Noise Issue Please Help!

  • I have an issue where I hear this noise while playing through my Kemper. You can hear it very clearly when letting a palm mute ring out, but it is always there.

    Even with the input noise gate set to 5 and the noise gate in the profile set to 8 you hear it. The guitar is obviously totally quiet when not playing but as soon as the strings are hit you hear this noise. Even with high gain profiles, this noise should not be present.

    I have replaced all of my TS cables and have the Kemper and the audio interface plugged in to a Furman power conditioner.

    Kemper is connected to my Focusrite 18i20 inputs 1 & 2 with Roland Gold instrument cables. I tried using Mogami Gold XLR cable to see if that would help and it didn't.

    The noise is there with every guitar I have (6 different guitars).

    It doesn't seem to get better if I face away from my computer while playing or move further away from it either.

    I have no lights or dimmers on in the room.

    Below is a link to a wav file I recorded showing the noise I'm getting.

    Noise Issue.wav
    Shared with Dropbox

    Please help, this is driving me crazy and I don't know what else do to!

    Any advise would be greatly appreciated!

  • Is the noise the same coming from the Kemper headphone out?

    Did you try another profile?

    You can then try unplugging the power conditioner, then plug in the Kemper to one outlet in another room on another circuit (use extension cord), and see it the noise is gone. Then start turning off appliances, ceiling fans, and those stupid LED lightbulbs.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • Is the noise the same coming from the Kemper headphone out?

    Did you try another profile?

    You can then try unplugging the power conditioner, then plug in the Kemper to one outlet in another room on another circuit (use extension cord), and see it the noise is gone. Then start turning off appliances, ceiling fans, and those stupid LED lightbulbs.

    Dude you are amazing for all the help! Thank you for taking the time.

    The noise is the same when using the Kemper headphone out and with any profile I use that has gain on it.

    I have no lights of any kind on and there are no ceiling fans in my entire apartment.

    The issue is the same when I plug the Kemper in to an extension cord that I ran from another room.

  • The noise I hear in your recording sounds familiar to many profiles I've heard. You might try switching of all/any effects in the profile or connected to the Kemper. If the noise goes away, turn on the effects back on one at a time until the noise returns. Then you can either tweak the parameters of that effect or replace it with something that doesn't leave those artifacts. The order of effects can also cause this problem.

    Happy hunting!

    "Faith don't need no second opinion"

  • The noise I hear in your recording sounds familiar to many profiles I've heard. You might try switching of all/any effects in the profile or connected to the Kemper. If the noise goes away, turn on the effects back on one at a time until the noise returns. Then you can either tweak the parameters of that effect or replace it with something that doesn't leave those artifacts. The order of effects can also cause this problem.

    Happy hunting!

    Thank you for the suggestion!

    It happens on every profile I use that has any gain on it. Even when I remove all of the effects.

  • Firstly, when trouble shooting turn off all noise gates as they hide the symptoms and can often lead to a false solution.

    Next, disconnect the Kemper from EVERYTHING else.

    Connect power directly to the wall and listen via the Kemper headphone out. If the issue is still present you now know it can only be one of the following :

    1 : the guitar

    2: the cables

    3: the power in your building

    4; the Kemper

    5: the headphones

    As the noise is also there on speakers we can rule out headphones though.

    You also appear to have ruled out guitar (happens with 6 different instruments) and cables (used Roland and Mogami).

    If the noise is still present I would start by taking the guitar/kemper/headphones to a totally different location to rule out power issues in your apartment.

    If the noise is no longer present start reconnecting things one at a time. You must be totally systematic when doing this though. Absolu no shortcuts or assumptions.

  • Code
    Hi, is your ground system ok? Can you check it? Do you happen to have the stage? Maybe you have activated the stage's wifi? If you use the XLR outputs go to Kemper settings and you should find the ground settings. ..I hope I have been of help to you.I'll tell you more, I also hear this on some of my rigs, even if the noise is different, and I delete them from my list, who knows how it might be compromised in terms of adjustments, change the rig... another thing Kemper is very silent, using 2 noises is not at all advantageous: the dynamics are affected
  • Code
    Hi, is your ground system ok? Can you check it? Do you happen to have the stage? Maybe you have activated the stage's wifi? If you use the XLR outputs go to Kemper settings and you should find the ground settings. ..I hope I have been of help to you.I'll tell you more, I also hear this on some of my rigs, even if the noise is different, and I delete them from my list, who knows how it might be compromised in terms of adjustments, change the rig... another thing Kemper is very silent, using 2 noises is not at all advantageous: the dynamics are affected

    I have the Rack version of the Kemper, this noise is present with every profile I use, most of which are purchased Profile Packs (Wes Hauch, Will Putney, Brody Uttley etc)

    Currently, I'm using the main outputs via 1/4" cables, however the issue is the same when connected with XLRs

  • I will give this a try tonight.

    I've attached a new recording of the noise with no noise gates on of any kind. (front input, profile stomps, etc)

    Noise Issue NO GATES.wav
    Shared with Dropbox
  • Try pressing the Ground Lift buttons on the back. There is a slight possibility that your home is not properly grounded. Make sure you have a ground wire coming out of your Electrical Panel and is connected to a ground rod (in the ground) firmly.

    Patriot Fencing Ground Rod Galvanized 1/2 x 6FtDefault Title
    Fence wire: Underground cable Galvanized steel for long life Sold individually. SA110    Patriot electric fence energizers and accessories are built on the…

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • Try pressing the Ground Lift buttons on the back. There is a slight possibility that your home is not properly grounded. Make sure you have a ground wire coming out of your Electrical Panel and is connected to a ground rod (in the ground) firmly.…0UaAhECEALw_wcB

    I forgot to mention originally that I had tried using the ground lift buttons, nothing changed.

    I will ask the super at my complex about the ground rod!

  • I will give this a try tonight.

    I've attached a new recording of the noise with no noise gates on of any kind. (front input, profile stomps, etc)…ax4ms67gqs&dl=0

    but this is a noise like when the guitar approaches the kemper or any other pedalboard....or even the poorly shielded strato is shielded and I don't have these problems, except when I approach the kemper, but they are light
  • Any wireless tech in the house? Mouse, WiFi, cellphone, Apple watch, security cameras?

    Fridge, Tesla charger. Nearby power plant, railway. Electric floor heater, convector heater.

    If your house has water heating system : electric circulation water pump ?

    Neighbours AC , WiFi-router, BlueTooth ?

    I can go on and on, but I think you get it .......

    Cheers !

    The adjective for metal is metallic. But not so for iron ... which is ironic.

  • I will give this a try tonight.

    I've attached a new recording of the noise with no noise gates on of any kind. (front input, profile stomps, etc)…ax4ms67gqs&dl=0

    As others have said, that sounds like RF interference. However, I still advise a thoroughly systematic approach to trouble shooting. Strip right back to basics to sule out as many sources as possible then start testing carefully and logically to avoid wasting time chasing dead ends.