How Many Mesa / Boogie Profiles Do We Really Need !!!!!

  • I guess what I'm also trying to say is that people should be selective about what they put up and not just add profiles for the sake of it. If for example someone profiles a triple rectifier channel through a 2x12 into a SM57 then does someone else really need to profile the same thing ? While it will sound different is it really different enough ?

    Where do you start and stop ? There are an almost infinite number of profiles that you can do for any amp between channel,eq and mic what point does it become different enough to post or not to post ?

    Can you see my point ?

    I can absolutly see your point! And everyone is entitled to an opinion. I´m just of the opinion that every different profile is worth loading up simply because there might be a chance that this exact profile with this exact setting and sound is exactly what someone else is searching for. Of course we can all tweak everything until it sounds close to what we want - but if you´re honest you´ll have to admit that there is nothing better than a untweaked profile of the exact sound you´re looking for. And thats a part of the magic - at least for me and I´m sure for a lot of other people too.

    The best way of course would be to have a better organizing system on the rig exchange so everyone can search for everything in a very specific way and won´t be annoyed by too much of this or that anymore. So let´s hope Kemper gives it a shot :)

  • I can absolutly see your point! And everyone is entitled to an opinion. I´m just of the opinion that every different profile is worth loading up simply because there might be a chance that this exact profile with this exact setting and sound is exactly what someone else is searching for. Of course we can all tweak everything until it sounds close to what we want - but if you´re honest you´ll have to admit that there is nothing better than a untweaked profile of the exact sound you´re looking for. And thats a part of the magic - at least for me and I´m sure for a lot of other people too.

    The best way of course would be to have a better organizing system on the rig exchange so everyone can search for everything in a very specific way and won´t be annoyed by too much of this or that anymore. So let´s hope Kemper gives it a shot :)

    I see your opinion and take it onboard and totally agree with the UN-TWEAKED comment. There are so so so many variables with the KPA ....which is a GOOD thing

  • True the rig exchange is kind of a mess. In a way a victim of its own success.

    Well each to there own but in the event of shortlisting the better boogie profiles I'd hit up djemass, Bjorns, Thumas and lasses. All free too:)

    I don't really check for new ones anymore.

  • I love the exchange too, but for eaier tasting, i wish/wonder if profile metadata could include some objective, computed criteria to suggest which you may like. This would be helpful during the profiling too; to advise you how well it worked, ie if the amp settings were good. I'm no techie but maybe provide a value of "signal to noise", or "recommended gain range" or "recommended tone knob range" or "transient reponse" or "low frequency range". I dunno... "paf mojo factor" or "twang mojo factor"

  • I think thinking of the profiles as "amp profiles" is sort of wrong a bit to begin with. They're snapshots of a certain recorded tone someone did, not the actual amp. Especially true with the Rectifier series since it has interactive controls that change the nature of the amp completely depending on where they're set. And the cab+mic is 75% (scientifically accurate estimate) of the tone anyway, in real life and profiles. :D

  • I have been thinking a while about creating a patch/rig site with the kicker being that when you upload a patch/rig, the server software would load the patch onto the applicable unit, then reamp some guitar signals of several different styles/guitar/pickups through it. so you could preview before downloading. Of course, I can't do this automatically until Kemper releases an editor that allows me to load a rig onto the unit from the computer (or program some thanks).

    the rating feature on the rig exchange is nice, but it's too disconnected. I download a few dozen rigs on my laptop, put them on a USB drive, go into the other room with the Kemper, play through them, tweak them, save multiple copies, etc. By the time I'm done, I don't remember which profiles I should rate. And it gets more mixed up, because maybe I think a rig sounds horrid, then I change the cab and add a boost and it sounds immaculate. So should I rate it 1 star or 5 stars?

    by the way you can sort rigs by rating. the problem isn't that the feature isn't available. it's differing subjective tastes as well as a low sample size for ratings. I think the most I've ever seen was like 12 ratings. Most are 0-2 ratings. This isn't enough feedback to really determine a wide-ranging idea of how quality the rig is.

  • I found several Boogie-Rigs of excellent sound, absolute usable for studio work! ... and I want more ... :D
    I agree that the RE is not the best solution for rig-administration/organisation but from time to time I also take it as an adventure to dive in for the search of nice and proper rigs. And it's always successful.
    Why hustle when using the KPA and testing rigs? This is no speed contest. Be happy to have this overwhelming offer. I am.

  • I like MESA MARK V LEAD+ by STEPH.L for a Mark IV/V tone.
    I like Mesa Mk3 JP5 by Thuman for a Mark IIC+/Mark III tone.

    I've played an awesome Trans-Atlantic rig but I forget the name.

    I've found a lot of good Rectifier patches. Most of them were factory. Lasse Lammert's rig pack has a few. I want to say DUALRECTIFIED is a good one. Also there's a Road King one I like a lot (I want to say it's by Christoph Kemper).

    Keep in mind you'll get more mileage from them if you test them out with different cabs. My advice is to download Lasse Lammert's rig pack and store all his cabinets as presets - his cabs are immaculate. Also TillS cabs are great. Some are factory presets, but you'll need to find one of his rigs with a Rectifier cab and save it as a preset to have it. I think he has several Rectifier cab profiles, but I found one I like and use that occasionally.

  • Perhaps its posible to remove all free rigs under 4 stars ( 2 months afther uploading or so) its just a idea
    I know I don't download, or try free rigs with 3 or less stars ? :)

    The rating system won't work in my opinion - many many great profiles never get votes at all, and many with 5 stars aren't so great TO ME... And that's the whole thing, isn't it? Sounds are so subjective - everyone's opinions vary like crazy. We are all different and looking for different things in a profile. So how worthwhile can a rating system for quality of sounds be? It can only be a rough guide to what MAY be good. Your ears need to be the judge, not whether some Joe liked it or just wanted to put someone else's down.

    Loads of choices - the best of all possible worlds for everyone!

    Gary ô¿ô

  • The rating system won't work in my opinion - many many great profiles never get votes at all, and many with 5 stars aren't so great TO ME... And that's the whole thing, isn't it? Sounds are so subjective - everyone's opinions vary like crazy. We are all different and looking for different things in a profile. So how worthwhile can a rating system for quality of sounds be? It can only be a rough guide to what MAY be good. Your ears need to be the judge, not whether some Joe liked it or just wanted to put someone else's down.

    Loads of choices - the best of all possible worlds for everyone!


  • Try Sinmix free mesa profiles, you will be amazed!

    Thx Man!

    2 different Mesa profiles, one with DL second with Mesa cab - both you can find in my Free MRP…troller=product

    Mesa DL CAB

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    Mesa Mesa Cab
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    Have Fun!
    Stay Metal!

  • My new Mesa profiles on Hesu and mesa cab :thumbup:

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