New rig tag preference: Pickup type

  • A 'sort by Definition' option might be cool to have, right?

    Yes. That would probably fill the same purpose. I agree about your point about inconsistent characteristics between pickups of similar construction. My intention was to form some guideline, not an absolute as there obviously is none. Besides, I was thinking of a pickup-characteristic being a combination of warmth/brightness and output level and I'm not sure how your definition of "definition" cover that, but this is just semantics.

    You should think twice about the naming of parameters though. Try to use terms that are already well known to guitarists and other musicians. Experienced guitar-players would easily be able to order a collection of guitars by "brightness". If you ask them to order the same guitars by "definition" you would probably have to offer an explanation for that. Things are so much easier, at least for beginners, if you stick to well known terminology. Another example of this from the KPA is the term "performance" in performance-mode. If I'm part of a show where there's a programmable midi-controller that is interacting with every midi-capable piece of equipment on and around the stage, and i tell the person in charge to activate "performance" this or that nobody knows what I'm talking about. Just about everybody else in the midi-world group their programs (or slots) in banks which IMHO would make more sense to use in the KPA too.

    Edited 3 times, last by heldal (April 9, 2014 at 2:16 AM).

  • Mhhh... I think Don is trying to tell us something :D

    You should think twice about the naming of parameters though. Try to use terms that are already well known to guitarists and other musicians. Experienced guitar-players would easily be able to order a collection of guitars by "brightness". If you ask them to order the same guitars by "definition" you would probably have to offer an explanation for that.

    This isn't actually an issue IMO. We're not guitar players: we're Profiler users, we specifically know what Definition is, and we also know that it is a specific (and absolutely measurable) physical quantity.

    In the MIDI context PC is not a personal computer: if you want to use MIDI you'll have to learn the slang. I think it's the same for any device. When I was born "patch" had a completely different meaning than today... and I've learned it :D

  • Quoted from "heldal"
    You should think twice about the naming of parameters though. Try to use terms that are already well known to guitarists and other musicians. Experienced guitar-players would easily be able to order a collection of guitars by "brightness". If you ask them to order the same guitars by "definition" you would probably have to offer an explanation for that.
    This isn't actually an issue IMO. We're not guitar players: we're Profiler users, we specifically know what Definition is, and we also know that it is a specific (and absolutely measurable) physical quantity.

    Dunno about that... I'm inclined to believe that the majority of us are guitar players.... Definition could mean clarity of the amp to me but might also conflict with presence or brightness terms as well... I think@heidal makes a very good point about the KPA team using the user group to help define terms or meanings of terms for functionality, for future use. Common terms that are easily understood can make the KPA experience even more enjoyable and quicker to integrate into a workflow, i.e. quality . Of course, I agree with your reference to MIDI and its terminology and getting on board. ;)

    Gettin' funky up in here..

  • It's certainly an ambivalent situation:
    On one hand it's definitely easier to stick to common terminology to avoid confusion and misconception (see also the dreaded 'what is clean sense?'- threads).

    OTOH the profiler allows for finetuning certain characteristics of a given sound (like pick or definition) that you cannot alter in their real- world counterparts or even other modelers.
    This inevitably has to lead to the introduction of new terminology IMO, no way around it.
    There is and there will be a certain learning curve.

  • Of course we are guitar players! What I mean is that we are special guitar players LOL
    We're supposed to know what Clean Sense means, and if we don't I wonder how proficiently we can use the Profiler.
    All the users know that Definition is a KPA parameters. For those who don't it's not an issue anyway as I see it, you're just getting another ordered list of amps and can't make any harm :D

  • Of course we are guitar players! What I mean is that we are special guitar players LOL


    We're supposed to know what Clean Sense means, and if we don't I wonder how proficiently we can use the Profiler.
    All the users know that Definition is a KPA parameters. For those who don't it's not an issue anyway as I see it, you're just getting another ordered list of amps and can't make any harm :D

    I bet not even 50% users know what definition means.
    I'm a realist, you're an idealist. :)

  • talking about music is like dancing about architecture... :)

    in that sense, I wouldn't overcomplicate the naming of certain parameters.
    simply play, twist the knob, play some more, figure out what it does, find out what it means and most importantly: what it can to for you.

    this is the real issue, not what it's called.

  • My experience is this: A verbal description of a sound and its components means nearly nothing until I HEAR and feel the sound with my fingers and my gear. Ok, I wouldn't search amongst high gain profiles if I'm looking for a clean sound, but you know what I mean... In other words: Any description of a sound can only be a hint. And with the great tweakability of the KPA even a hint becomes less meaningful.

    I could have farted and it would have sounded good! (Brian Johnson)

  • Man, I'm still not seeing how definition would be a benefit in RM.. sorry.. how its applied by another user for their particular circumstance doesn't really give me anything... even how I apply it to an amp versus a group of amps. Maybe just the fact that the definition parameter has been modified to some degree? Enlighten me please.

    Gettin' funky up in here..