Profiler OS 11.1 Beta Thread (Player Upgrade Options)

  • I’ll gladly pay 300 EUR for the 2/3 bundle. I had the rack unit for over 10 years and recently sold it (including the Remote) for a solid price. Now, I use the Stage as my main rig and the Player as my backup. However, I find myself using the Player much more than expected in all kinds of situations.

    I must say, I spent quite a lot of time transferring, reorganizing and adapting presets/banks from the Stage to the Player due to the Player’s known limitations—limitations that are now a thing of the past.

    With the upgraded Player, I’ll be able to simply copy and paste presets from the Stage to the Player. That’s HUGE, at least for me!

    I don’t need profiling, and I imagine that feature will come in a separate upgrade anyway.

    As others have mentioned in this thread, a fully upgraded Player is a beast. Having such a powerful device in such a compact form is unbelievable. In my opinion, it’s probably the best you can get on the market right now.

    As a pro power user, this is a godsend for me. I trust Kemper, and they’ve never disappointed—more than 10 years of free upgrades! Luckily, I don’t mind spending a few hundred more to keep this story going...

    Just my two cents.

  • My initial feeling is that Kemper will be pricing out a substantial part of the Player user base. It is also probably true that this has been taken into account when they decided to market it this way. I guess time will tell as they compare actual sales with their baseline forecast. I for one will most likely wait a couple of months to see how this develops and if there is a price adjustment down the line.

  • Any updates of long awaited fxes (trem , pan ...) in that beta ??

  • I think this is mainly to unify all models into one firmware update. There are ASIO drivers with this one too so that's some good news for the rest of us.

    Agreed. It makes no sense to make these changes and release all-new features.

    As for pricing - not cheap. About what I would have expected. The value isn't derived from the hardware.

  • An upgrade to Level II for that price would be great if they include on the list one more block before and another after the amp. It would really open up more tone-shaping possibilities.

    As for the price, I totally agree that $100 per level would be awesome, but it made me realize how much I’ve spent on physical pedals that do far less than a Level II upgrade. Kemper effects are top-notch, so it’s worth the price when you look at it that way—it’s a software business, after all.

    But come on, blocks? How much does it really cost to develop that? At least add two more in Level II 8o8o

  • I believe the issue is that people tend to think of software upgrades as either cheap or free because the hardware is what they paid for. They don't understand that the meat and potatoes always was and always will be in the quality of code that pushes the hardware. Look at the QC. It has buckets of processing power but the software, especially the effects, leave a lot to be desired. Before the Player came along then users never really questioned the cost of the big units because they were considered flagship products containing all the feature sets of software with free updates.

    The Player was pushed as a cut down product with free updates to the limited features contained within. When a software upgrade is offered that expands that feature set to include most of the features of the larger units where the prices are justified due to their feature sets, users fall back on that ingrained perception that upgrades/updates were supposed to be free and they can't see the inherent value of the different level upgrades because they are software. It's not like plugging in a piece of hardware to expand the functionality of the device. It's software where there is no discernable change until they plug in and play.

    Still it comes down to how much users consder is worth it for software that even the most powerful devices cannot function well without or even at all. Maybe it would have been better to leave well enough alone. 😂

  • Not cheap, but inline with some other such upgrades. Owning an Eventide H9 a decade ago they were charging around that amount to max out that unit. And there's been a lot of inflation in the last decade. You certainly get a lot of value with the level 2, getting all the effects. By the way with the new OS, Player owners are getting the extra amp and cab controls for free.

    My biggest critique though is making rig spillover a level 3. I thought that was a feature that was included with the Player?

  • I must say, I spent quite a lot of time transferring, reorganizing and adapting presets/banks from the Stage to the Player due to the Player’s known limitations—limitations that are now a thing of the past.

    With the upgraded Player, I’ll be able to simply copy and paste presets from the Stage to the Player. That’s HUGE, at least for me!

    I don’t need profiling, and I imagine that feature will come in a separate upgrade anyway.

    I entirelly agree with that and was in a hurry to have these features...

    I’ll gladly pay 300 EUR for the 2/3 bundle.

    As a pro power user, this is a godsend for me. I trust Kemper, and they’ve never disappointed—more than 10 years of free upgrades! Luckily, I don’t mind spending a few hundred more to keep this story going...

    Just my two cents.

    But i don't share this point of view....

    I trust in Kemper too and love this brand, I've bought a Stage shortly after its release and this device is a beast !!! :thumbup:

    I think i won't use every features with the Player (looper is a cool thing but i don't know if i will use it for example).

    I would like to have all FXs and all Fxs blocks.... And can live without other things....

    Now, 300€ is too much for those needs and i feel like i'm trapped.... I really don't like this feeling.

    And i see other companies that thanks their loyal customers with a (an important) discount (Helix native).....