Kemper Upkeep + What you bring to gigs

  • Hey everyone,

    I am a new owner of a Kemper Stage and bought it for gigging. I was sick of lugging an amp + pedal board around and the fluctuations in tone when I had to push my amp a bit louder for more volume (Victory Sheriff 22). I'm loving the Stage and it's ideal for gigging and having consistency in tones.

    A couple of quick questions...

    1) What does everyone do for basic upkeep of their Kemper's? What can I do to make sure I keep my Kemper functioning and reliable?

    2) What does everyone bring to gigs? For instance- Spare cables, profiles/performances on a USB stick, contact cleaner etc...

    Cheers everyone!

  • Welcome!

    I have :

    - the latest backup on a USB stick

    - my guitar (maybe a second one in the future)

    - little pedal board with tuner and 2-way switch (I'm using the profiler head, that's why I use the switch)

    - 2 instrument cables, one backup cable, one speaker cable, one TRS-cable for the switch

    - 2 or 3 sets of new strings (and tools for quick change)

    Until today i had no problems and didn't need the backup. Every error I had was a user error in the end.

    My personal advice: get a nice and safe bag/case for traveling.

    In the end I'm travelling with a guitar bag, a very small pedal board bag and the profiler-bag. That's as small as I can get at the moment.

  • I just take the Kemper and remote in the Kemper bag with a backup usb and guitar stand, cable and spare strings in the guitar gig bag. One trip to the car, my dream setup.

    A brace of Suhrs, a Charvel, a toaster, an Apollo twin, a Mac, and a DXR10

  • I have a powered rack, remote and Kabinet.

    To answer your questions:

    1) Upkeep - just upgrade to the latest versions. No other upkeep.

    2) I take my rack, remote, guitar lead as backup for my wireless, sans amp as a back up and my guitars. I take my Kabinet but using it less and less as mainly using the in house monitors. That's it. In 8 years, never used any backup ( I should take a USB backup, that is wise!)

  • I second the backup on a USB stick. Make sure you have at least one rehearsal at gig volume to final tweak if needed.

    Nothing else for me other than having a crude backup option with my TC Helicon vocal and guitar processor. Since I run into that anyway to read the guitar signal and provide the right vocal harmonies for the key.

  • Sounds like Kemper products are pretty reliable and don't really require too much upkeep besides software updates. My first Kemper Stage bricked and the issue couldn't be resolved by the Support team, all the troubleshooting didn't fix the issue but it was eventually replaced by the store I purchased it from (Pedal Empire in Brisbane, Australia. Absolute legends)

    I might start taking a USB with the performances stored just in case. Now I just need to figure out how to mount it to my Pedal Train properly without blocking the vent at the bottom.