Posts by markvs


    maybe some of you can solve this doubt of mine.

    I have a Powerred Head and an unpowered Kabinet, the idea is to have like a DI profile + speaker imprint on stage that makes me feel like I have a classic amp and then go with the mains right to the console with IRs. Theoretically, best of both worlds right?

    What I do is select Cab Off in the output section which doesn't really switch the cab button off, and that's good 'cause I need the IRs to go to console. In this mode the sound is pleasant (although a bit bassy) and switching different imprints (either in the cab or output section) actually makes a diference.

    Now I came across some DI profiles which obviously lacked the cab (cab button completely off) and I started to have some doubts. The sound was unpleasant and switching speaker imprint made little to no difference. But it is NOT the sound you get from switching off the cab on a profile while hooked to FRFR speakers, it's slighly more round.

    So maybe the explanation was too long, the question is: am I doing things right by simply using Cabinet Off in the output section, seelcting imprint and leaving the cab button on?

    Isn't Monitor Cab Off the same as switching the actual cab off? In what way?

    Thanks to anyone who can clarify.

    So maybe I can save some of you an headache.

    last week I clicked on the Rig Manager icon and instead of firing up it prompted for an installation file. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling but it kept telling me I don't have enough rights on the installation folder and to fire the setup as administrator (which was already the case).

    Rebooting the PC solved it but it happened again. So i looked in the Avira antivirus quarantine and found some 3 or 4 files from the c:\program files\kemper amps.

    So, if that happens just put the folder in avira's exclusion list. Seems the Avira HEUR engine finds somthing it doesn't like.

    I'm not saying they should sound exactly the same. That's near to impossible and also not what happens with traditional equipment.

    But, as an example, I have found a P12Q IR that behaves very closely to the imprint and have found that it gives much consistency between stage and FOH. They're not the same, but the P12Q peculiarities really come through.

    I'm just saying it could spare some work to have such an IR (or a few choices per imprint) at the ready that reflect the imprint choices.


    so maybe this is a bit off topic but seeing as I don't follow many forums I thought I'd ask here.

    I wanted to replace pickups in my 2022 am. std. strat, the guitar itself is a very good specimen but I always felt the pickups (I did some research and they turned out to be Tex Tex, the ones with the screws on the bridge pu) to be too punchy for my taste. They have high output and I'm looking for something vintagey. I play mainly blues/rock and the sound I'd like to nail is somewhere between Clapton and SRV (think Aynsley Lister's Purple Rain, or Dan Patlanski).

    After some thought I'd settle for something reminiscent of the early '60s, thing is.. there's a lot of choice and I wonder if you guys have had some experience with this.

    Also, I didn't want to break the bank, I've seen some Lollars I like (more than one, but maybe 64's is what I'm after.. maybe), but they cost like 340e ATM and it's a major expense. I would spend that though if it was really worth it.

    I've heard these Bare Knuckle Boot Camp Old Guard and they seem good and not too expensive, or the RadioShop ones.

    I like Texas Specials but I wouldn't want to fall in the high output again, I need to be able to have chimey cleans.

    So, anyone has had experience or has some advice?


    PS: I found a nice deal on Lollar blondes, too.

    Hi all,

    what would you say is a decent High Cut value (in the output section) to cut the harsh high frequencies found in a lot of profiles (which are otherwise good to great profiles) without altering the sound of the original amp too much? How does the high cut work exacly, actually.. Is the slope gentle or does it cut more of a straight line?

    Alternatively, how do you deal with that? Presence control on the amp could be a good idea, but I like the idea to have a global parameter.

    Seeing as an average guitar cab's frequency response sees a big drop from 5k on out and gets zeroed at 15k, does it make sense to cut roughly in the same place?

    I'm looking into this because I'd like to get a good and convincing live sound directly on stage (profiles are fine as they are for PA).

    BTW I use a kemper cab but I can hear too much highs (wich I wouldn't hear from the amp) also when in imprint mode w/ high directivity setting.

    Well, any hint much appreciated.

    Having the same issues as others in the threat. Tried updating the driver manually pointing to the one in C:\Program Files\Kemper Amps\Driver but at the end it shows this:

    I basically says that "a necessary entry is missing" in the driver installation files. Already tried uninstalling, reinstalling 3.0 and updating again.

    I also tried removing the driver completely by using pnputil.exe and it no longer shows.. still, when I install the update it no longer shows the driver install prompt like it did the first time.

    Hope this helps.

    I'm sure it's a mistake on my part, but I noticed after last update (8) I got the new overdirves but I can't find the presets.

