OR latching switches but has TS cable connections. So, you would need to add a "two TS cables to one TRS cable adapter cable" to the outputs, and two "tip connected to sleeve" jacks to the inputs. Unless you can wire those yourself, the FS-6 is simpler and cheaper to use.

  • I'm new to this, I just got my Kemper today. So, I could favorite the rigs I want to use for a show, then use the Boss FS-6 to scroll up/down through them? Sounds cool. What kind of cable would I use, where on the Kemper would I plug it in, and how would I set the Kemper to use the FS-6 to scroll up/down through rigs?


    By the way 'Rig Up/Down' with an analog momentary dual switch like BOSS FS-6 doesn't only work in Browse Mode according to your selected View and Sorted By. It also works in Performance Mode. You are able to step through all enabled slots/performances in a linear fashion. Slots not enabled get ignored.