Tape Emulation in Kemper ?

  • Hey all !

    Am curious .... the Helix has a "Retro Reel" Analogue Tape Machine Emulation 15ips / 30ips / Wow / Flutter etc.... .... is there such a thing in the Kemper (?) -or- if not, is there a way to do it (?)



  • actually wow,flutter and grit are the standard parameters in any of the Profiler delay types

     Grit

    The Grit parameter adds a typical tape distortion to the delay signal. At lower values, the tape bias is reduced, creating a brittle sound. At higher values, the signal becomes noticeably compressed by the limited headroom of the tape. In the upper quarter of the Grit control, the input level is boosted to push the distortion even more. You can further control and tame the sound of the distortion by using the High Cut and Low Cut parameters. Use the Cut More switch to cut the edges of the sound further.

     Flutter Intensity & Flutter Rate

    These parameters control the typical wow & flutter effect of a tape delay. The speed of the tape passing the recording and playback heads, of a tape delay varies randomly due to several mechanical reasons such as tape wearing. This results in both slow and fast pitch deviations of the delayed signal. Flutter Rate varies the overall speed of these random deviations. Lower values produce more "wow”, while higher values pronounce the "flutter”. Use the Flutter Intensity to adjust the strength of the deviations to your liking.

  • actually wow,flutter and grit are the standard parameters in any of the Profiler delay types

     Grit

    The Grit parameter adds a typical tape distortion to the delay signal. At lower values, the tape bias is reduced, creating a brittle sound. At higher values, the signal becomes noticeably compressed by the limited headroom of the tape. In the upper quarter of the Grit control, the input level is boosted to push the distortion even more. You can further control and tame the sound of the distortion by using the High Cut and Low Cut parameters. Use the Cut More switch to cut the edges of the sound further.

     Flutter Intensity & Flutter Rate

    These parameters control the typical wow & flutter effect of a tape delay. The speed of the tape passing the recording and playback heads, of a tape delay varies randomly due to several mechanical reasons such as tape wearing. This results in both slow and fast pitch deviations of the delayed signal. Flutter Rate varies the overall speed of these random deviations. Lower values produce more "wow”, while higher values pronounce the "flutter”. Use the Flutter Intensity to adjust the strength of the deviations to your liking.

    Thanks ! Great to know. That should do the trick !

    I've been out of the "Kemper-Verse" for many years but ... so far .... everything I'm hearing and reading and seeing about Liquid Profiles feels like the Gravity is "pulling me irreversibly back in" :)

    One last off-topic question if I may.

    => I seem to have a vague memory that there may have been (?) a FW some time ago that allowed you to put any Effect into any of the 4 x Pre Slots and any of the 4 x Post Slots (?)

    Is my recollection about this correct (?) -or- are there still some limitations about which Effect can go into which Pre and/or Post Slot (?)

    Many thanks again,


  • generally speaking you can put any effect into any slot but for certain effect types it only makes sense to put them into certain slots. F.e. it would be pointless to place any of the stereo widener effects into the stomps since these are all mono anyway.

  • Is my recollection about this correct (?) -or- are there still some limitations about which Effect can go into which Pre and/or Post Slot (?)

    Many thanks again,


    In addition to what Support said, not only can you put anything anywhere now but the final two slots Delay and Rev can now be routed in series or parallel regardless of which effect are in them. 😎

  • generally speaking you can put any effect into any slot but for certain effect types it only makes sense to put them into certain slots. F.e. it would be pointless to place any of the stereo widener effects into the stomps since these are all mono anyway.

    In addition to what Support said, not only can you put anything anywhere now but the final two slots Delay and Rev can no be routed in series or parallel regardless of which effect are in them. 😎

    Sorry ... one *last* off-topic question.

    Again from memory, last time I had a Kemper, the Cab Block didn't have traditional "High and Low Cuts" ... they were termed something else (?)

    Are they still named that way ? and if so, do they work the same as a traditional Cab Block High and Low Cut or are they different / better than traditional High and Low Cuts (?)

    Many thanks again,


  • You mean the the hi and Lo shift in the cab section? then yes nothing has changed. I personally don’t see a reason to change.

    Just do it Ben you know you want to ^^

    New talent management advice to Laura Cox -

    “Laura want to break the internet? let’s shoot another video of you covering the Nightrain solo in the blue singlet, but this time we’ll crank up the air conditioning”.

  • FWIW

    'For example, a 15 IPS (inches per second) tape speed would result in a delay somewhere in the 125 to 175 milliseconds range (it would be different with different models of tape machines because the gap between the heads was different for each), while it would be double that, or around 250 to 350 milliseconds at 7 1/2 IPS.'

    - source: https://bobbyowsinskiblog.com/inside-look-tape-delay/

  • Go to the Kemper home page, support, manuals and download the latest addendum. It will read down new features that have come out with each release, which reads from the newest to the oldest releases. It will catch you up.

