The Kemper Foot Controller: Evolution

  • Depends how much it ends up costing. For me though, the switches on the FCB are rubbish. Sticky, spongy, semi-responsive rubbish. I'd MUCH rather have the switches on the Remote. The "wah" on the FCB is definitely handy, though.


  • Depends how much it ends up costing. For me though, the switches on the FCB are rubbish. Sticky, spongy, semi-responsive rubbish. I'd MUCH rather have the switches on the Remote. The "wah" on the FCB is definitely handy, though.


    I did several tours with the FCB UnO4K, no troubles with the switches, worked perfectly. The 2 EXP-pdeals are not the best, but for the low price the FCB is unbeatable.

    Of course the KFC will be better in handling and quality, but you'll need separate EXP-pedals and it will be expensive in the long run (nevertheless I'll buy one...).

    first name: Guenter / family name: Haas /

  • I wonder how the IA buttons will work. There are only four, but there are right slots. How could it be possible to turn all eight on and off?

    8 slots and 4 buttons. There should be a way to program this device and to select which stomps to activate. Do you think there will be an editor?

    Effect buttons I-IIII
    These four buttons can be freely assigned to switch stomps and effects on/off. They can also be used to toggle
    features in certain effects. Their respective assignments are stored per Rig. Each button can be assigned to sev-
    eral stomps and effects, if you wish.
    The first and second assignments are indicated by the four LEDs around each effect button. The color LEDs in
    the upper row reflect the category of stomp/effect, just like the color LEDs on the Profiler’s front panel. They re-
    main unlit, if no effect has been assigned. The LEDs in the lower row indicate whether the respective effect is on
    or off, just like the corresponding stomp and effect buttons on the Profiler’s panel. If three or more effects are as-
    signed to the same Effect Button within a particular Rig, only the first two effects are visualized by these LEDs.
    Assigning switching functions to the Effect Buttons is simple: just press and hold an Effect Button and press
    the desired Module Button, e.g. STOMP A, on the Profiler’s front panel at the same time. Done! It also works the
    other way round: press and hold the Module Button on the Profiler first, then step on the desired Effect Button
    afterwards. The upper left LED of the Effect Button should now reflect the category color of the effect you as-
    signed. Now, you can activate or bypass the selected effect by stepping on the button on your Remote. To undo
    a current assignment, simply perform the same assignment procedure again. To add a second assignment, just
    repeat the process with another stomp or effect on the Front Panel. You will notice the upper right LED now in-
    dicating the color of the second Effect Type. Multiple assignments can be done this way. Don’t forget to store the
    Rig, once you are happy with the assignments and the current on/off states. Whenever you load this Rig later, the
    assignments and the on/off states are recalled just as they were when you stored them. A list of your current as-
    signments gets displayed on the screen so that you don’t lose oversight. On this screen you can also immediately
    delete assignments without having to repeat the whole assignment process.
    Here is an example: imagine you have a distortion in Stomp B, a chorus effect in Effect Modulation, and you want
    to assign both to Effect Button I. Both effects are active at the moment. Press and hold Effect Button I, and press
    the Module Button of Stomp B on the front panel. The upper-left LED of Effect Button I turns red to indicate the
    Distortion Type, and the lower-left LED turns white to show that the effect is active. Now, press and hold Effect
    Button I again, and press the MOD Button on the Profiler’s front panel. The upper-right LED of Effect Button I
    turns blue, reflecting the Chorus Type, and the lower-right LED turns white to show that the effect is active. Now,
    when you step on Effect Button I, both effects will turn on/off simultaneously. These assignments will be lost, if
    you don’t store the current Rig before you load another one.
    Now for another feature, based on the very same assignments: press the Module Button of the distortion stomp.
    It will change its status, while the status of the chorus remains unchanged. Now, when you step on Effect Button
    I, the status of both effects are swapped, and the white LEDs will reflect this accordingly.
    ✔✔By setting the individual status of the Module Buttons that have been assigned to an Effect Button on the
    Remote, you can create individual scenes of effects that are stored and recalled with the Rig.
    In the event that your stage is so huge that your Profiler is miles away from the Remote, you will not be able to
    reach both at the same time. In this case, enter the configuration page in the Rig Menu, select a Stomp or Effect
    Module and use the four soft buttons on that page to complete the assignment. Besides toggling the status of
    stomps and effects, each of the Effect Buttons can also be used to trigger so-called “Action & Freeze” functions,
    for instance “Rotary Speaker (slow/fast)”.
    ✔✔On/off switching cannot be combined with “Action & Freeze” for the same button."

    from the thread:…ters/?pageNo=2&
    [Blocked Image:]

    from ckemper:
    The Remote is coming soon. Register now!

