User reviews of commercial rigs

  • Good one! After getting the first 2 packs from Amp Factory I've downloaded nothing else. Have yet to go through all of them.... :D everytime time I start I make a couple of quick tweak and I play for hours on 2-3 new rigs...

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • I have been thinking about something like this, not only for commercial profiles. The problem is that those reviews are so subjective that i dont think you will get anything useful out of this.

    My suggestion would be to define a handful of reference DI tracks, that everyone can use to reamp with any profile. The resulting soundclips could be posted on a web platform. This could also make the choice of free rigs a little easier. I was thinking about reference tracks for clean, crunch, solo + Sheredding and metal rhythm.

  • I have been thinking about something like this, not only for commercial profiles. The problem is that those reviews are so subjective that i dont think you will get anything useful out of this.

    My suggestion would be to define a handful of reference DI tracks, that everyone can use to reamp with any profile. The resulting soundclips could be posted on a web platform. This could also make the choice of free rigs a little easier. I was thinking about reference tracks for clean, crunch, solo + Sheredding and metal rhythm.

    good idea :thumbup: i've been thinking about something like this too..

  • User reviews are good, and bad. - take what you read with a pinch of salt. - no-one can tell you how to play your guitar, it all comes within. - and therefore tone does too. - so one amp may fit the bill perfect on paper, but in physical practice it wont work. - or peoples expectations have lead you on, and can then lead to disappointment.

    The re-amping thing can get messy, but there is too many variables within that to complicate things, - I can re-amp something here that will sound totally different to what you have, due to converters, sound-cards, speakers, monitoring system. - all profiles have to be played to appreciate them fully. - how many times have you heard an amp, and thought wow.. get it and be bitterly disappointed, me a many of times. took me years (when I was younger) to actually work from feel of amps rather than peoples own opinion of them.

    Everything else will get you in the ballpark though.

    This may often mean downloading 100's from the rigexchange. but least you have your own fingers to make the choices.
    I may be totally wrong here, this is just the way I see it.
    And Im more than happy to be wrong in this assumption.

  • Yes, more user demos would be great.
    One the other hand I found that a lot of my customers are not active in the forum at all - they just use the profiles and enjoy.

    A software online Kemper would be great - send your own clean guitar clip - wait a few seconds - hear it reamped.

    (All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with

    Great Profiles -->

  • Obviously all user reviews of anything are subjective,however i dont think this needs to be over analysed.i think user reviews like they have on harmony central for example would be good,but thats not going to happen so all i would say is if you want to write a review of a profile pak you have bought then go ahead.just say how you were using the profile ie recording,live or in the room etc what guitars/pickups and then just give your thoughts on the profiles good or it in this section of the forum and thats it.

  • To some extent I believe it would be usefull. With the time we have all learned to know each others and who has similar taste. To make an example I know that if Pacocito, MarcPepper, Zappledan and couple others rave about a profile, normally I find it very good as well. Find your soulmates! :D

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • I am a country telecaster player in the style of Brent Mason and Brad Paisley. My main reason for switching from the Axe FX II to the KPA was my struggle to find a clean tone that had the appropriate "hair" on it. Before my dive into the modeling stuff I played a Matchless DC 30 with a lot of different boutique pedals. I think the Kemper is much more amp-like and I have been able to obtain the sounds I knew I wanted. Now, to get to the point, I purchased some individual amp models from the the AMP Pack 2 and I am really impressed with the Trainwreck and Two Rock 35 Pro profiles. These are great for getting the type of tone I have missed having with a real amp. The better part is I can get the sounds without the volume required on a real amp. If you are looking for similar sounds, check these 2 amp profiles out.

  • I am a country telecaster player in the style of Brent Mason and Brad Paisley. My main reason for switching from the Axe FX II to the KPA was my struggle to find a clean tone that had the appropriate "hair" on it.

    You made the right'll like this clip we did more than a year ago prior to the Kempers release, using my demo Kemper unit.
    I loaned my unit to Robin to check out, he turned it on, scrolled to the first Fender Profile and started recording.
    He was blown away, says it's the best piece of guitar kit he's ever purchased, and he's been in the business for 30 years.

  • Yes, more user demos would be great.
    One the other hand I found that a lot of my customers are not active in the forum at all - they just use the profiles and enjoy.

    A software online Kemper would be great - send your own clean guitar clip - wait a few seconds - hear it reamped.

    WOW software online kemper - is it even possible? This would make me buy tasty profiles...

  • Hey gang,

    I've now been playing my KPA a while. And I've tried so many rigs ... found lots of real gems for my style and taste of music.
    But the one rig I love most: AmpFactory's VOX AC30 HandWired Boost
    This rig almost makes me cry, because it's just so awesome, no matter if I use my Strat or my Les Paul.

    Thanks a million, And44! It's worth every single penny (and even more).


  • Hey gang,

    I've now been playing my KPA a while. And I've tried so many rigs ... found lots of real gems for my style and taste of music.
    But the one rig I love most: AmpFactory's VOX AC30 HandWired Boost
    This rig almost makes me cry, because it's just so awesome, no matter if I use my Strat or my Les Paul.

    Thanks a million, And44! It's worth every single penny (and even more).


    I always love how individual users of the KPA fall for one special profile.
    This is beautiful human behaviour and shows that each and every profiler will be a individual reflection of its user's desires. ;)

  • The thing I love the most is how soooo many like something so different, there really is NO SHOE fits all.
    and how sometimes a little can go a long way.
    I get a hugh motivational boost when i read things like this, as it makes my "life in the dark" even more worth it.
    Thankyou for taking the time to post, and enjoy!

  • Andy: I've just spent over 1 hour with your Reinhardt BP- (Reinhardt Storm 33). With the new Green Scream for solo and the Spring reverb preset is pure tone heaven! What a gave me goose bump..seriously. Thank you so much! :love: :D

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • Hi Andy - Just a quick note to say that I've purchased a few of your rigs and they're great and I highly recommend them to anyone who
    wants some very USABLE quality rigs.

    Please keep up the good work and I'll come back for more.

    TAF Rigs I purchased -

    Evil Robot
    Blackstar Series 1
    Studio Rock Pack
    Diezel VH4