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Im not that experienced when it comes to creating profiles but i ran a little test and am curious as to what other think may be the best practice when it comes to my two comparisons ive made.
I made two Direct profiles of my AC30 head Top Bost High channel. Running the out into my Suhr reactive load and sending the unfiltered direct tone out to the kemper for the profile.
One i set the gain/volume at 5 and the other profile i set it full out, all other knobs at noon. I then took both profilesn I had made and set up two presets with the same IR and same amp settings. They sound very similar but i definitely notice some small variations. I think i actually prefer the profile i made with the gain set on 5.
I usually run this amp with the gain around the halfway mark. Would it be more accurate to create a profile with the gain set closer to where i usually run the amp live? I did notice that the default definition settings of the full gain profile was a little lower. 1.8 definition on the full gain profile vs 3.8 on the halfway gain profile.
Which do you think would be the more accurate profile between these two?