kemper profiler NAMM 2014 news!!

  • Given the available resources, the only advantage of releasing the two versions together would have been to let Mac owners not to envy Win users, because the two versions would have been released with the same delay.
    Yes, call it a solution... :)

  • I haven't been inside of a pro studio in New York City that incorporates Windows-based computers into their workflow. Sooner the better regarding getting the Mac version of the rig manager out. It's just not a good look, leaving the highest profile Kemper users behind for too long. My hope is that they're planning a simultaneous IOS release, which may justify the delay.

    That may be the case for pro studios but I think you'll find the number of pro studios compared to home studios, project studios and just guitar players with home computers is very small. In other words, there are more windows based PC's than macs. I'm sure if the reverse was true Kemper would have started with mac development. Not wanting to start yet another PC vs Mac thread (please no!) ?( In addition, we are talking about a free application being provided by the manufacturer who is under no obligation to do so. Lets be patient. 8)

  • Keep in mind that Kemper is European company after all, Windows has no real competition here maybe except few linux distros. Maybe native OS market was the reason? Whether it's correct assumption or not all Mac users need is patience. Those are only few months.

    Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk

  • I was really hoping for a release of the foot controller. Oh well, the behringer/uno for kemper works for now. But with talks of Kemper owners benefiting from "free upgrades that the manufacturer is under no obligation to supply" to me it would have made more sense to first develop the controller as it would make the company money selling a new product, and then focus on upgrades that won't make it any money, other than a small handful of potential buyers that were holding out until for a manager. I am a mac user as well. Recently, I've just been using the rigs that I already have set up and not messing with much, so I can wait for now. But had money set aside to preorder the controller the moment it's released. Oh and the looper feature would have been awesome. Though I'm sure once it comes out it will be killer.

    Kemper seems to do a good job of making sure things are good and ready rather than releasing junk that needs a dozen upgrades for it to work properly. Even the beta versions have had only minor bugs.

  • I've got PC's laying around the house and sitting in the corner of the studio collecting dust, but do I want to integrate one in my rig and workflow; absolutely not! Get real!! It'd be nice to have a rig manager but not at the price of firing up a POS to run it.

    But hey... the other features they've added are cool... honestly, one might think that they should focus on developing code that portable across platforms or hire developers capable. It's kinda podunk ....

    still love my Kemper though..

    Gettin' funky up in here..

  • Mac user here and a little disappointed about the librarian but compared to no KFC totally bummed.

    New talent management advice to Laura Cox -

    “Laura want to break the internet? let’s shoot another video of you covering the Nightrain solo in the blue singlet, but this time we’ll crank up the air conditioning”.

  • Let's all keep things in perspective, the Windows version still isn't even available and a definitive date hasn't been provided. Could be this month, the next or March. While not as bad as a possible worst case scenario December time frame for a Mac version, bottom line nothing is currently available. Having said that, I am looking forward to the release of the Windows version.

  • I would have loved a HTML solution using a mini web service inside the KPA connecting through the network plug.
    No extra OS compatibility probs, just one software.
    We then could try out rigs from the stick and all the management stuff would work anyway.
    Wrong technology I feel

    Geht nicht, gibt´s nicht. "Doesn't work" is no option. :!:

  • I would have loved a HTML solution using a mini web service inside the KPA connecting through the network plug.
    No extra OS compatibility probs, just one software.
    We then could try out rigs from the stick and all the management stuff would work anyway.
    Wrong technology I feel

    Um, browsers are sandboxed. Access to devices is extremely limited and the protocols sparse, it's one thing to read, quite another to write to anything outside of the browser. Web apps aren't the panacea that solves all platform specific protocol issues, they only solve what's in the current standard, what's in the libraries. They also have the considerable downside that the computer must be online that's connected to your KPA, not necessarily an option in a studio.

    Then after that lets say you store on the cloud, you have to handle backend, customer security... it's not that web apps are fundamentally horrible (well most of them are tbh), but just that in this case it's not as simple as you might imagine and I think Kemper are doing the right thing, even if the lack of a mac version is inconvenient and even if it would be nice to e.g. fire up the librarian on your ipad/android/windows tablet and control it that way. I'm sure that this is all planned down the road. For now I'm pretty happy that we're getting anything at all, it was never promised or even suggested after all, folk just assumed.