Michael Wagener Rig Pack

  • Atm the only image that comes to my mind is :

    a Kid hand full of candies that due to his big personal friend hes the only having them, that no one can have, and telling that other similar candies from a different party in the possibility of caming, will never released to the main public . So no one can taste his candy (andy sneap) ! neither we cant have the other candy ( M . waneger ) ! Fun thing is that it makes him so happy this post being so alive after his so opinion . .

    I have some big friends in the audio industry saying that BOB ROCK is so bored with this so alive forum discussion, that he will release a RIG PACK . That is what i called a Real producer :D ! with good Iconic Guitar sounds ! . . . Ohh I forgot to mention that Martin Birch maybe will follow the same path !! 8o

  • all my big-time (I MEAN BIG-TIME) friends in the industry (AND I'VE GOT A LOT) said that there ARE Michael Wagener and Andy Sneap rig packs coming,

    Well at least I could spare that kittens face then However I can´t tell if your post is purely sarcastic or just the last part

    hmmmm....I'm gonna go with another mindless moronic (and apparently jealous???) post....Keep punching the kittens instead....meamaboo....you want a hug? I can get sneap to give you one if you want?

    To be fair you can see why people get riled up. I'm sure Andy Sneap's profiles are impressive and all, but constantly name dropping Sneap and trying to get one up on people by name dropping Trivium etc just isn't the done thing really, and if you are really friends with them I doubt they'd be that impressed you keep using them as connections just to score a few forum points.

    There's a lot of professional players and producers who tour and record on this forum, but keep that info to themselves. If you're a true pro you don't have to name drop to prove it.[/quote]

    Maybe you need to reread some of my posts... Number 1, I NEVER said I was a pro: quite the contrary, I stated I am not one: however I'm glad someone is not I have an opinion if they aren't a pro. 2: I never once name dropped sneap: I don't know him. Nor did I " name drop" trivium as you like to call it. That was this forums imagination running wild with what I had posted: Do not get I twisted man, actually go read anything I've had to say, then come back and talk to me if you still feel that way. All this " elitist" attitude I am getting portrayed is complete bullshit. I never once had the intention of" bragging" about MY COMPUTER FILES. I DID however give soundclips OF a few profiles, so that THIS FORUM could maybe get a glimpse at what some of the " pros" use for guitar tones on their records... Last I checked, YOU nor NONE of these " closet producers" that you mention, have done that, have they? So now I'm the bad guy here? In my mind, and apparently quite a few others, that is definitely contributing to the forums and the KPA knowledge, sorry you don't see it that way. :) if I come off as a dick, hey I'm sorry, but where I come from people get treated the way they treat others :)

  • Quote

    "Maybe you need to reread some of my posts... Number 1, I NEVER said I was a pro: quite the contrary, I stated I am not one: however I'm glad someone is not I have an opinion if they aren't a pro. 2: I never once name dropped sneap: I don't know him. Nor did I " name drop" trivium as you like to call it. That was this forums imagination running wild with what I had posted: Do not get I twisted man, actually go read anything I've had to say, then come back and talk to me if you still feel that way. All this " elitist" attitude I am getting portrayed is complete bullshit. I never once had the intention of" bragging" about MY COMPUTER FILES. I DID however give soundclips OF a few profiles, so that THIS FORUM could maybe get a glimpse at what some of the " pros" use for guitar tones on their records... Last I checked, YOU nor NONE of these " closet producers" that you mention, have done that, have they? So now I'm the bad guy here? In my mind, and apparently quite a few others, that is definitely contributing to the forums and the KPA knowledge, sorry you don't see it that way. :) if I come off as a dick, hey I'm sorry, but where I come from people get treated the way they treat others :)"

    many guys I run into just because of my circle of friends and this
    happens all the time. Most recently? Pat obrien (nevermore, cannibal
    corpse) and one of my good friends Corey Beaulieu(

    what it's worth, Corey B
    from trivium is a close friend.

    Corey is
    a long time personal friend of mine, I have the profile they used on
    the new record

    the trivium boys will be usin it exclusively here when they kick off
    their our at the end of July. Corey Beaulieu
    of trivium is a personal friend of mine

    clips are sounding nice! Lets just say I have good friends . One of
    very good friends just got done doing an album with
    Richardson. Corey from
    trivium is a good friend of mine

    Edited 2 times, last by Themightyjay (November 15, 2013 at 2:31 PM).

  • Why is this thread actually still open? Either people are posting total random offtopic stuff (see post above mine) or they are arguing (see rest of the thread). Just do us all a favor and close this troll-thread. ;)

    I agree. Every day I come on here and this thread is at the top. Let's just play our guitars and enjoy what we have.

  • stop bumping it then :D

    we haven't closed/censored a thread yet and won't start now.

    censorship is the very last course of action and an admission of failure.

    if this thread bothers anyone, just ignore it, please. :)

    Another reason why this forum is so incredibly fantastic! Even if this is again off-topic - thanks for being a gread mod (I have seen so many bad mods in my days it´s refreshing to be around a bunch of great guys who do their jop perfectly fine!)

  • stop bumping it then :D

    we haven't closed/censored a thread yet and won't start now.

    censorship is the very last course of action and an admission of failure.

    if this thread bothers anyone, just ignore it, please. :)

    Very cool policy, Don_Petersen. Thank you!

    I thought this was a pretty neat OP, for the record.

    "Wow, Michael Wagener might create a rig pack for us?" "Wow, guys, do you think Mr MW might create a rig pack for us?" "Woah, man, wouldn't it be cool if average Joes like us had a rig pack bomb dropped on us by Mr Michael Wagener?"

    My goodness, we have such hopes and dreams. Dear, dear, such foolish babies on the forums hoping that our heroes might toss us a bone some day. I'm so crushed by the fact that I don't move around in large gangs that hijack multiple computers and ensure that I get a slice of all that internet glory with constant hits.

    I'm broken.

  • Hey that's awesome! You obviously don't have a job, neat! Sorry you consider that " name dropping". He's a close personal friend, people wanted to know how I got the profile... You wanna call him and tell him about this thread so he can tell you how disappointed he would be????

  • Upon further researching your posts " themightyjay" ( COOL name mr I'm awesome guy) I See that like 5 of your Whopping 17 vastly contributing posts on the KPA forum have been directed at me, or something I've commented... You sir, need a hobby, a girlfriend, or something. Maybe contribute alittle more around here before you go yapping your computer jaw all over this forum, you've been here like 2 months, and have had NOTHING to contribute in the least.. Sorry for the thread derailment to the others, but if you think I'm going to sit here and let some newbie around here make me look like an arrogant idiot, you are sadly mistaken. If there is to be no thread deletion or censorship, expect a response. Like I said, I treat others the way they treat me :)

  • hey how about sharing that trivium profile?


  • I agree. Every day I come on here and this thread is at the top. Let's just play our guitars and enjoy what we have.

    Yeah I agree but its tough knowing ill never get a good sound without those treasure profiles LMAO
    I think someone's forgetting its the Guitar players sound the studio is capturing and not the other way around
    Of course the studio has a big effect but it has to start somewhere.
    I'm out.