    Any idea why that is? I can't find them on RM either 'cause factory content is till at 7.5.

    I've been recently asked to make a few gigs with a Bowie Tribute band and the guys sent me some live stuff to base my sound off.

    I've settled for this kind of sound as a base:

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    Now, it should be pretty straight forward, the guy plays on Orange amps and humbucker (though kind of particular) guitars and has a pretty bassy/mid-range presence to it. I went for a british vintagey amp but I can't seem to get sustain without giving the sound too much high frequncies and loosing body. Also I have two guitars to choose from, a 335 kind of axe which has humbuckers (although pretty bright and low output for a humbucker) or a strat with singles. I'd like to use the strat but I'd have to compensate for the sc quite a bit. How would you approach this? I'd considering a mid gain rig and adding some push in from the amp, I'd rather not eq after stack though, don't really have a reason, just a preference.

    Any input appreciated.

    That's what I tried and I can confirm it no longer works. Anyway I'm happy to have a final answer on this. Thank you for confirming that the eureka works, I'd do pretty much what you do, don't need more that a start&stop kind of thing. The remote is cool but too pricey for something I want to step on with little regard, plus I'd still need at least one extra expression pedal.

    Anyone had luck with controlling the looper with a stock FCB1010? There are a few unaswered posts asking this, just wanted to try again.

    ATM only the rec button works and it's therefore unusable.

    Alternatively, does the Eureka chip work with the current firmware version?

    I knew that, I think you misunderstood there. I just thought the profiles in RE and the packs were only shown in RM and downloaded on demand (ie. when loaded), which is the way many other systems work (although I guess the rig files are so tiny there's no need for that). Sure you can copy them locally and/or export them, but the way it is they are in a db stored locally no matter what. That's what I meant with cloud-only. I also have my reasons, I could be without a connection soon and knowing that the whole library will still be there is of some value to me ATM.

    I noticed there is no folder containing the profiles anywhere in my computer, or I haven't found it, so I guess they're stored in some kind of database, which makes sense. I also noticed that if I launch the RM with no connection, all the profiles in Rig Exchange and the Rig Packs are still there.

    So does the RM download them all and put them in a db at first start and then just updates them when needed?

    I ask this because it would be nice to know that even without connection everything would still be there and, most of all, RM would backup everything I can see.

    Does someone by chance know where this db is located (if it exists)?

    Absolutely. Dialing in the sound by itself never works for me, and that's normal, you have to hear it in context. What I do is this. I dial in a sound by itself and see that it is basically what I want, then go on playing it on a somewhat fitting backing track and adjust, then I take some time during rehearsals to adjust again, and finally adjust for the actual room/pa system I'm playing in. To this end, I find it very useful that you can, in the output section, tweak globally to some extent. This way you don't have to tweak every profile every time.

    I now it seems like a hassle but it's not like you have to spend so much time on it, once you have a solid foundation the tweaking is not so time consuming after all.

    I think it has to do with some of the Cab being left in the Amp section

    I think that's exactly it. It's like those times I had forgotten to turn off the cab before adding an external IR (with kpa or even plugins), it sounded fuller. But I also think that it's possible to achieve the fullness through the use of post stack eq rather than having a sort of "cab into cab" effect, thereby keeping it more natural. But if this method tends to give you the eq curve that you like "out of the box", that's not only fine but also a huge advantage!

    Hello everyone,

    yesterday I hooked up my kpa to a Roland Cube 60 Keyboard, which is a solid state amp that should be full range (keyboard amps usually are, it even has a tweeter).

    The sound was fine but the high end was definetly cut. That is probably due to the fact that the amp was at bedroom volume, and a big(ish) speaker at low volume tends to swallow high frequencies if not pushed at least a little bit, feel free to correct me here if I'm wrong.

    Anyway, that got me thinking in a more general way. You see, it may be a taste thing, but I noticed that a vast portion of even the best of profiles do sound a bit shrilly to me. To give a reference, think of the factory Performance "Marshall Amps". They all sounded better to me through the 'muffled' Cube 60 than they did through the mixer and headphones (maybe a bit too mushy, but better). So, I'm always prone to cut the high end in most gainy profiles. Not the clean or edge of breakup ones, think the marshally and modern gain ones. I'm curious to know if it only me or if it is common practice between you also. Could be that I'm used to look for what an amp sounds to me in a live setting, with the speakers close to me, as opposed to a recording situation with which I admit I don't have that much experience.

    Also I'd like to know your way of balancing volume between rigs.. I know I'm supposed to use Clean Sense instead of rig volume, but that just doesn't cut it. Sometimes the level is just too much off.

    Thanks for reading this :)