There is a dual delay. It is not a tape emulation but you can have two separate note divisions
Posts by brokenvail
I am using Midi Baby 3. No regrets. The hit tone should work just fine
I am using the most baby 3. It is small, is powered by the KPP and kicks butt
Think title says it all. Curious if they are any closer releasing the paid updates to add more functions to the KPP
The next update of the manual will have the correct info. The monitor outputs deliver a balanced signal over TRS connectors.
Oh man I bought active DI over a month ago because I was under the impression they were TS
Few people having luck by putting phone on airplane mode
Not exactly but could maybe work. I am not interest in auto swell as much as I am in a reverb (possibly delay) settings with the limited effects we have on KPP to get what I am after
Has anyone had any luck dialing an a washout out ambient type clean sound specifically for doing volume swells?
oops.. sorry... that was my fault
so it looks like there are sent 3x programchange within a couple of ms... I'm not entirely sure how the KPP should/will react to that... but it's certainly not what is meant to be?
I only pressed once but yes it clearly sent 3. Hmmm
CC7 will not 'select rig'. it will do a volume change. Furthermore in the trace you posted, the actual parameter value which has been sent cannot be determined.
please try to capture a trace when your controller is actually switching a rig.
maybe your midibaby3 is sending superfluous CC7 (=volume pedal) messages or something which could result in unwanted volume changes (which could be interpreted as 'stutter')
If you open the whole picture, on the far right it says it is sending program change 7
Is anyone else using midi to select rigs on their KPP? When switching rigs via midi I get a quick momentary stutter before a rig fully engages? My friend is encountering the same issue. We are both using the Midi Baby3
I used a laptop charger and adapter to reverse the polarity. More robust and much longer. I have never used the stock one
is it possible to add both an expression pedal (for wah) as a foot switch (for tap tempo)? how?
You would have to use midi. Only one exp port available. Or use a volume pedal and have the rig turn on the wah when you switch to it. You can set it up so that when the way is active the pedal will act like a wah not a volume pedal
I keep reading different things about the midi over usb being hit or miss with the KPP. I am wanting to control expression (and only expression) using midi over usb so I can add a dual button FS in the expression pedal jack. Other than the Lehle and Boss are there any other expn pedals out there that have midi, midi over trs or regular midi ports? I am also not against getting some tiny device to play “middle man” but it would need to be very small and hopefully be able to be powered via the KPP USB A port
What would be a good power supply for the Player? (also needs to power a Dunlop wah and Shure GLXD6+).
In my brain the only truly suitable power supply is the coiks DC7 its Eventide brother
Can anyone confirm if the 1/4 outputs on the KPP are Balanced outputs or not? Please only answer if you know for sure.
Got it! I see how it can be directly ordered from the site now, it's just currently unavailable. Thanks!
Back in stock. I just ordered mine
Is the KPP supposed to work with the iOS app? My friend is having no luck connecting to the app. His toaster and stage connect no problem