Profiler OS 11.1 Beta Thread (Player Upgrade Options)

  • Well the paid updates are something that is already developed. So why charge this again? I could live with a freeze of the current status featurewise and pay the 700€. In comparison to other products there is no profiling, no display and only three footswitches. I think this alone justifies its cheap prize.

    In my opinion charge KPP-owners for really new stuff like slicer etc.. That would be a fair deal in my opinion. Still Steinberg offers discount for upgrades once you are a loyal customer. I would expect Kemper the same. I have the features in my rack and technically the KPP could do the same …

    Just my throw-ins to this topic.

    Edited once, last by StefanErtle (September 28, 2024 at 5:48 PM).

  • Except the Stomp doesn’t have *nearly* the processing power of the larger units.

    The Player’s is identical.

    I'm not an electronic engineer and don't mind about what is inside..... I personnaly watch features and possibilities ;

    L6 purposes ;

    - The same FXs/ Amp/cab sims in the HX

    - Snapshots (for me = to Morph)

    - Same number of blocks as a Kemper Stage (and you can move them before or post stack)

    - You can still have // path

    Even if the number of blocks are reduced comparing to Helix LT/Floor, it would be enough for my needs and i could copy/paste all my rigs (preset) from a device to another one....

  • The Stomp can’t do nearly as much as its big brothers. It is cheaper - and limited. In a different way to the Player, but limited all the same.

    If it fits, great. If not - that’s why choices exist.

    I think it’s disingenuous to ask a company to sell a unit at less than half the cost of their others and expect it to have equal capacity for sound creation.

    I think new users are going to look at $1,000 for a pedal-sized, full-featured unit sans Profiling, which most don’t care about, and love the idea. It’s not cheap. Neither is an H90, which is $900 and doesn’t do much of anything in comparison to a Level 3 Player.

  • I think it’s disingenuous to ask a company to sell a unit at less than half the cost of their others and expect it to have equal capacity for sound creation.

    I think it's especially aberrant to ask customers to pay 40% of the price you asked just 7 months before.

    I really feel like I'm being held hostage.

    C.K. announced quickly that there will probably be paid upgrades but he could announce that it would be far from trivial and that the price surplus would be surely important.....

    Bad surprise, bad day, bad disappointement....

  • I think it's especially aberrant to ask customers to pay 40% of the price you asked just 7 months before.

    I really feel like I'm being held hostage.

    C.K. announced quickly that there will probably be paid upgrades but he could announce that it would be far from trivial and that the price surplus would be surely important.....

    Bad surprise, bad day, bad disappointement....

    To each their own.

    If the unit wasn’t enough for people at launch (which it wasn’t for me), then wait. Assuming the cost would be a third of what it is and buying in seems incongruent with past units.

    The H9 Core was $399. To max was $220 more to unlock what was already there. A 55% additional cost.

    $300 to max a Player? Cheap? No. But cheap in comparison to functionality gained.

  • I think it's especially aberrant to ask customers to pay 40% of the price you asked just 7 months before.

    I really feel like I'm being held hostage.

    What? So you bought this device not because it already answered your needs but because potentially, maybe, probably in the future, most likely it could answer your needs if theoretically, potentially, in some future, most likely, probably Kemper decided to give full upgrade away for cheap or better for free? Looks like you jumped the gun a bit with your purchase and feel disappointed (which I understand and sympathize - I have my fair share of past purchases which fall into this category as well - I guess everyone has :) ) - but, I would argue, this is not really Kemper's fault.

    You are asked to pay 40% for taking Player to Stage-level software-wise - which is hell-lot of new functionality that original player never had and probably will never have at Level I.

  • What? So you bought this device not because it already answered your needs but because potentially, maybe, probably in the future, most likely it could answer your needs if theoretically, potentially, in some future, most likely, probably Kemper decided to give full upgrade away for cheap or better for free?

    As you can see, excessive optimism doesn't always help in life. I have just one complaint... 300 Euros is a fair price for a company, but as the comments suggest, it's unacceptable for many. The market will decide who's right.