  • Universal Audio has two native tape emulation plugins, the Oxide and Studer A800. The Oxide is a basic, easy to use tape recorder with only a few adjustable parameters. The A800 is a full reproduction of the entire multitrack recorder with tape type, speed, etc., available for tweaking. There are also UAD2 versions of the plugins for ultra low latency while tracking through a UA Apollo.

    I use a lot of my UAD2 plugins with my Apollo X6 with my Kemper rack. The two make a killer combination.

  • actually wow,flutter and grit are the standard parameters in any of the Profiler delay types

     Grit

    The Grit parameter adds a typical tape distortion to the delay signal. At lower values, the tape bias is reduced, creating a brittle sound. At higher values, the signal becomes noticeably compressed by the limited headroom of the tape. In the upper quarter of the Grit control, the input level is boosted to push the distortion even more. You can further control and tame the sound of the distortion by using the High Cut and Low Cut parameters. Use the Cut More switch to cut the edges of the sound further.

     Flutter Intensity & Flutter Rate

    These parameters control the typical wow & flutter effect of a tape delay. The speed of the tape passing the recording and playback heads, of a tape delay varies randomly due to several mechanical reasons such as tape wearing. This results in both slow and fast pitch deviations of the delayed signal. Flutter Rate varies the overall speed of these random deviations. Lower values produce more "wow”, while higher values pronounce the "flutter”. Use the Flutter Intensity to adjust the strength of the deviations to your liking.


    'For example, a 15 IPS (inches per second) tape speed would result in a delay somewhere in the 125 to 175 milliseconds range (it would be different with different models of tape machines because the gap between the heads was different for each), while it would be double that, or around 250 to 350 milliseconds at 7 1/2 IPS.'

    - source: https://bobbyowsinskiblog.com/inside-look-tape-delay/

    Well .... I'm back in ! :) .... picked up my Stage a few hours ago :)

    The effects are a whole new universe compared to my last KPA which was FW 3.x or 4.x or thereabouts.

    Just a quick follow up re: Tape Emulation.

    In my "other" modeler ... I much preferred the 30 ips setting with just a minimal touch Wow and Flutter.

    Just wondering, is there a particular / specific Delay you would suggest to mess with to get me closest to a 30 ips Tape Emulation (?)

    Many thanks again,


  • Well .... I'm back in ! :) .... picked up my Stage a few hours ago :)

    The effects are a whole new universe

    nice :)
    and thank you

    Just wondering, is there a particular / specific Delay you would suggest to mess with to get me closest to a 30 ips Tape Emulation (?)

    The Delays are somewhat flexible, I'd suggest to keep things simple and start with the Single Delay with roughly 60ms - 90ms delay time, use the Flutter parameters and Grit to your liking and apply a bit of High Cut.

  • The Gravitational force that is C.K's genius has officially pulled me back in :) .... picked it up a few hours ago :)


    Welcome back brother, plenty of new wonderful things to explore 🤛

    New talent management advice to Laura Cox -

    “Laura want to break the internet? let’s shoot another video of you covering the Nightrain solo in the blue singlet, but this time we’ll crank up the air conditioning”.

  • you could try the tape delay with mix set to wet and delay and feedback set to zero.

    nice :)
    and thank you

    The Delays are somewhat flexible, I'd suggest to keep things simple and start with the Single Delay with roughly 60ms - 90ms delay time, use the Flutter parameters and Grit to your liking and apply a bit of High Cut.

    In the spirit of sharing and helping out where I can ...... as a direct result of your detailed help the following "Single Delay" does and sounds *exactly* the same as my favorite setting in the "Retro Reel" in my other modeler.

    Just adjust the Lo / Hi Cuts to taste.

    B.T.W ... I've only been messing around for a couple of hours so its very early days .... first things I did was to delete everything in the Stage when I got it and only load the 3 x Liquid Profiling Packs and *not* use or load any external IR's .... in short .... the LP'ing sounds, feels, and dynamically responds *nothing* like when I had the Kemper last time .. no need for EQ's and filters or cuts pre and post the Amp .... just tweak the amp .... add and tweak a drive ... adjust the Cab Hi/Lo Freq as needed ... done ... I am genuinely more impressed than I thought I would be ... and the cherry on top (?) I don't know if its got to do with LP'ing ..... or maybe it has been addressed in prior FW's ..... but the "old" Kemper "compressed-mid-range-bump-signature-tone" which contributed to me selling last time is nowhere to be heard !

    This could easily have been a new Kemper MKII.

    Even as I had and used an FM3, and up until now a Helix with a Tonex in the Loop .... I always knew C.K was a bit of a "crazy genius" <= in the best possible way :) .... but he has knocked this out of the park !

    Many thanks again,


    Edited 2 times, last by benifin (August 18, 2023 at 3:16 PM).