Sorry but I have to flame a little now.
I and lots of people in Facebook Kemper Groups are experiencing more and more software problems. Especially with Rig Manager.
For example:
I was playing at home. nothing touched. all of a sudden the remote lost connection and shut down. I dis- and reconnected a few times but in the end had to restart the Profiler to get a connection again.
Besides: why is the tap STILL (years and years after many requests on here) not flashing in time and why are some of the leds flashing randomly even though I am connected with the original ethernet cable?
next example:
rig manager crashing and/or losing connection to profiler regularly. WHY???
Now a new error: when trying to copy rigs from the local library to perfomance slots "paste" is not selectable in rig manager. I literally can't add rigs to perfomance slots in RM.
next example:
randomly I can paste rigs to perfomance slots somehow. Set up a complete performance - saved it, turn profiler off. next day, nothing I saved is there but sometimes the older rigs or even random rigs.
next example:
transpose set up in 2 different -2, one -3. trying at home - everything is fine.
at the show: play one song - change perferformance and rig. transpose did not change to -3 even though i tested it a day before.
I could go on...
but seriously Kemper: when is a new Software Core coming? it's been due for so long now. you should get into the Facebook Groups to actually see what we (the users) have to deal with.