    As you can imagine we expect a very large and immediate demand from
    existing and future Profiler users. Thus we will have a waiting list.

    We give you guys on the forum the opportunity to be early on the list,
    even before we broadcast deeper details about the product.

    Please register by send your name and forum nickname to this email address:

    The registration is non-binding, we will not force you to buy eventually

    Edited once, last by jojo (January 4, 2015 at 6:30 PM).

  • I did several tours with the FCB UnO4K, no troubles with the switches, worked perfectly. The 2 EXP-pdeals are not the best, but for the low price the FCB is unbeatable.

    Of course the KFC will be better in handling and quality, but you'll need separate EXP-pedals and it will be expensive in the long run (nevertheless I'll buy one...).

    Well, I find that with my FCB and Uno4Kemper, hitting two switches in quick succession causes it to 'jam', becoming unresponsive to anything unless you hit one of the two switches you hit previously (it varies which one). I have large feet, so it's not rare for me to accidentally hit two switches at once in the heat of battle. This makes the sticky behaviour very annoying when trying frantically to hit the right switch to unlock the thing again. I'm glad you've had a more successful experience. On the other hand, I've never had a problem with the expression pedals. Despite looking and feeling slightly flimsy, they've not let me down once.


    ps I totally agree that for the price and convenience, the FCB/Uno4Kemper combo is unbeatable. Especially if you do the one cable mod

  • Hahaha not really, but that small "bar" looks either like an elevated display plate or a protective tool for the display. Just makes sense to me :)

    A few months ago, a user had involuntarily hit a combination of buttons that had activated a phrase repeat on his Profiler. So I'd go for your second entry. Just a guess tho.


    Did you mean this post :…blem-with-midi/?

    I must try to send MIDI CC0 1 and 0 to the Kemper on 2.6 firmware.

    Dobra robota skoczy:D

  • Not that this thread really needs much more bloat, but just to add my 2p...

    It's been known for ages that it won't have expression pedals. I personally think that's great because I never use them, and it would bump the prices up. Plus, it's a big mechanical bit that can easily go wrong as it is a moving part and they are the worst. If you decide you want one you can pick the exact one you want and add it at a later date. Job done.

    All prices on here are purely speculation so there's no point anyone getting their knickers in a twist. Or comparing it to a FCB1010 or whatever, different beasts altogether selling to a much much bigger market, built to a quality that is miles off the build of the Profiler itself, which is all we can base the quality of the remote on. Let's just wait and see what happens over the next few weeks.

    Incidentally I've been using an old Boss GT8 as a controller to toggle between 4 rigs, 2 stomps (via external switch going into the Boss) and wah when I first got the KPA, just to try it out. Used they go for under £80 these days, and for most things this is more than adequate for me (probably end up with a remote though ofcourse, mainly due to this thread hyping it so much!) :)

    End of the day, the idea has been knocking around for so long here and people seem to be expecting the world from this thing, without being willing to stump up a fair amount for it. As they say, you pay peanuts you get monkeys...

  • Quote

    Well, we've been knowing this would be the case since day two, TBH

    I hadn't been following the thread, thanks for the info. Has anyone come up with neat ideas for a unit with a couple of expression pedals? I just like the idea of something as compact and easy to assemble / use as possible.


  • you'll need separate EXP-pedals and it will be expensive in the long run (nevertheless I'll buy one...).

    Not sure I follow you here Guenter, I think that having detached pedals will work the other way around, that is the overall Kemper controller will be cheaper in the long run for most users. These the reasons:

    • many users already own some pedals, they will be free to use them w\o paying for inbuilt ones;
    • when\if an inbuilt pedal gets broken, replacing it will on the average be more expensive than just replacing the broken, standalone one;
    • some users don't like the inbuilt pedals supplied with certain pedalboards, and use their own nevertheless, sometimes sawing the original ones away.

    Does this makes sense?


  • Digital rendering and hi-resolution is so 2014...
    Welcome to 2015, the modern age of cutting edge drawing!
    That is what future NAMM teasers are going to look like from companies.
    I can already hear TheGearPage crowd is going bananas and throwing money at their screens, "-I want this now!"

  • Quote

    Not sure I follow you here Guenter, I think that having detached pedals will work the other way around, that is the overall Kemper controller will be cheaper in the long run for most users. These the reasons:
    many users already own some pedals, they will be free to use them w\o paying for inbuilt ones;
    when\if an inbuilt pedal gets broken, replacing it will on the average be more expensive than just replacing the broken, standalone one;
    some users don't like the inbuilt pedals supplied with certain pedalboards, and use their own nevertheless, sometimes sawing the original ones away.

    Reason #4 - you can place the pedals on either side or both sides of the remote, which gives greater flexibility in a pedal board setup. I really like this advantage! :thumbup: