Posts by Glowing_Tubes
Friend sent me some tracks to add my guitar parts to and for the life of me I can't get even close to how good his guitar sounds are.
I'm running my KPA into UA Arrow using Logic Pro. I'm definitely having a very low output problem from the Kemper and have to run the volume pretty high in comparison to my usual (Powered Atomic speaker cab). Either way I'm thinking my KPA should be running circles around that Helix. Grrr.
Yes the MBritt profiles are by far my faves.
I will be ordering this new one.
Hi, Just did the update and got the latest version of the rig manager. Nothing shows up in the local library section on rig manage (shows 0). I don't think my Kemper is showing up even though I have the usb plugged into the computer.
Any suggestions? I'm looking to clean out my Kemper because I have something like 900 rigs in there and only use about 10.. go figure...
I need to delete this line from my directory:
It's located in /Library/Extensions but I don't know how to find that directory.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Um... Where did all my delays go?
I did the latest update. I still have all my reverbs when I turn the browse knob in the delay menu but
I only have one delay now, Legacy Delay, which sounds cool but where did all those other ones go? Do I still have
access to a wide variety of delays?Sorry if that's a dumb question, I just haven't found anything on it.
Hi Guys,
The profiles from Bert are really high quality.
My favorite is the Showman 62.
I made a little sample:External Content soundcloud.comContent embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.That sounds excellent. Great playing and the tone is wonderful.
It started with all of my profiles disappearing. The only one I had on there was the one I was using last. My performances all remain the same.
So I reloaded my back up and got the profiles back and this happened again a few days later. In general, the whole system is slow. Slow to change profiles in performance mode (from the same slot)Now I just plugged in and switched to browser to try a couple sounds. Switched back and it loaded a completely different profile in one of my performances.
I rebooted the KPA and it was still there until I switched to a different performance and back. In general the whole thing sounds kind of "off". Hard to describe but it's lost a lot of the natural sound and sounds
more processed than before.I tend to use mid gain profiles, nothing super heavy.
Any thoughts?
Wanted to sort my performances out but they are not showing up in the rig manager.
Any assistance is appreciated.
Thank you! Glad they're working for you! I plan on doing some profiling tomorrow (first time in a couple of months). I'll be profiling my Guytron GT100 (finally got it back from repair shop) and a '68 Plexi. Should be fun (and loud).
Hey Michael,
I used to have a very nice GT-100. That was such an excellent amp. Cant wait to hear what you do with it. Thanks again for the wonderful profiles! -
I'll give that a try thanks.
I'm suddenly getting really bad high pitch feedback on my gain patches when playing live through my KPA/Atomic. This is a new thing happening on patches I've used for a long time.
It's feedback like a mic gets through a PA, not the kind we guitar players typically like.
At first I thought my pickups had suddenly gone microphonic or something but it's happening on my tele as well.Any thoughts?
I've had my KPA since 2012 and never had this issue before, but lately my input LED blinks red constantly. It seems the only way I can stop the clipping is by turning Clean Sense down to -12 (distortion sense had no impact on the level). I'm not well versed on CS/DS but have always left both at -0- in the past and the LED would only blink red occasionally. I'm currently on the most recent firmware release but this started happening a few versions back. Besides updating firmware, nothing else has changed. I'm using the same guitar as I always have (a Peavey Wolfgang with stock pickups).
Any ideas? Is this something to be concerned about? Am I correct in using Clean Sense to avoid clipping or is there a better way?
I'm having the same issue but it's also distorting. This is a recent development, within the last couple months. Cant get it to stop clipping.
I did Michaels update and nothing loaded, weird. I see profiles and put them in the shared folder but when I uploaded it, I received a message that they were were already loaded.
Cool sounding stuff. I like ambient things. Nice job
I'm curious, did you recently upgrade to software version 2.7.4? I had the same issue - it occurred right after I upgraded to 2.7.4. I performed a system reset and haven't witnessed it since. You may decide to reset your system, but if you do, you may eliminate the problem... which from Kemper's point of view may be good, but not so good to get this issue isolated and fixed.
Yes as a matter of fact I did recently update to 2.4.7. I played for about an hour yesterday without incident but if it happens I'll back up and do a reset. Thanks for the tip!!