WTF is up with all the Software Errors?

  • Like the auto mechanic reading the notes:

    Customer states: There's a squeak when driving over a bumps.

    If you can't even positively identify the problem....what would you like the tech to do about it?

    My favorite story about this, which is allegedly a true story, was a guy who told his mechanic that if he went to the store to buy chocolate ice cream, when he went back to his car it wouldn't start. However, if he bought vanilla or strawberry, the car started just fine. Of course, they laughed him out of the shop.

    He wrote letters to GM and other such stuff but ultimately it came down to this. Because chocolate was the store's most popular flavor, they put it on display in the front of the store (it was a big store). Other flavors were at the back corner, about as far from the door as you can get. The car had a problem with "vapor lock," which will resolve itself after sitting for a while. The extra time it took to go to the back of the store allowed things to resolve, and his car started.

    So it turns out he wasn't crazy after all, but it's easy to understand the mechanics thinking otherwise.

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10

  • Quote: “Because chocolate was the store's most popular flavor, they put it on display in the front of the store (it was a big store). Other flavors were at the back corner, about as far from the door as you can get. The car had a problem with "vapor lock," which will resolve itself after sitting for a while. The extra time it took to go to the back of the store allowed things to resolve, and his car started. So, it turns out he wasn't crazy after all, but it's easy to understand the mechanics thinking otherwise.”

    A great story. Brilliant. Love it!

    And a terrific example of how we human beings are instinctively predisposed to think, view and interpret life, absolutely in terms of cause and effect.

    Backing up a few decades, the motor industry had a great deal of problems where car owners would attempt to explain the issues they were having with the products they had newly purchased, only to find themselves subjected to a similarly less than sympathetic reception.

    Eventually, major automotive manufacturers realised these negative consumer/dealer interactions involving customers who had paid a high price for their newly purchase pride and joy, was causing them a huge amount of reputational damage. Resulting in the financial loss of brand loyalty and repeat sales.

    Their response was to develop a new, very well-educated, highly trained breed of engineers to inhabit service receptions and be the first point of contact and interact with consumers. These individuals had a tremendous depth of background in automotive engineering, kept their mouths shut and their ears open, listened carefully to consumers with product issues; and were able to interpret what the customer was telling them, into a faithful diagnosis from an engineering viewpoint for the mechanics.

    A great public relations exercise.

    I live in a region where most of the Formula 1 racing cars are designed, and so get to know and meet the people that design and build these products and also occasionally, meet the drivers that race them and their engineers.

    In my experience the very best drivers usually start out as youngers driving go karts. That particular sport involves the driver learning for themselves what adjustments and changes they need to make on their go kart for any particular race track, to optimise its performance and make it fully competitive.

    As they grow over time through the various ranks of various racing sport Formulas, the abilities they learnt for themselves as to the adjustments that will be required to optimise their vehicle. Enables them to be able to properly analyse and interpret issues they have with their now far more advanced vehicles; and most accurately inform the race engineers of the changes that will be required to fully optimise the performance of their Formula 1 vehicle.

    Of course, the engineers also have a great deal of telemetric data from the sensors on the vehicles. But the first-hand knowledge and experience of a driver, who learnt most of the underlying basic principles for themselves on go karts; usually gives the engineers the most clear and direct feedback to enable them to properly interpret the absolute plethora of information at their disposal most successfully. Perhaps the supreme examples of such drivers are Michael Schumacher and Lewis Hamilton, multiple Grand Prix Champions.

    The owner of the Formula 1 team lived in the same city as me.

    He played the drums and whenever his team lost, he would go home and thrash away on his kit beating his frustrations out on it with merciless fervour for a while.

    His team had a complex issue where they were unable to receive the telemetric date from their cars sensors, that was putting them at a distinct disadvantage to their rivals.

    A company I had “an interest” in, owned a specialised, large Anechoic Chamber so we allowed him to bring their Formula 1 racing car into it so we could analyse what on the car (and where) was causing the interruption to the transmission of the telemetry data, leaving them in the dark as it were.

    As I recall, close to the transmission device there was some parts of the vehicle generating electro magnetic interference. Once that was detected (which you need a specialised chamber to be able do) then they were able to take steps to rectify the problem, change things about and were subsequently able to clearly receive the data transmissions from the vehicle.

    Suddenly their racing performance out on the track improved enormously.

    The salient point is, whether it’s a typical consumer vehicle, a Formula 1 racing car, or even a doctor in general practice with a patient.

    The abilities to first communicate and listen, properly understanding the issue involved; and then to correctly analyse and properly interpret accurate information, is a cardinal key to successful resolution.

    In this respect, initial and accurate information gathering is extremely important.

    All too often, individuals and consumers give sparse oddments of poorly collated detail as best as they can recall them.

    Forgetfully omitting obvious necessary, relevant information like Operating System Data of both their device and their computer alike.

    And somehow expect a moderator or service ticket tech to instantly be miraculously enabled make sense of their car crash of scrappy information.