  • I just purchased a MIDI Captain as well. Do you know if a second press on the selected rig button will allow you to trigger morph via MIDI or if that is just with the on-board switches?

  • I think it's especially aberrant to ask customers to pay 40% of the price you asked just 7 months before.

    I really feel like I'm being held hostage.

    C.K. announced quickly that there will probably be paid upgrades but he could announce that it would be far from trivial and that the price surplus would be surely important.....

    Bad surprise, bad day, bad disappointement....

    Am I living on planet kookoo? Read my earlier post. You bought a unit as it was. You feel robbed becasue they offer you a hardware upgade to make it a full fledged big brother unit in a small package. You feel robbed as compared to tuesday this week? Guess what, your unit is still the same as tuesdays unit if you do not like the thursday unit then that ok. Dont upgrade. Its a real show of people brain inners this is. An to make it even better its now been resurfaced that ck did say there would be chargable upgrades. Its almost funny this. Go buy a stage. How are you a hostage? Pretend you never heard about the upgrade

  • I remembered the word -- Cripleware. Which is the word used a lot in online games. Google it. Now, Kemper uses it. :cursing:

    As for the Head, Rackmount, Stage, and Kabs, nothing but high praise and <3.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • I remembered the word -- Cripleware. Which is the word used a lot in online games. Google it. Now, Kemper uses it. :cursing:

    As for the Head, Rackmount, Stage, and Kabs, nothing but high praise and <3.

    ….twice the price or 1/3 more when upgraded.

    This isn’t directed ‘at’ you, Larry. In general- I find it interesting how everyone loves and is so *in* with Kemper…..until they do something we don’t agree with. Suddenly they become evil, with no room.

  • Perhaps Kemper should have released new KPP units instead of software downloads to avoid this backlash. 😂
    Sell them as

    KPP (Lvl 1)

    KPP PLUS (Lvl 2)

    KPP Pro (Lvl 3)

    No upgrade paths, you buy and want more well now you sell your unit and buy another one.

    Lol SMH 🤦‍♂️

  • I think it's especially aberrant to ask customers to pay 40% of the price you asked just 7 months before.

    I really feel like I'm being held hostage.

    C.K. announced quickly that there will probably be paid upgrades but he could announce that it would be far from trivial and that the price surplus would be surely important.....

    Bad surprise, bad day, bad disappointement....

    For the company's blind defenders, the price is fair, but the market will provide the answer.

    Many customers and friends gave up buying the Player because of this decision: "If I pay the 299 usd for the LVL 3 upgrade, who can guarantee that in a year's time, they won't launch the even more expensive upgrades 4 and 5?"

    Many people have a hard time understanding that people chose Kemper for the sound (obviously) and for the business model presented in all these years of Profiler Head and later Stage, to avoid obsolescence and crippleware.

    My tip: get out of the forum bubble, read the owner's comments, including on Kemper's official pages.
    Not giving a minimum discount to loyal customers was a poor decision.

    Edited once, last by Klebiston (September 28, 2024 at 9:44 PM).

  • For the company's blind defenders, the price is fair, but the market will provide the answer.

    Many customers and friends gave up buying the Player because of this decision: "If I pay the 299 usd for the LVL 3 upgrade, who can guarantee that in a year's time, they won't launch the even more expensive upgrades 4 and 5?"

    Many people have a hard time understanding that people chose Kemper for the sound (obviously) and for the business model presented in all these years of Profiler Head and later Stage, to avoid obsolescence and crippleware.

    My tip: get out of the forum bubble, read the owner's comments, including on Kemper's official pages.
    Not giving a minimum discount to loyal customers was a poor decision.

    But what would level 4 and 5 even be? The software at 3 matches the stage - so that makes zero sense.

    As for bubbles - sure, at the same time negative comments tend to be way louder. Look at the nano cortex launch and how much people complained - yet it is #2 selling multi effect at Thomann.

    As for me, this has me actually return to the eco system because it is exactly what I was looking for.