The Kemper Foot Controller: Evolution

  • Here is how to have one pedal for Wah, Pitch, and Whammy (from the Reference Manual). From reading this, though, the volume pedal cannot be active in a rig with active whammy or pitch. So, you will either need to use a second pedal, just for volume, or more than five rigs.

    If you do not want to bring three pedals to a gig, but would still like to benefit from all these features, you can link the pedal nodes to suit your setup. You will find two simple soft buttons in the System Menu on the page “MIDI Settings’.

    If you don’t use a volume pedal very often, press “Volume Pedal to Wah”. Now, when a Wah effect is active on the current rig, the wah pedal will act as expected, and a volume pedal function will not be available.

    However, in any rig without an active Wah effect, volume can now be controlled by the wah pedal. Even when a Wah effect is active, but has Pedal Mode set to “Off” or “Touch”, the volume pedal link will still be in operation.

    The PROFILER automatically prevents volume dips when switching from a “Wah pedal” rig to a “Volume pedal” rig, so you will need to reset the pedal after the rig change by first pressing it to toe position. Once you have done this, you will be able to smoothly fade the volume back to where you want it.

    Likewise, you can link the pitch pedal to the wah effects by selecting “Pitch Pedal to Wah”. In contrast to the volume pedal, you must first reset the pitch pedal by pressing it to heel position after a rig change.

    The link settings are global, so you don’t have to reprogram your rigs individually. You can decide spontaneously, from gig to gig, how many pedals you want to bring with you. The appropriate settings are done in seconds.

    It is even possible to link both pedals to the wah pedal. In this case, the volume pedal has the lowest priority: active wah or pitch pedal beats the volume pedal.

    Note: once the Volume pedal or Pitch pedal is linked to the wah pedal, they cannot be accessed by their respective midi controllers or pedal input destinations.

    Note: we do not support the swapping of pedal functions by switching a Wah effect on and off, as this would cause problems.

    Besides, you’ll get a better result by selecting one of our dedicated pedal modes that automatically activate the Wah effect as soon as you move the wah pedal.


    So, they DON'T support swapping Wah/Pitch/Volume function by pressing switches. But, setting the wah to automatically come on when you move the pedal IS supported.

  • here's some info for you on the four pedal input on Remote: pedals and switches can be used with those input. and with the help of a splitter cable, two switches can be connected to one input. In other words, Remote itself can be connected to 8(!) additional switches if required. The assignment works on the pedal/switch inputs on Profiler: in a global fashion.

    Those four build in buttons can be programmed individually for every rig in a performance. One button can change the state of multiple effects at the same time. This way you can switch entire "scenes" if required or just toggle a single effect on and off, depending on your requirements.

    The Quick Start Guide for Profiler Remote can be downloaded here:

    hth, gs

    Link above to other thread with new details from gs.

  • Thanks for the clarifications, Paults.

    Pault, help me out then please as I'd love to have just 1 expression pedal. Mostly in my band I use 5 sounds dirt rhythm, dirt lead, dirt lead with delay, clean and clean with delay. Now when I solo I mostly use wah but occasionally I do that volume swelling thing with the vol pedal and I'd like to start using whammy never have before, so what would be the best way to set this all up so I could use all 3 (not at the same time) with just turning the switches I-IV on and off. I'm trying to get my head round it

    Raoul, I did this with a regular midi controller yesterday and it should be quite simple. You can set up a pitch pedal in slot A and a wah pedal in slot B. Now to activate slot A, you need to send a 1 command to CC#17, to turn it off 0 on the same CC number. Slot B is the same with CC#18.

    With my controller, it automatically sends a 0 command when you switch off a pedal by stepping on it again. This way, I was able to turn on wah functionality, pitch shifter functionality or turn them both off to get volume functionality all within the same performance/'profile.

    Things will naturally be simpler on the Remote, since you don't have to worry so much about all the midi programming, just hit a button and press the corresponding button on the Remote, etc. ^^

  • Reading the "Remote reference guide" made me smile, its apparent that this is a very thought out foot controller. A "must buy" for the Kemper. I already have ideas of how I am going to set my rigs and effects, dancing in my head.

  • I get that...but that's not what went down when I think I ordered. The payment stuff was in German...I also don't want to get hit with tax and shipping fees after the fact....if there are taxes and shipping costs, that should be shown.

    I just placed my order as well. No shipping or VAT shown either. :thumbup:

    Edited once, last by sb (January 14, 2015 at 6:25 PM).

  • I already ordered yesterday. Around noon, the order button was briefly active and I couldn't contain myself. :D

    Afterwards, I read Burkhardt's announcement telling Early Bird applicants to wait so I started worrying that and contacted the sales helpdesk. They mailed me back this morning (before the official Early Birds email came) saying all orders will be checked against the Early Bird list so I'm fine. :)