need help setting up your Wah in the Profiler? do you own a rare Wah? let me know.

  • Phew! OK... lemme try to translate that, matey. Wish me luck, fellas. :D

    OK, done. I took "chemical" for meaning "harsh". Good thinking, eh guys, eh, eh? :D

    Bravo Nicky ^^

    As a side note, I'll be all in for a separate thread with just the pre-set(ting)s :thumbup:

    The only question I'd have would be as to whether folks post new sets there or not. Obviously I'd keep the first post updated, so it'd not be very different from this arrangement other than for the fact that I'd not have to keep posting the link and so on. I don't want to piss anyone off, so let's see what a few other peeps say, eh?

    FWIMBW, I'm grateful for your support for this GianfrancBro', so I do hope it's given the OK; it should be simpler for everyone that way.

    EDIT: So far, you and Kulle are for it, and Paul's not so keen, and he gave good reason.

    3 for
    1 against


    Updated the settings list with Chi-Wah-Wah 1 & 2 by Kulle Wumpenteich

    Kemper Wah-settings List

  • Hahahaha I knowed that will be the result. :D
    No I mean chemical! <X
    In the sense of synthetical in some situations. Plastic-sound you know? A little bit spooky and corrosive. 8|
    I love detailed descriptions hahaha...

  • Hmmm. I think I'm with Paul on this one. As long as you are willing to post updated lists in here, what would be the benefit of creating another thread? In here we can all talk about the presets and get the latest list. Another thread with just the list? Not really seeing the point...

  • As I see it, there would actually be a couple of benefits.

    Wwe wouldn't have to look back in the thread for Nicky's post every time, and\or he wouldn't have to post the link every time he updates the list.

    Also, a thread called "Wah Presets" would IMO be much clearer than "Need help setting up your Wah in the Profiler? do you own a rare Wah?" for those just looking for... new presets, like myself.

    The first time, I opened this thread just out of curiosity and, while I can program the wahs by myself and don't feel I "need help" (like "help!, I don't know how to set Pure Cab for my system!"), I love the idea of being able to try others' presets. I had no idea the thread contained those as well.

    I'd also note that, if the values were exclusively supplied by Don after measuring the actual hardware, then keeping them here would make a lot of sense. But since there are several user-presets listed, I see Nicky's this list quite unrelated to the thread and able to walk on its own (4?) legs. :D

  • Though I see Paul's valid point, I think on the whole it would make finding these presets much easier in its own thread, so I would vote 'for.'

    Love the thread by the way. Kulle, those new settings are so very different for the Chi, I wish I were home now to try them out!

    Gary ô¿ô

  • BTW, that link does not work unless the user has the same number of post per page in their forum settings as you do. I only have 7 pages in this entire thread, but that link refers to page 12.

    Not sure there is anything you can do about it.... just FYI.

    Confirmed, and somehow weird: the link also carries the post #ID... how can the engine unconflictingly address an entity identified by unmatching data\pointers? 8|

    PS: Seems to be a further reason for putting the collection in an OP...

  • Confirmed, and somehow weird: the link also carries the post #ID... how can the engine unconflictingly address an entity identified by unmatching data\pointers? 8|

    PS: Seems to be a further reason for putting the collection in an OP...

    Other forum software maintains an index relative to the thread so you can always refer to post #27 in any given thread and the software can figure out the page number on the fly. But this forum software just says go to page X and scroll down to the html ID tag "#post310535", without taking into account the users preferences (i.e. it's a bug).

    ... but I digress.

  • Hahahaha I knowed that will be the result. :D
    No I mean chemical! <X
    In the sense of synthetical in some situations. Plastic-sound you know? A little bit spooky and corrosive. 8|
    I love detailed descriptions hahaha...

    Thank you Kulle. I'll replace the description with the words you've now provided.

    Please let me know if you're still not happy! ;)

    BTW, that link does not work unless the user has the same number of post per page in their forum settings as you do. I only have 7 pages in this entire thread, but that link refers to page 12.

    Not sure there is anything you can do about it.... just FYI.

    Curious, mate, as to what sorts of settings might alter the accuracy of the link.

    For instance, text size. I always use command-0 to ensure that the default size is in effect. Would instigating this setting prior to hitting the link solve it for you?

    Also, if you've blocked anyone who's posted in the thread that might alter the number of pages, no?

    OK, I just checked both page-width and magnification sizes, and neither makes any difference to the number of pages in the thread. I'm guessing therefore that it must have something to do with the number of posts per page that one has enabled in one's preferences, and / or whether or not anyone participating has been blocked by the user.

    I'm happy to attach a short sentence that describes the conditions required to ensure accurate link functionality along with the post number. I'll try this for now in case others run into this issue, at least until we figure out where the repository is going to be kept.


    Tally so far:

    For Discrete thread
    Sam Brox, but by a mod

    Against Discrete thread


    Updated the settings list with Kulle's expanded description of Chi-Wah-Wah 1

    Kemper Wah-settings List

  • Other forum software maintains an index relative to the thread so you can always refer to post #27 in any given thread and the software can figure out the page number on the fly. But this forum software just says go to page X and scroll down to the html ID tag "#post310535", without taking into account the users preferences (i.e. it's a bug).

    Interesting Ben, thanks :)

  • In the upper left corner of each post, there is a Link icon. It offers the choice of Permalink, BBCode, or HTML.

    Is that the "2 hours ago" or whatever phrase, Paul? I see no icon. I also see no choices; if I click this it just goes to the post.

    OK, I tried dragging the date and it works! Hopefully it links to the correct spot for all and sundry.

    Thank you so much, Paul.

    BTW - I really LIKE the idea of a pinned post for wah settings.

    Cool man. I'll change your vote.

    I wonder if it's possible for the mods to sticky a thread if I start one, as opposed to their having to do it. I do feel that maintenance of such a thread should be our rather than their responsibility. After all, we want them working on our beloved Kemper as much as possible and not futzing about with minutia here on the forum.


    Tally so far:

    For Discrete thread
    Sam Brox (by a mod?)
    Paul, but pinned

    Against Discrete thread


    Updated the settings list's link to hopefully work accurately for all:

    Kemper Wah-settings List

  • Hey, no fair changing your vote. Bandwagon jumper :D

    I felt sorry for you, being all alone in that category, Dennis. I was hoping someone would join you just so you wouldn't be alone.

    Wanna jump ship... I mean, wagons? :D

    Kemper Wah-settings List