Let's discuss 11.0 Beta

  • That's hysterical. We usually get statements like his from people who just joined. Fantastic. I'll change it to: Somebody tell the guy, sounding like a new user, to calm down. :P

    Again, I'm perfectly calm. If indeed anybody needs to "calm down" I dare say it is you. Why are you so offended and triggered by my comment? Is there a certain degree of insecurity? Based on your criteria of the post counts, I can only surmise that you are a very insecure individual. I simply stated an opinion. Get over it and move on...

  • Again, I'm perfectly calm. If indeed anybody needs to "calm down" I dare say it is you. Why are you so offended and triggered by my comment? Is there a certain degree of insecurity? Based on your criteria of the post counts, I can only surmise that you are a very insecure individual. I simply stated an opinion. Get over it and move on...

    I try not to post too much on here because if you give an opinion that is not liked by a few selective people they put you down. Like your opinion or frustration doesn't count and instead of helping they attack you. Just a few bad apples that's all.

    I'm probably going to get put down for this but honestly I don't give a crap.

    If you are not going to help then maybe you shouldn't say anything at all and let the ones that help do their thing.

  • For my part in this - I wasn’t trying to put anyone down. I asked a question while pointing out Terrapin’s presence since 2015.

    Given his tenure here, his comment of “…nothing seems to make sense…” didn’t (and doesn’t) make sense to me.

    So…..I said something.

  • Again, I'm perfectly calm. If indeed anybody needs to "calm down" I dare say it is you. Why are you so offended and triggered by my comment? Is there a certain degree of insecurity? Based on your criteria of the post counts, I can only surmise that you are a very insecure individual. I simply stated an opinion. Get over it and move on...

    Nothing to get over. I'm fine. I wasn't the one asking what they are doing. I didn't overreact and say I should dump the Kemper for real amps. You did, sweetie.

  • I try not to post too much on here because if you give an opinion that is not liked by a few selective people they put you down. Like your opinion or frustration doesn't count and instead of helping they attack you. Just a few bad apples that's all.

    I'm probably going to get put down for this but honestly I don't give a crap.

    If you are not going to help then maybe you shouldn't say anything at all and let the ones that help do their thing.

    This isn't my experience tbh, so its a shame you get that feeling. I have been on this forum for about 9 years now and hope im not one of the small group.

    Negative reactions usually come in response to negative statements. I do post when I disagree and usually its all taken in the right spirit.

    However, if you post, expect some debate or conversation. Make strong statements, expect a strong response. There was no help requested here, just a retorical question - what is the point of that if not looking for a response.

    I think anyone who asks for help usually gets it in spades......

  • "new guy" based on what? The amount of forum posts? I'm perfectly calm, thank you very much. Perhaps it's time for you to deal with real life rather than existing on forums?

    I took the comment to be leaning into Kemper official forum inside humor, don't think too much of it. It's a joke. You complained, someone said calm down! when you were already calm. Giggle and move on! :D