Mattfig - 50% off EVERYTHING

  • Hi Ben! I fixed the issue with the demos and they are ready for your listening pleasure now. I had uploaded them earlier today but marked them private until the pack launched this evening. I forgot to make them public at first but again, they are good to go now.

    The sale is sadly over but at less than a buck per liquid profile, I hope my prices remain appealing for this, and my other packs. :)

    The difference between this and the Liquid JTM pack is a more refined gain with the DShirl with more clarity and tightness. It is exactly what you would expect from a Friedman amp and less "blunt" than the Gower Modified JTM I used for the Liquid JTM pack.

    Cheers and thank you for your support!

  • Hi Ben! I fixed the issue with the demos and they are ready for your listening pleasure now. I had uploaded them earlier today but marked them private until the pack launched this evening. I forgot to make them public at first but again, they are good to go now.

    The sale is sadly over but at less than a buck per liquid profile, I hope my prices remain appealing for this, and my other packs. :)

    The difference between this and the Liquid JTM pack is a more refined gain with the DShirl with more clarity and tightness. It is exactly what you would expect from a Friedman amp and less "blunt" than the Gower Modified JTM I used for the Liquid JTM pack.

    Cheers and thank you for your support!

    Thanks. %100 totally fair and *very* reasonable :)

    Firstly ... my apologies as I didn't mean to come across as ungrateful or annoying or disagreeable or a total "tight-a$$" ... that's not at all where I'm really coming from.

    Your Profiles *do* sound amazing in the demo's ..... as we all know though, profiles are a very individual thing and a user wont really know how they will play and feel until they try them with their own settings / guitar / hands / ears :)

    I am looking to grab your JTM, DS and AC30 Packs ... am only waiting for the next RM update which you said will (?) / may (?) / hopefully (?) have a small number of profiles to try out for free .... this will enable me .. and presumably others ... to try them out to know if they will "work" for my needs.

    Thanks and all the best again Matt,


  • Mattfig October 18, 2023 at 1:13 AM

    Changed the title of the thread from “MANY Liquid Packs from Mattfig- new DShirl!!” to “MANY Liquid Packs from Mattfig- new Liquid SHEEVA!!”.
  • That's a really good BE pack man. A lot of the time the BE profiles seem sort of unbalanced or something with my rig but these sound great.

    Many thanks!!! I work very hard at keeping consistency in my packs. I am proud of them all but the Liquid Packs are my faves as I was able to apply all the knowledge and experience of the many years profiling that lead up to them.

    I REALLY appreciate your support and especially for taking the time to comment here. There are so many profile makers around, thank you for helping ME.

    Much more to come!

  • Mattfig December 28, 2023 at 2:59 PM

    Changed the title of the thread from “MANY Liquid Packs from Mattfig- new Liquid SHEEVA!!” to “Mattfig - Liquid Dumble!!!”.
  • Have been able to play with the D pack only, so far, and I'm am absolutely happy with it. The cleans rings like a bell and the mid/od chirps and resonates like they should. I tweaked the hell out of them and they all still sounds like the same amp. Big Fan of the Deep Bright with the mixed 212. Played with 5 guitars leaving the settings alone (after my tweaks) and all of them sounded different but phenomenal. Great work with this profiles. Looking forward to get time with the other 5 packs !

    PS: any plan to issue an LP pack of your old Twin one? Specially the Hot one 😍

    If something is too complicated, then you need to learn it better

  • Have been able to play with the D pack only, so far, and I'm am absolutely happy with it. The cleans rings like a bell and the mid/od chirps and resonates like they should. I tweaked the hell out of them and they all still sounds like the same amp. Big Fan of the Deep Bright with the mixed 212. Played with 5 guitars leaving the settings alone (after my tweaks) and all of them sounded different but phenomenal. Great work with this profiles. Looking forward to get time with the other 5 packs !

    PS: any plan to issue an LP pack of your old Twin one? Specially the Hot one 😍

    Thank you sir! Made my day reading that!

    I have a Twin in the works now actually, so yes! :)

  • Get to play with the Marshalls today (JTM, JCM and SL) and they are also great. Note to everyone: these are liquid profiles, use the controls. The start settings are the same for all profiles (and therefore they sound pretty much the same within the same amp) but you need to treat them as a modeler. The cleans/edge tones on the JTM are just great. Shiva and SLO are planned for tomorrow

    If something is too complicated, then you need to learn it better

  • I'm interested in the Dumble profile, but I don't see any mention of PAB. Are profiles included for it as well?

    I've built many Dumble clones and have yet experience accurate profiles with PAB.

    I saw the sound clips, but the the playing style is not well suited to these amps and therefore doesn't give much information on the accuracy of the profiles. Maybe I'll just buy it and see for myself. I have tried pretty much all the commercial profiles and none have really nailed that sound.