Ahhh What's that? A New Kemper Model? Profiler Player

  • to me it looks like the Airstep is creating a MIDI loop via USB then... or maybe something goes wrong with the USB enumeration.

    On another thread a user reports that an Airstep lite firmware was needed to get it going :

    January 3, 2024 at 12:41 AM

    So it seems to me the Airstep has firmware issues.

    Unfortunately it's not feasible for us to debug all possible external non-Kemper gear problems.

    It would help if we would get a so called 'USB descriptor dump' from your Airstep.

    How can I get the descriptor dump?

    I will send it to you or post here.

    On other note:

    Are there any MIDI controllers that work OK?

    List of tested and recommended brands and models?

    I want to add 4+ button footswitch that could be programmed to select rigs, or even toggle between 2 rigs.

  • Question! I bought a Pedaltrain Metro 16 pedalboard. After putting some velcro on the bottom of the player (annoying, as there's a ventilation strip in the middle), I saw that the ventilation is almost completely blocked when it's installed on the pedalboard.

    ckemper would that cause an issue?

  • So I am diving deep into setting everything up for the first 3 hour gig with the little monster, but I am quite stuck: how do I assign a delay to footswitch 3 (physical footswitch number 3 to be clear). I assign the delay on Slot 3 to FX2, then I press effect button 3 and FX2 and it should be assigned I assume. Funny thing is: I can now switch delay on and off but the LEDs wont show me, that I am switching.

    Another weird behaviour I noticed was that if I set the third footswitch to toggle effect 4, I could use effect 4 WITH LEDs. It only wont work on slot 3.

    What did I do wrong here?

  • And another thing.... how would you achieve dual amp setup with the Player + Power rack?

    I assume that I would plug my guitar into the power rack and would use direct out (set to Git) --> to input Player. XLR on both devices would go to FOH.

    If I would want to monitor the dual amp setup via headphones (at home for instance, or IEM setup), I assume that the main out (TS) on the Player would then need to be connected to the alternate input on the Power rack, so I can set the mix?

    Would that be correct?

  • Question! I bought a Pedaltrain Metro 16 pedalboard. After putting some velcro on the bottom of the player (annoying, as there's a ventilation strip in the middle), I saw that the ventilation is almost completely blocked when it's installed on the pedalboard.

    ckemper would that cause an issue?

    This is why dual lock is so much better than velcro. More secure with smaller pieces and stackable so it can rise above rubber feet and allow ventilation.

  • And another thing.... how would you achieve dual amp setup with the Player + Power rack?

    I assume that I would plug my guitar into the power rack and would use direct out (set to Git) --> to input Player. XLR on both devices would go to FOH.

    If I would want to monitor the dual amp setup via headphones (at home for instance, or IEM setup), I assume that the main out (TS) on the Player would then need to be connected to the alternate input on the Power rack, so I can set the mix?

    Would that be correct?

    You could put the player in a Loop in Stomp A or B and enable Parallel Path.

  • I just woke up from my Christmas hangover and saw that this was released. I'm not keeping up very well. Kemper is always full of nice surprises. It's not something I need but it looks like good business. It has its practical performance benefits but in my opinion what make it a good business decision is it's value as an entry level Kemper. I think that will lead to users wanting to upgrade to the full capability Kemper and further expand their market. But I'm satisfied with what I have.

  • Just got my Player.

    The build quality feels really good. It’s in a completely different class than the Tonex. Just holding the unit, connecting cables and pressing foot switches makes that clear. Physically, this is a pro piece of gear.

    The unit powered up and stayed up for an hour on a CIOKS DC7 through the CRUX adapter. Rig Manager iPad connected right up with the Player set at the default Access Point setting. RM iPad and the Player stay smoothly in synch as I click on the Player and the iPad. So far, so good, but no time to actually play.

    Looking forward to strum my Guild through this baby!

    Edited 2 times, last by KeysAndGuitars (January 12, 2024 at 5:45 AM).

  • You would have to use midi. Only one exp port available. Or use a volume pedal and have the rig turn on the wah when you switch to it. You can set it up so that when the way is active the pedal will act like a wah not a volume pedal

    I think I will just use my real CryBaby wah... :)

  • New to KEMPER and just received my Player. I was just in Rig Manager trying to create some variations of a Rig stored on the device. It looks like there is a bug here.

    When I click “Store Rig in PROFILER” it asks me the name of the new Rig which I entered. Then when I select the location and click on “Store” it saves my changes but completely drops the name I entered and uses the original Rig name instead. I’m able to go back and rename it from the right side property pane, but that looks like it isn’t working as expected.

