Powered head and floor version compatibility

  • So I've been using my Kemper for a few years now very successfully and it works perfectly within the context of my current country/pop/rock band where things are about polished production and making sure the singer sounds her best. Not to say that I sometimes don't miss my Boogie rig to the side of me (still have it all) but it's just so much easier, predictable - and lighter. And it supports my acoustic guitar in a great way also. One signal to FOH and done.

    Now, it's starting to act up a bit lately and doesn't always power up all the way. Could be something with the connection to the remote. So I think it needs to go in for service.

    That said, I think it's time for a backup. The Stage comes to mind given the form factor. I rarely use the power amp section TBH, so I'd be ok either way.

    Question: I know there are some slight differences in the software. How easy is it to keep a head and Stage in sync? Can I use a backup on a USB stick form the head and just upload it to the Stage? What would be different and needs manual tweaking?

  • Hi, 7ender.

    Backup/Restore To different Profiler

    The OS is not included in backups. Otherwise, you could never use backups across software revisions. Just data and settings are included. Backups are always upward compatible. As written in the Main Manual you can share backups between Stage and other models and this worked since day one. You just need to be aware, that the hardware architecture differs in a few areas, which requires a few decisions:

    • The Stage has no MIDI THRU.
    • Its MONITOR OUT is stereo by design, while it is optionally stereo at other models.
    • The Stage supports two effect loops.
    • Its PEDAL sockets 1-4 don't match the PEDAL sockets of other models 1+2 plus Remote 3-6.

    If you are using these features you might need to take a few decisions and adjust those settings, because these cannot be migrated automatically.

    Source: Burkhard

    The configuration of sockets PEDAL 1 and 2 do actually map in both directions (classical PROFILER => Stage and vice verse)!
    Configuration of PEDAL sockets 3-6 (Remote) are not mapped to the Stage. And configuration PEDAL 3 and 4 of the Stage are not mapped to the Remote. But all these are maintained and coexist in the backups.
    So you could restore your Head's backup on the Stage.
    Then on the Stage you need to configure its PEDAL 3 and 4 as needed.
    If you then create a backup on the Stage and restore on the Head, both units hold the complete set of socket configurations.
    Future backups can now be exchanged in both directions and the pedal configurations will stick.

    Source: Burkhard

  • So I've been using my Kemper for a few years now very successfully and it works perfectly within the context of my current country/pop/rock band where things are about polished production and making sure the singer sounds her best. Not to say that I sometimes don't miss my Boogie rig to the side of me (still have it all) but it's just so much easier, predictable - and lighter. And it supports my acoustic guitar in a great way also. One signal to FOH and done.

    Now, it's starting to act up a bit lately and doesn't always power up all the way. Could be something with the connection to the remote. So I think it needs to go in for service.

    That said, I think it's time for a backup. The Stage comes to mind given the form factor. I rarely use the power amp section TBH, so I'd be ok either way.

    Question: I know there are some slight differences in the software. How easy is it to keep a head and Stage in sync? Can I use a backup on a USB stick form the head and just upload it to the Stage? What would be different and needs manual tweaking?

    In summary, although there are some differences between the 2 devices, its minor so keeping them synced should be easy enough.

    Going back to your original point, when you say doesn't power up fully, do you mean the profiler? The remote should not impact this and easy to prove by booting up without it.

    If you mean the remote doesn't boot up then 90% sure its the connection on the back of the profiler. I have recently had this issue and I have to "jiggle" it every so often as its now loose ( why on earth did I ever disconnect it as it was working perfectly for 6 years!!!). That is a hardware fix.

    Contact support and they can help clarify it.

  • No, I was specifically referring to the PROFILER Stage.

    The Stage has a dedicated physical stereo MONITOR OUT, which you can use for mono.

    Head and Rack models have a dedicated physical mono MONITOR OUT, which can optinally be paired with the DIRECT OUT to deliver stereo.