Amp Section EQ Button Question.

  • Hi. Everybody

    since the latest update, on the Kemper, the EQ button in the stack section, switches now the amplifier simultaneously on and off.

    Is it an intention ? Or is it changeable, like in the previous O.S. before ?

  • The reason is: The EQ is now an integral part of the AMP like in the analog world. This change is a strategic design decision setting the base for future functional enhancements. You might have noticed that the Stage has no EQ button. And Rig Manager also has no an EQ module. So, we are consistent.

    If you have a need to use the EQ without an amp you could either use one of the more flexible equalizer types - for acoustic guitar you normally don't occupy all the effect modules for other purposes anyhow. Or you simply create a PROFILE of a cable. The result will be a Direct PROFILE, which you could also store as an amp preset. This way you can use the amp's EQ without any other sound shaping.

  • Ah, ok now we have two buttuns for the same, in the stack section,

    amplifier and the eq butten do the same thing.

    Its a strategic improvement for clumsy folk with big fingers and poor hand to eye coordination like me ?

    The reason is: The EQ is now an integral part of the AMP like in the analog world. This change is a strategic design decision setting the base for future functional enhancements. You might have noticed that the Stage has no EQ button. And Rig Manager also has no an EQ module. So, we are consistent.

    If you have a need to use the EQ without an amp you could either use one of the more flexible equalizer types - for acoustic guitar you normally don't occupy all the effect modules for other purposes anyhow. Or you simply create a PROFILE of a cable. The result will be a Direct PROFILE, which you could also store as an amp preset. This way you can use the amp's EQ without any other sound shaping.

    I understand the desire for consistency but it does seem like a backward step in many ways like removing the Stomp and FX section buttons from RM for classic profiler users. Many users appear to use the EQ button as a quick A/B when tweaking rigs. Start with EQ flat, make a change, turn off EQ to compare with original. Is it better yes/no? Make further changes. A profile of a cable isn’t really the same thing and making multiple snapshots which you need to reload each time is much less user friendly.

  • @wherestheduck

    These decisions had been taken very consciously for good reasons, reviewed, and confirmed by KEMPER management. I explained this already many times to you in this forum. Please accept our position. This thread is related to EQ and not STOMPS nor EFFECTS buttons by the way.

  • Burkhard how would you recommend users who previously used the EQ button as a means of A/B comparing tweaks do this efficiently? This isn't a query about whether to profile a cable to achieve and EQ only option just the most efficient way to revert to an original rig periodically to regain perspective. Often we all make changes to a rig or a mix in a DAW and like it because it is fresh but when we go back to the original it turns out that the changes actually made things worse. I often found myself in this position with the 5 band graphic on my Mesa amps. I would make a change then turn the EQ off to reset my perspective.turn the EQ back on and make more changes. turn it off and recheck the original etc. More often than not I ended up liking the original without the EQ tweaks ?

  • This had also been considered with management. Such an A/B comparison isn't possible by just pushing one button. However, you could create snapshots and compare. That's the domain of snapshots.

    Knowing such a feature from hifi equipment or mixing desks, I'm not aware, that users of guitar tube amplifiers ever made a case for such a bypass switch nor did new Stage users ever raise this as an essential need. We have other plans for the eq.

    Let's agree to disagree and stop running in circles every other week;).

  • With respect, this topic won't go away until someone from Kemper shares those 'other plans'. This aspect of our hardware is currently broken and we'd like to know how and when it will be fixed. Please spell out the unique function that the button is being reserved for. I can't imagine it's a state's a button that's labeled EQ.

    Right now the only apparent explanation is that the Stage doesn't have the button...and that is not a justifiable reason for the change. It's like finding that the door handles on your car no longer work because the maker started building motorcycles.

    Bonus points for avoiding the words 'management' and 'strategic'. :rolleyes:

    This electric phase ain't no teenage craze -UFO

  • With respect, this topic won't go away until someone from Kemper shares those 'other plans'. This aspect of our hardware is currently broken and we'd like to know how and when it will be fixed. Please spell out the unique function that the button is being reserved for. I can't imagine it's a state's a button that's labeled EQ.

    Right now the only apparent explanation is that the Stage doesn't have the button...and that is not a justifiable reason for the change. It's like finding that the door handles on your car no longer work because the maker started building motorcycles.

    Bonus points for avoiding the words 'management' and 'strategic'. :rolleyes:

    While it is certainly frustrating right now, I disagree that the hardware is 'broken'. The change was intentional.

    Why it was made, we don't know and while their intentions are hardly state secrets, like many companies Kemper has always held their upcoming plans close to the vest. They're under no obligation to tell us what they're planning. Besides - plans can and often do change. The EQ button being made redundant is its own example of this. It was the right idea in 2011 when the hardware originally shipped.

    This isn't the first time something on the head/rack has been rendered redundant. Not as obvious - but the second LED for the delay block has been obsolete for several years. Rather than modify the hardware, create an arguable 'version 2', they simply tied it to the first LED and moved on.

    While more obvious, to me this is no different. In truth, I sometimes wondered why the EQ button existed at all.

  • Well, another new version and still no fix for the EQ button.

    Given the lack of additional information on the subject, I can only assume that the 'other plans' story was just put out there to keep people from seeing the change for what it was: they couldn't fit the button on the Stage, so they ripped the functionality out of the toasters. That's just sad.

    This electric phase ain't no teenage craze -UFO

  • I hope that there will be added value to the folks still hanging on their rack units. Stage has wifi, head has not. Why not add value in regard of a second level-EQ for monitoring output only. A kind of quick access or better a split of Amp-EQ that FOH won‘t be affected by that. Just a thought. No function is a no go … hey ho let‘s go …

  • What are the reasons to turn off the stack EQ other than an A/B test as some have stated? I personally have never turned the EQ off, only the amp or cab in some situations.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.