    This happens repeatedly. I always have to go back to fix the duplicate name.

  • I'm calling this one a win. I received my Player on Wednesday 01/10 and set it up that evening with my favorite profiles and settings (within the constraints of the Player). At home I normally run a Toaster with a foot controller and Mission expression pedal through two Yamaha DXR10s. The idea of a pared down grab and go Kemper for when I leave home was just what I needed. I connect the Player to my Focusrite Scarlett to my laptop. Headphones out of the Scarlett. I can play along with mp3 files on my laptop and not disturb my girlfriend while she watches "Downton Abbey" in the next room. The Player rocks. No more breaking down my Toaster (which was way overkill for coming over here, anyway) and moving it around. Maybe a small two input powered monitor to keep from schlepping a DXR10 and I'm all set. I've never used the Android RM app because I didn't need it but with my tablet nearby the absence of a screen on the Player is a moot point. Game on.

  • New to KEMPER and just received my Player. I was just in Rig Manager trying to create some variations of a Rig stored on the device. It looks like there is a bug here.

    When I click “Store Rig in PROFILER” it asks me the name of the new Rig which I entered. Then when I select the location and click on “Store” it saves my changes but completely drops the name I entered and uses the original Rig name instead. I’m able to go back and rename it from the right side property pane, but that looks like it isn’t working as expected.

    This happens repeatedly. I always have to go back to fix the duplicate name.

    They know about it as I’ve already reported it so should be fixed in the next update I expect.

  • OK so I spent a couple of hours with my Player today. I just don't get this thing. Mine was buggy with the Android app to no end. I would save changes and then the changes would be half there and half gone. It's missing all my favorite reverbs. Particle. Gone. Ionosphere. Gone. No shimmer? There is no way to calibrate an expression pedal. The button is there but it does nothing. There's no morphing. There's no press and hold. It's noisy as an old BOSS from the 80's. In every outlet with every guitar. I mean this thing, the way it is now, even with the latest firmware, is a nightmare. An expensive one at that.

  • OK so I spent a couple of hours with my Player today. I just don't get this thing. Mine was buggy with the Android app to no end. I would save changes and then the changes would be half there and half gone. It's missing all my favorite reverbs. Particle. Gone. Ionosphere. Gone. No shimmer? There is no way to calibrate an expression pedal. The button is there but it does nothing. There's no morphing. There's no press and hold. It's noisy as an old BOSS from the 80's. In every outlet with every guitar. I mean this thing, the way it is now, even with the latest firmware, is a nightmare. An expensive one at that.

    I get where you are comes from with the lack of effects compared to its big brothers. Obviously I would like to see the rig functions mapped over exactly from the classic profilers as this would make it a true back up for my Head. However, I think it is safe to assume that the player will be upgraded at some point ; either for free or as a paid upgrade. Remember that the other versions didn’t have most of this stuff either when it launched.

    It also seems that Kemper have targeted a totally new market for them - pedal board users. Many of those guys alreay have Eventides and Strymon Timeline/Mobius/Big Sky so the Player is a perfect fit for them. I am not pne pf thpse guys so I would prefer 1:1 integration with all my current rigs but I understand the current model for a certain group of players.

    In addition to that, I actually use very few effects anyway. My PowerHead is basically a glorified multi-channel amp. If I was buying my first Kemper today I might have seriously considered buying a Player instead of my Head.

    Kemper have already stated that some of the functionality which is in the player/editor including pedals isn’t live yet but will be added in the next update or at least an update in the very near future.

    I haven’t noticed any issues with the editor and saving but maybe I’ve just been lucky.

    As for noise, mine sounds exactly the same as my head. No additional noise whatsoever.

    It’s definitely a “work in progress “ but knowing Kemper’s track record I am confident it will be a great device in the near future.

  • OK so I spent a couple of hours with my Player today. I just don't get this thing. Mine was buggy with the Android app to no end. I would save changes and then the changes would be half there and half gone. It's missing all my favorite reverbs. Particle. Gone. Ionosphere. Gone. No shimmer? There is no way to calibrate an expression pedal. The button is there but it does nothing. There's no morphing. There's no press and hold. It's noisy as an old BOSS from the 80's. In every outlet with every guitar. I mean this thing, the way it is now, even with the latest firmware, is a nightmare. An expensive one at that.

    JCW308 Profiler Player has a limited set of effects, that doesn't make it a buggy unit. Limited in comparison to Profiler Head/Rack/Stage. Feel free to contact us regarding the noise issues you face. We want to learn more about that. "Store" works fine here, but again, feel free to contact us through the website, and we'll see if we can replace what you see.