Ahhh What's that? A New Kemper Model? Profiler Player

  • Yes, absolutely.

    Cool! This came out at a perfect time as I am wanting to build my pedal board back as I have opportunity to play some live shows (mainly use Kemper rack at home). Was thinking about Iridium or UA Dream but I love my Kemper profiles so I think this might be the better solution for me and either pair it with powered Kemper Kabinet or Fender FR12.

  • If you want a full featured Profiler, you can buy it like everyone who has one did. Don't expect to get a full featured profiler for half the price. It's basic business practice 101.. Not hard to understand...

    The form factor reduction alone makes it uncompetitive with it's bigger brethren. I think the lack of efx (not slots) options only hinders sales in the open market where the new player will be up against the stomp hx and other similarly priced options.

    This is only my option.

  • If I put my wet effects after the player can I still take the last pedal output to Kemper Kone and use imprints?

    Yes, this will work basically.

    The only problem that might arise with this special setting, is that the TS outputs have a very high volume, when the Kemper Power Kabinet is driven to high wattage in "Kone mode". This would potentially overdrive your pedals and create unwanted distortion.

  • Yes it is nothing new and no one is whining, customers are just expressing their opinions. I don’t ever remember seeing anyone on this forum or any other gear site clamoring for digital content management with regards to Kemper.

    Oh, you must have overlooked some discussions then... ;)
    We also have already had the notorious "deal breaker for me" :D

    Have they said anything about changing their decades long business model of exemplary free support that predates the Kemper Profiler?!?

    Or have they described a possible upgrade path to make the Player get close to full Profiler capabilities but cautioned doing that *in this case*would come with a cost due to obvious business concerns?

    It's the latter

    You can do as many as you want, just add more units.

    This is an interesting idea, provided there's a way to digitally connect units (for latency) plus a way to place amps in parallel.

    Maybe a future option for "building a modular Player system" ckemper? :) An option that might be worth exploring, specially for the US Market ;)

    Still chasing a worthy one :/

  • Yes, this will work basically.

    The only problem that might arise with this special setting, is that the TS outputs have a very high volume, when the Kemper Power Kabinet is driven to high wattage in "Kone mode". This would potentially overdrive your pedals and create unwanted distortion.

    In that case I might just get the fender fr12 since I have to run the wet effects post since there isn’t a fx loop in the player.

  • This is a perfect addition for me as it allows me to to basically turn a powered Kab into a one-handed grab and go. GAS temporarily re-activated for this.

    I do wish it had the OC drive and morph though. Hopefully those will be a future update possibility.

  • The point where this rationalization falls apart is when the manufacturer contradicts it by saying, "This unit is at price point X because we have put so much hardware in there and all of this costs amount Y so while we'd be glad to offer the unit at price point Z we just can't and X is really the best we can do."

    Of course both can be true: that what you wrote is true, and that the manufacturer is explaining the price exactly how I paraphrased.

    Which leaves only one conclusion: they are lying. Doesn't matter in which way exactly, as all options leave a bad taste in the mouth.

    Let me prove this with a comparison to the market where price discrimination has been abused the most. Ironically it's the automative sector, which links the comparison nicely to Kemper being out of Germany.

    VW and BWM started a subscription scheme a few years back, with BMW going as far as offering seat heating as a sub. But the seat heating hardware was installed in every car from the factory. VW is charging a sub fee for voice recognition. The hardware is in every car. Tesla is offering full autopilot capabilities, the hardware is already in there.

    Now the contradiction: all car manufacturers, in particular out of Germany, have claimed for many years that the price increases from 2020 onwards were purely driven by a component shortage, and basically they blamed the consumers for imaginary demands for more smart features, They increased prices and said they're simply passing on increased manufacturing costs and there's really nothing they can do about, with some going as far as claiming they wish they could offer a lower price point but they simply can't.

    Not only is this contradicted by many years of car manufacturers being caught installing hardware that isn't unlocked through a sub or through a "facelift" (where it turns out the lower-priced pre-facelift car already had the electronics for the "new" feature), it's also contradicted by the recent situation in Germany where out of nowhere the federal government ended an EV subsidy. Suddenly all the manufacturers that proclaimed for many years they could offer no lower price point chipped in and said, no problem, we'll give you an instant rebate of 4500 Euros.

    Price discrimination is really just a rationalization of consumer fraud.

  • I'm trying to figure out if this post is directed at Kemper or the automotive industry

  • Forget about the analogy, you are just obfuscating any point you might have. Just go direct to explaining what lie do you claim Kemper is telling?

    I see Kemper has said the price they chose to sell a limited version is what they are currently charging. The price they need to charge for a version that is closer to the same capabilities as the Stage for example needs to be more otherwise it destroys their profit margin by rendering the Stage and Toaster and rack obsolete to the vast majority of the people who buy them. That is highly probable yet you accuse them of lying. So tell it straight up without trying to assign action or motive to them that doesn’t apply.

  • Accusing Kemper of lying? About what, exactly? CK volunteered the information literally hours after the Player’s release.

    Besides, the hardware isn’t where the value lies. At all.

    Just as Bill Gates correctly concluded, much to the future chagrin of IBM.…the hardware is useless without the software.

    Just because you have the hardware capable of running something entitles you to squat. That’s like saying when I buy a Microsoft Surface or MacBook I should get all the compatible software Apple and Microsoft makes for free.

  • Kemper has been as transparent as you could hope about this while making sure the company remains viable with smart business strategy.

    My PC can run any Microsoft software, so are they lying by not including Visio with Windows or are they making Windows more affordable by not including everything?