Profiler OS 11.1 Beta Thread (Player Upgrade Options)

  • Does anyone know if the dual footswitch (I+II and II+III) option is enabled in the new FW and, if so, in what level?

    Current Rig: Kittycaster FX Groovy Wizard Fuzz Driver>ClinchFX Pico Pre>L6 HX Stomp>Kemper Profiler Player>Fender FR10

  • I have a car that I can purchase autopilot for. It costs 7.5k. The HW is completely ready and can not do anything else, I wonder why they don't just give the software to me?

    Apple always prices too high. Everybody complains about the price all the time, then two things happen: a lot of people buy it despite the price, and after a few years, all high end devices from others are priced similarly. Apparently a large chunk of the population accepts the price of high end phones as a fact of life. The fact that they buy it at that price is the ultimo proof of acceptance.

    You can now get the full Kemper signal chain and Kemper tone without profiling, but with a small footprint, a few foot switches, an app as display, and it is substantially cheaper than a stage. Whether the benefits outweigh the drawbacks is different for everybody.

    I think the pricing is fair. I like my stage, but it is a chunky piece of HW to lug along to rehearsals. I may consider a level 3 player as you can transfer any performance from stage or toaster and have a few footswitches to go from clean to brown to lead.

  • The price is fair when you consider you are getting a full blown Kemper Stage or Head/Rack minus the footswitch and Profiling

    You are getting the features of the big units, so it needs to be priced accordingly to those units.

    I’m in, just trying to decide if I want/need 8 effect slots. It certainly would make everything simple as far as profiles are concerned.

    As far as a footswitch, I have a MIDI Captain and they are inexpensive. Looking forward to updates to that software as well to take advantage of all the new player features.

  • Reminds me of "Pay to Win" online games and starting to remind me of Fractal. :cursing:

    Nah, think of it as buying into the flagship Kemper lineup. You now have choices. I now can have my Kemper Rack in a small pedal size. That’s really a lot of power and sound options. A Stage would not fit in my guitar bag.

  • I think morph for the player may be its biggest game-changer.

    Here's a tip for using morph that a lot of people might not realize: At least on the Stage, Remote and now presumably the Player, you can use it as an instantly accessible second "Scene" of a Rig. You can of course, morph any parameters, but you can also toggle effects on and off with morph. Virtually every effect in the Kemper has a Mix setting. Just morph the mix of any effect from zero to 100 or 100 to zero, and morph will effectively toggle it on and off. Just set the rise and fall times to zero and the change is instantaneous. Best part is that (at least the way the stage works) the same footswitch that selects a Rig can toggle its morph on and off instantly, along with providing a change in LED that indicates you are in morph mode.

    Since the Player has only three footswitches, why waste one of them to toggle one of the effect slots on and off? Morph accomplishes the same thing without wasting a footswitch. (I'm assuming the Player's footswitches if programed to select a particular Rig can also be programed to activate morph on a second press; like the Stage and Remote; correct me if I'm wrong). Further, since morph can effectively toggle any effect from zero to 100, what I call "the morph toggle" can toggle different effect blocks in different rigs as needed.

  • i'm not in any desperate need for those upgrades but i've always been kind of excited to see what the options going forward would be. but honestly the pricing is convincing me to stick with what i have. maybe just maybe i would consider an upgrade consisting of features that i choose but i'm sure even if that comes up in the future, i think the pricing for that would probably feel even more like up-selling than the all-in ones kinda already do.

    i commend Kemper for the hard work and effort they've put into all of this but it's not worth it for me personally.

    "No socks? No problem."

  • Very odd thing happening.

    I loaded the Rig Pack Michael Britt Liquid

    MB-68 Mars Plexi 50

    With the iOS app effect slots 5-7 show up as Green Scream

    In the Rig Manager on the computer

    They show as - Micro Pitch, Flanger Oneway, Dual Delay, Natural Reverb.

    Somethings not right with iOS app

  • Which version do you have installed? The iOS app needs an update as well.

    Got me a new kpp today.

    WiFi connected scanning QR on the back.

    Fresh install of the iOS app

    iOS app shows the player, but when I hit connect is crashes.


    Tried on phone instead of iPad…same.

    made a support ticket.

    Is this a known bug?