Still not there!

  • Hey Guys,

    A couple of updates.

    I am now using a profile JCM900 that I did 2 weeks ago.

    Now it does sound much closer to my tone.

    But I am still missing something.

    I use a USA Strat Deluxe with N3 pickups.

    Using a valve amp, I could play a G Bare Chord and it would just start to sustain, if I let it.

    Now It just dies.

    I am playing at the same volume, last night it was -11.5db.

    I did increase the gain, it did help a bit.

    I removed the Kemper compressor, which also didn't help.

    I added a soft shaper, but didn't use it last night, as I don't like the flavour it adds.

    I was definitely sounding better.

    But what am I missing.

    Anyone go through this, or is the Kemper just not for me?

  • Do you use the input noise gate at all?

    No, I tend to use the Stomp gate as I prefer it. Hence I said try without just as a test to narrow it down.

    The input one I think is a closer to a regular gate and the stomp one closer to a smart gate.

    You have to be careful how you use noise gates anyway because obviously as a note drops away, the gate can shut it off if the threshold is set too high. I definitely think that's a strong candidate for the issue :)

  • The front panel NOISE GATE is a 'smart' gate:

    "NOISE GATE Knob

    This knob controls the Noise Gate, which eliminates the noise and hum of your guitar in a very smart way. Turn the NOISE GATE knob to the right until noise and hum have disappeared; do not turn it beyond that point, as this might alter the sound of your guitar. When set to the appropriate position, you will notice that noise and hum are eliminated, even when the strings are still sounding. There is no need for an additional release control as found in classic noise gates."

    The STOMP Noise Gates are conventional downward expanders.

  • The front panel NOISE GATE is a 'smart' gate:

    "NOISE GATE Knob

    This knob controls the Noise Gate, which eliminates the noise and hum of your guitar in a very smart way. Turn the NOISE GATE knob to the right until noise and hum have disappeared; do not turn it beyond that point, as this might alter the sound of your guitar. When set to the appropriate position, you will notice that noise and hum are eliminated, even when the strings are still sounding. There is no need for an additional release control as found in classic noise gates."

    The STOMP Noise Gates are conventional downward expanders.

    Thanks Don, I thought I might have got it wrong :)

  • ...

    I honestly have no issue with sustain, so pretty sure its something in the set up.

    I totally 110% agree. In fact, sometimes I have too much sustain and have to kill it with my hands.

    OP, could try turning everything off including amp and cab, play a chord, and see how long it rings out - even get someone to time it with your phone's stopwatch and compare different guitars, or track the soundwaves in DAW.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • Update.

    Spent the morning testing.

    Input gate set to 0 - sustain is back at a relativity low volume.

    Put it back to 5 and sustain gone.

    So what do you guys use when you are playing loud with a super gained up sound?

    Then go to solo and push more gain.

    Do you still use no noise gate??

    I just need to be prepared for when we rehearse next.

  • I also meant to ask.

    Does anyone use pedals with the Kemper.

    I tried just my compressor, but it was just too noisey.

    I think I will try my pedalboard.

    Not use any Kemper effects at all and see if it sounds good.

    I think that is part of my problem.

    I'm not getting the same tone from my Kemper, because I've had to find a Kemper effect that is close to the pedal I own.

    Some are very close, but some, well not.

    Would good to hear what you guys find that work and what doesn't.


    Edited once, last by Gezza (January 22, 2022 at 2:34 AM).

  • You can either lock the input section and have the settings applied globally to all rigs or unlock it and save it on a rig by rig basis. In your case I would probably leave it unlocked and bump up the gate just enough to stomp the noise on each profile and save that setting as part of the rig.