Kone "Full-Range Mode" and Cabinet section off

  • Why does a profile with deactivated Cabinet sounds differently from an acticvated Cabinet with an imprint "Full-Range Mode"? I understood the manual that in both cases the Kone should be in the same state.

    Where in the Main Manual 8.5 you have seen that both cases are the same? My understanding is that Cabinet must be activated and status of Monitor Cab Off switch frfr an imprint mode.

    Edited once, last by vjelen (November 11, 2022 at 11:54 AM).

  • If you switch off the CAB module you hear no cabinet at all, you just hear the amp. And this applies to all outputs of the PROFILER

    If you activate the CAB module and activate KEMPER Kone Mode on you have the choice between

    a. full-range mode (Monitor Cab. Off inactive)

    This means the KEMPER Kone itself is sound neutral and just transmits the cabinet PROFILE as is. The cabinet sound changes from Rig to Rig as each Rig includes its specific cabinet PROFILE.

    b. Speaker Imprint mode (Monitor Cab. Off active)

    This means the KEMPER Kone emulates a specific guitar chassis e.g. Celestion Vintage 30. This selection is global. Regardless which Rig you load, the KEMPER Kone doesn't sound like the cabinet PROFILE in the Rig but as a Vintage 30 instead. Exception: In this mode you have the choice to overwrite the global Imprint Selection with a local Imprint selection in the cabinet module. This way you could for example configure a Rig for your acoustic guitar and run KEMPER Kone in full-range mode and not as a Celestion Vintage 30.

    Be Aware: All these possibilities of KEMPER Kone Mode only apply to the MONITOR OUT or SPEAKER OUT of powered PROFILER models!

  • Thank you both for your answers. Burkhard, what puzzles me, is that when CAB module is switched off, the monitor doesn‘t sound like „b.“ with „Full-Range Mode“ selected as imprint, but very crisp with lots of high frequencies. Kone is on in both cases. Maybe, the Kone without CAB module is „running wild“, without any imprint?

    Edited once, last by muelle00 (November 11, 2022 at 6:09 PM).

  • Thank you both for your answers. Burkhard, what puzzles me, is that when CAB module is switched off, the monitor doesn‘t sound like „b.“ with „Full-Range Mode“ selected as imprint, but very crisp with lots of high frequencies. Kone is on in both cases. Maybe, the Kone without CAB module is „running wild“, without any imprint?

    as Kellerblues said, the key is the distinction between Monitor Cab Off and the Cab module in the Stack section. If you turn the Cab module off you get a profile of an amp with no speaker attached. This will always be bright and hard especially if there is any distortion. High gain sounds with the Cab off will sound like angry wasps in a jam jar. It sounds like the profiler is performing as expected.