Wah kemper vs standard wha

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    Question to player users

    Does the kemper wah with mission engineering expression pedal on the player sound better than a standard cry baby ?

    Thanks for your opinions

    Edited once, last by saloc75 (September 7, 2024 at 8:05 AM).

  • The expression pedal has nothing to do with the quality of the wah. That’s the KPA’s job. All the pedal is is a controller. Use what you like.

    The one thing I don’t recall ever hearing is “I wish the wah sounds were better in the Profiler.”

    There’s a thread on here that provides presets for tons of wah types…..like….all of them.

  • saloc75 September 7, 2024 at 8:04 AM

    Changed the title of the thread from “Expression pedal vs standard wha” to “Wah kemper vs standard wha”.
    • New
    • Official Post

    there are quite a few variants of a Cry Baby wah out there, Fasel inductor, Whipple inductor etc.
    many of those are already available as Wah presets in the PROFILER

    The PROFILER's wah is very tweakable, so if there is something you don't find optimal (range of travel, the way the resonance changes when sweeping up, etc.) simply adjust the corresponding parameter(s) - it's like modding a pedal, but without the need to open it and a soldering iron.

  • The Kemper Wah's are all you need and just as good in tone as buying a dedicated pedal. I've been sometimes critical of Kemper's effects but their Wah's are top notch. I mostly used them cocked.

    Mission EP-1 KP.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • I have some excellent wahs: vintage Vox wah and A 95Q Adjustable "Q" (filter) for dialing in wah range +15dB kickswitch boost and a old Standard model. They all sit in a cabinet unused since I bought an expression pedal. Anything I want to do with a wah is handled with the Kemper just fine. I'm not sure if my "real" pedals sound "better" or not, (I've never A/B'd against the Kemper wahs) but since I never felt the need to drag my old ones out I'm sure any difference would be so small it wouldn't outweigh the convenience of the expression pedal and toe off function. Having used real cry babies for years I can tell you you'll miss nothing sound wise going with Kemper's built in wahs. I guarantee nobody will ever say to you at a gig "That didn't sound like a crybaby on that one part".

  • The simple answer is yes....because:

    1) No tone suck

    2) So many options to change without changing hardware like inductors

    In addition, the ability to switch on and off just by moving it ( no clicking) is just brilliant.

    Also I would not bother with a mission pedal...I bought a crybaby and modified it to be a controller...so sounds and feels like a crybaby and I love it. No-one believes its actually the kemper...