Kabinet and Cabinet Off

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    ☑️ Profiler Head/Rack


    maybe some of you can solve this doubt of mine.

    I have a Powerred Head and an unpowered Kabinet, the idea is to have like a DI profile + speaker imprint on stage that makes me feel like I have a classic amp and then go with the mains right to the console with IRs. Theoretically, best of both worlds right?

    What I do is select Cab Off in the output section which doesn't really switch the cab button off, and that's good 'cause I need the IRs to go to console. In this mode the sound is pleasant (although a bit bassy) and switching different imprints (either in the cab or output section) actually makes a diference.

    Now I came across some DI profiles which obviously lacked the cab (cab button completely off) and I started to have some doubts. The sound was unpleasant and switching speaker imprint made little to no difference. But it is NOT the sound you get from switching off the cab on a profile while hooked to FRFR speakers, it's slighly more round.

    So maybe the explanation was too long, the question is: am I doing things right by simply using Cabinet Off in the output section, seelcting imprint and leaving the cab button on?

    Isn't Monitor Cab Off the same as switching the actual cab off? In what way?

    Thanks to anyone who can clarify.

  • Monitor cab off only affects the monitor out. You have to add a cab for the main outs.

    Where are you adjusting the Kone imprint? In the output section or cab of the profile?

    The profile could be set to a specific imprint and not global - which will ignore the global setting in the Output section.

  • the Kabinet will work in FRFR mode when you load a rig without an active cab module. That is the reason why imprints do not work in that scenario.

    The correct way is to activate the "monitor cab off" option and use studio or merged profiles if you want to use the imprints and send a frequency corrected sound to the FOH mixing console.

  • So maybe the explanation was too long, the question is: am I doing things right by simply using Cabinet Off in the output section, seelcting imprint and leaving the cab button on?

    Isn't Monitor Cab Off the same as switching the actual cab off? In what way?

    To answer the first question ; YES, i assume you do it right....

    You don't talk about it but i guess you've ticked the "Kone" function too....

    In fact, the first thing to do when you've got a Kone is activate that tick. Your profiler will know there's a kone behind, if you set it alone, you'll go FRFR with rig's cabinet sims. If you tick "Kone" and "Cab Off", it will interprate it as you want to have "amp in the room" with imprints (or not if you use "FRFR" for some rigs)....

    If you only tick "Cab Off" and NOT "Kone", the profiler understands it as if you have your own speaker/cabinet (V30, Jensen, greenback...) and totally deactivate the cab sim on the monitor output.

    • Official Post

    Just to emphasize a bit more the comment my colleague made: If you load a Rig with just a DI amp PROFILE, this overwrites the global imprint settings, since the software assumes you intend to play acoustic guitar. Therefor the KEMPER Kone temporarily runs in full-range mode until you load the next Studio or Merged Rig. By the way, you are also sending an amp sound simulation without cabinet to FOH via the MAIN OUT. Not a good idea.

    Therefor you should always use complete PROFILEs like Studio PROFILES or Merged PROFILEs for Speaker Imprint Mode, wven if the Imrpint Mode itself doesn't use the cabinet. There is also a releated hint in the Main Manual.