MIDI out in Browse mode.

  • I think browse mode is primarily for browsing and auditioning rigs Using the front panel controls or the remote, as well as for people who want to use midi PC changes to change rigs using a third-party MIDI controller, but don’t need the additional capabilities that are built into performance mode

    Still a baffling limitation IMO. While i prefer performance mode i can certainly understand anyone wanting to use browse mode. And why on earth make the kemper less usable for people who don’t like the footcontroller (me being one of them).

    And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

  • The PROFILER is functional with universal MIDI foot controllers in Browser Mode (and Performance Mode). If you prefer such a MIDI device, wouldn't you use it to control all your gear e.g. by sending different comands on different MIDI channels? Why would you want to use the PROFILER as a "middle man"?

  • The PROFILER is functional with universal MIDI foot controllers in Browser Mode (and Performance Mode). If you prefer such a MIDI device, wouldn't you use it to control all your gear e.g. by sending different comands on different MIDI channels? Why would you want to use the PROFILER as a "middle man"?

    That’s easy. To have all mapping done on one device.

    And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

  • but wouldn’t the single device doing the mapping be the midi controller? I know that when I was using the RJM Mastermind I did all the mapping in my old pedalboard from the Mastermind.

    Certainly no way to do that on my fc200.

    But it’s no biggie for me. I have had midi hack devices built for my special needs. Some of which are so special, that no device i know of is able to do them, so i don’t expect the kemper to do them either. That would be unreasonable. But regular mapping would be nice for those that need it. I am not one of them. I was just showing my support for a request, even if i don’t personally need it, i can imagine some people would.

    And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

    Edited 2 times, last by Kim_Olesen (March 23, 2022 at 9:24 PM).

  • Honestly I think, you have chosen the wrong MIDI footcontroller for the intended purpose: controlling multiple devices. Many universal MIDI foot controllers are designed for that exact purpose. Why should the PROFILER compensate the shortcomings of your selected universal MIDI footcontroller?

  • Honestly I think, you have chosen the wrong MIDI footcontroller for the intended purpose: controlling multiple devices. Many universal MIDI foot controllers are designed for that exact purpose. Why should the PROFILER compensate the shortcomings of your selected universal MIDI footcontroller?

    I think i wrote “no biggie for me”. I just wrote in support of a request that I think would be useful for others. And really, even my Marshall jmp1 preamp could do midi mapping. And all it had was browse mode.

    So i think i learned one thing though. Not to participate in threads about feature requests. Because my requests are always wrong or annoys the team.

    And anyway, i can (and have) live with the kemper just as it is.

    And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

    Edited once, last by Kim_Olesen (March 24, 2022 at 9:37 PM).