2.2 is here!!

  • "* Factory rigs and presets included in this firmware can be imported via ‘Factory Rig’ import function in the System Menu or selectively by downloading ‘Factory Content 2.2.0’ from our web-page."

    This is very useful. Thanks.

  • After loading additional factory rigs from within the 2.2 firmware I ran out of rig memory, and noticed lots of duplicates. Many rigs, possibly all factory rigs, have duplicates which look and sound identical to the older ones, except they all share a similar timestamp (2013-10-04 20:2x:xx).

    Edit: timestamps do vary some but most duplicates seem to date from early October 2013.

    Edited once, last by heldal (October 16, 2013 at 8:16 PM).

  • After loading additional factory rigs from within the 2.2 firmware I ran out of rig memory, and noticed lots of duplicates. Many rigs, possibly all factory rigs, have duplicates which look and sound identical to the older ones, except they all share a similar timestamp (2013-10-04 20:2x:xx).

    Yes I had this as well took bloody ages to delete all of the duplicates :cursing:

  • Got round to installing 2.2. Everything works so far. I really like the input clean and distortion sense in visual db. There's only one thing I didnt like and that's the fact I had to redo my main and monitor out eq settings, fortunately I know them off by heart now :) Also, I didnt get the additional factory updated profiles cause my kemper is maxed out. Just got another fcb1010 (brand new this time) to go with my kemper. Uno4kemper chip is going into the new fcb and then old fcb will be used with my jmd. Still decided which rig to use for first gig...

  • Installed 2.2 as well - AWESOME update! Especially love the new and improved reamping section - just what I needed!

    Though, I had all those duplicate rigs when I imported the factory rigs. Deleted most of them - since they were identical (Retained the newer timestamped ones). Some of them, however, had small volume differences and some had reverbs turned off, and I think a couple had an extra stomp in the stomp section.

    I left these ones as-is - shall delete them later once Im done listening to them.

    Thanks a lot, team Kemper, for the fab update!

  • Looks like the noise gate is no longer a part of the input section, but a separate thing that's not affected by the rig changes. It's a nice sensible change

    No change in this area. Noise Gate has always been part of the Input stage and still is. It's part of any rig like Clean Sense or Distortion Sense, however can be fixed by locking the Input stage.

  • Does the "reamp sense" for SPDIF reamping connection work for you? I didn't notice any level change when I tried to optimize my reamping signal from my interfaces SPDIF out...

    Maybe this info from "Kemper Profiler Addendum 2.2.pdf" will help you ?

    Step four: reamping input levelling

    For an optimum signal-to-noise ratio, levelling the reamping input is just as critical as levelling the pure instrument output.
    The levelling is done by the output level of the recording device; it cannot be adjusted in the Profiler. In particular, the SPDIF signal can only be adjusted in the sending device, by definition.
    Play your guitar through the armed track, or play back a previously recorded track. Watch the Input LED on the Profiler while you adjust the output volume on the recording device. The LED should turn to yellow on hard string strokes, but not more. This is all you need to do, so long as the rig you are reamping has no distorting amp or effect in the signal flow. 

    If you reamp a distorting rig, you might notice that the amount of distortion still differs from the original, despite following the above procedure. This is a natural consequence of the correct levelling of input and output: the levelling is made to achieve an optimum signal-to-noise ratio, but does not deal with the preservation of the original instrument level. This is what the parameter "Reamp Sense" is for; simply dial the desired amount of distortion with Reamping Sense - then you are set! 


    For correct levelling and reproduction of a distorted rig with a reamped instrument, two level settings must be performed: the absolute reamp level at the recording device AND the amount of distortion by Reamp Sense. For clean sounding rigs, only the absolute reamp level is necessary. 


    // Björn

  • I think I misunderstood this passage in the addendum and thought, that the "reamp sense" for adjusting distorted sounds should work for both reamp methods

    ✔Both the Return Input and SPDIF Input do not respond to the settings of Clean Sense and Distorted Sense.
    They have their dedicated control Reamp Sense, as described in the Reamping chapter.

  • Hi outhere, I have updated to 2.2., everything ok but.. once again while browsing (and not fast) volume was gone.. but it was easy to "repair" it.. if this happens to somebody go to system - wah pedal to Vol. - click and volume is back..

    another interesting thing: when I updated to 2.2 my memory was nearly to max out but my Kemper has loaded all factory rigs without any problem so I´ve had 1302 or so in it.. :)

  • Was in "BROWSER" mode, when I started the firmware update.
    After the update process finished, the Profiler showed the "TUNER" screen although the chicken head knob was still on "BROWSER" mode.
    No other problem discovered, just a short confused look in my face.

    Same here, only "tuner" screen after the updating, all the rest was perfect!!