SURVEY: What's your favorite lead boost method - say for pop rock

  • What's your favorite lead boost method 71

    1. Higher gain on same rig (1) 1%
    2. Switch to another higher gain profile (20) 28%
    3. One of the Distortion pedals (4) 6%
    4. One of the Booster pedals (17) 24%
    5. Compressor pedal as a boost (0) 0%
    6. One of the EQ pedals as a boost (4) 6%
    7. Simply using the guitar's controls (3) 4%
    8. An external pedal (1) 1%
    9. Combinations of above (20) 28%
    10. Switching off an attenuator (a pedal with minus volume) (0) 0%
    11. Other (1) 1%

    Say you play in a pop rock cover band. Say you have a nice midi pedalboard so all options are available. Your solo is coming up. What do you do?

  • All of the options are good for different results. For me, it depends on the song.

    I really wish the KPA had assignable MIDI per rig. An unused CC# could be assigned to an EQ boost in Slot X on Rig A and the same CC# could enable an overdrive in Slot A on Rig B. That would be way more flexible and the same MIDI button with fixed CC assignment would always be a lead boost no matter the method.


  • 170 views and only 14 took the poll so far. Hey out there, its free! :) And see the results by pressing the Results button. Interestingly, so far nobody chooses a distortion pedal or a higher gain on the same rig.

  • I always have an A/B rig going-

    1st rig is for rhythym, with my basic effect and reverb.
    Then I switch to the lead rig, which always has a booster (I usually use the PB Confidence stomp), a little delay, and a volume boost (with wah in the first stomp on touch mode in case I want/need it)

    I just can't get all of those things to happen at once any other way, so it's just easier to get them all on instantly in a new rig.

    It takes some planning, but it's well worth it and the lag time from switching will never be noticed live (it's virtually nothing).

    I used a Lexicon MPX-G2 processor with my my amps pre-KPA because it was the only MIDI controller that could do all 3 things with 1 foot switch click.

    I should also say, I always use the same rig within a song- just use the booster in front for a little more gain.

    I don't like changing actual amp rigs mid song, just too much of a difference in tone for me (not that anyone in the audience would ever know but I'm anal)

  • I use to maintain the same amp "color" as a distinctive character for the song but do the solo with a separate different rig (tipically with different Gain, EQ and Stomp / Compressor, and effects settings, specialy on delay/rev parameters).

    Let's say, like if it was a "studio" post-elaboration... these are the advantages to use the great capability having a digital modeler that sound like a real one! You can change everything you want within the same song with just a button!!! :thumbup:

  • I am using different rigs for different parts of songs. Each song actually has its own bank of 3-4 rigs. Each rig is tuned for the section of the song it serves. If that section happens to be a solo, it'll have a little more volume, a little more action in the mids, probably some reverb or delay for extra flavour, but it'll likely be an entirely different amp model. One of the main reasons I wanted a Kemper was to be able to really refine my guitar tones to serve the songs and variety is key in that regard.

  • I am using different rigs for different parts of songs. Each song actually has its own bank of 3-4 rigs. Each rig is tuned for the section of the song it serves. If that section happens to be a solo, it'll have a little more volume, a little more action in the mids, probably some reverb or delay for extra flavour, but it'll likely be an entirely different amp model. One of the main reasons I wanted a Kemper was to be able to really refine my guitar tones to serve the songs and variety is key in that regard.

    This is basically what I do, except that I use a GCP in full bank mode with 10 rigs always available to use whenever the song(s) dictate(s). I find I can cover most bases with the 10 presets. :thumbup:

  • I use different rigs sometimes within a song. I also have the 1st 5 presets set to clean,edge,crunch.dist, and balls to the F&$^#^ Wall. Most presets have a boost available (either a Green Scream or clear booster). Being in a cover band, My KPA has been a "God send" for getting closer to the sound of the song. :thumbup:

  • I mostly switch to a different rig (I play metal, so my rhythm rig has lots of gain itself and usually needs the volume knob at max)
    This thread inspired me to try turning the volume knob a bit down on a few parts and turn it up again for the chunkier parts afterwards
    I still use a separate rig for actual solos because I like to add reverb and delay and have a slightly different tone