    Furthermore, often entirely disregarding the self-induced, impatient user errors, that create issues where none exist. Speedily flitting between settings without allowing the time required to enact the change, signalled three steps earlier, from what the user is now attempting. 😊

    Easier to blame the device or call for an update or a new model altogether!

  • Most of the few issues I've had were because I wasn't paying attention to what was active or was just going too fast. Most of the time it will work fast but sometimes it can get behind for some reason if you do. For me, paying attention is key to everything working as it should. I've made sure I'm equally competent in editing both on the unit and RM. At first I mainly used RM, then out at a gig I was a bit out of the water so I started using the unit more. Both are pretty easy but my favorite is using RM of course.

  • My good friend and I both have Kempers (4-5 years now) and absolutely love them. Rig Manager is horrible. Sooo buggy. Its too bad. We both hate it. Same problems. Same issues whether I use my Mac or Windows Laptop. Maybe its the firmware then. Today, I could not for the life of me move performances from LOCAL to MyProfiler. Finally I got 1 performance to copy over. It showed up on the profiler, I rebooted. Nope - not there.

    I intialized ALL my performances on MyProfiler. Only half worked. After reboot they were still there, but now I could no longer see them in Rig Manager.

    So frustrating.

  • My good friend and I both have Kempers (4-5 years now) and absolutely love them. Rig Manager is horrible. Sooo buggy. Its too bad. We both hate it. Same problems. Same issues whether I use my Mac or Windows Laptop. Maybe its the firmware then. Today, I could not for the life of me move performances from LOCAL to MyProfiler. Finally I got 1 performance to copy over. It showed up on the profiler, I rebooted. Nope - not there.

    I intialized ALL my performances on MyProfiler. Only half worked. After reboot they were still there, but now I could no longer see them in Rig Manager.

    So frustrating.

    This sounds pretty weird. I dont use performances so I cant say it works for me. Profile editing works all the time.

    I have seen many PCs that have USB 3.0 ports that dont run correctly with 2.0.
    I think Kemper also suggests connecting the Kemper directly to the PC in use. No hubs, etc.

    PS: If you ever run into a person who created USB 3.0, kick them square in the junk for me.

  • This sounds pretty weird. I dont use performances so I cant say it works for me. Profile editing works all the time.

    I have seen many PCs that have USB 3.0 ports that dont run correctly with 2.0.
    I think Kemper also suggests connecting the Kemper directly to the PC in use. No hubs, etc.

    PS: If you ever run into a person who created USB 3.0, kick them square in the junk for me.

    Its been 4 yrs of weird hahaha. I mostly only use it to create setlists for gigs (using Performances). Maybe its just the performances and updating/communicating to the profiler is the issue, or an issue on the firmware side. And its not just me, my buddy has the same issues, so its not my Kemper either. I have both a Mac and Windows laptop, and have issues on both (Mac more to be honest). Everything else I do on the profiler itself. Even yesterday I couldn't drag and drop the performances from local to MyProfiler. That used to work.... I don't know what happened. I gave up after an hour of screwing around. Will try again over the weekend.

  • The point is, there is a lot of gray area. RM is Kemper's creation and they are ultimately responsible for how it works or fails. They could for instance make it open source and abdicate all responsibility for resolving issues.

    This is true, however, they are not responsible for any crap you load on your computer that may cause conflicts with their software. 99% of the time when people tell me a piece of software is not working correctly it is usually something on their machine that they loaded of a computer that is so old that it can't support the software in the first place. I'm an IT professional and see it all the time. Hell, there was a guy on FB asking Kemper to develop Rig Manger for Windows 7!

  • I’ve never had any major issues that I can remember tbh, but since this last update, this is happening:

    At first I thought it was a one off, but now it’s happening every time I turn on and way too many times while I’m using the profiler and selecting different profiles from the rig manager, the only thing I can do to stop it happening is switching to browser mode then back to performance mode, and sometimes it has to be done more than once in order to continue.

    "Music makes the world a better place. Music doesn't lie. If there is something to be changed in this world, then it can only happen through music."

    Jimi Hendrix.

  • Is the PROFILER really up and running and for example responsive to front panel activities?

    Your video always shows the chickenhead positioned in Performance Mode but never the display or anything else.

    I the PRPFILER is somehow "dead" the interaction with Rig Manager cannot work.

  • Why would it be dead? It's happening in the middle of playing and recording with the profiler, yes it is up and running and responsive, I don't understand what other state it would be in? This is happening while I am using it.


    I have found that it does this if I select the tuner from the Kemper remote, when tuner is selected it pops up that message? This has never happened before, only since the latest update?

    "Music makes the world a better place. Music doesn't lie. If there is something to be changed in this world, then it can only happen through music."

    Jimi Hendrix.

    Edited 2 times, last by deangersmith (June 25, 2023 at 8:51 PM).

  • G String December 6, 2023 at 1:19 PM

    Closed the thread.